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Lv 6
JOHN D asked in SportsHockey · 1 decade ago

If you were the Bruins management?

Would you trade boychuck the number 2 pick and next years number one to assure you get taylor hall or do you call edmontons bluff and see if they really need that center position filled and select sequin also what would be some thoughts you would have on trying to land Hall and Fowler with the massive amount of 1 and 2 draft picks over the next two drafts and the abundance at the center position?


As any fan you would be crazy to not want talor over anyone in that draft he is a net hawk like I have never seen

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would just be happy with what I get.....But im hoping its Hall... All the can do right now is sit back and what...

    Id keep Savard, Recchi...

    Throw out Stuart, Begin, Thomas....

    ...That would free up a lot of cap space...

    And I would see what UFA are up for grabs.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I wouldn't trade Boychuk at all right now, cheep good defensemen are at a premium. Boychuk seems to have turned the corner, he is a hard hitter too. They have serious cap issues and they need defensemen, the team is built around team defense and they always seem to use 8 or so a season b/c they are always getting hurt...

    Some of their young centers can be moved to wing, Colbourne seems that way.

    Plus a team full of centers isn't so bad, it worked fr Team Canada.

    They want Hall more than Seguin, but hey we'll see what Edmonton does.

    If Tim Thomas can find a trade before tomorrow I'm sure they would like to involve him in a trade fr picks... that's a big if tho.

    The picks aren't all too bad right now, since they have cap issues and they would benefit from a youth movement with entry level contracts.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


    With Horton added to the mix it shouldn't be forgotten that Bergeron played (mostly) right wing the year he scored 31. If you can put lines of

    Lucic - Savard - Bergeron

    Sturm (Suave) - Seguin - Horton

    Wheeler - Krejci - Ryder

    as your first three lines, you've got three right wings who's best years are all 30 a piece, and more depth than any of them has had on the team in their careers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no i wouldnt trade boychuck or 2 draft picks to get taylor hall

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  • 1 decade ago

    If I'm PC, I let Edmonton take Hall, and I will pass on Seguin and take Gudbranson, letting Florida take Seguin.

    Source(s): I'm a Panther fan would you expect me not to answer like that? ^
  • 1 decade ago

    Call the Bluff.

    Edmonton, I believe should and will take Seguin.

  • 1 decade ago

    hell to the no

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