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Lizzy P asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

what does constant deja vu mean for me?

so i usually see something in my head, sometimes when im sleeping but i dont pay close attention to it, but then when it happens in my life i feel like ive already done it or i remember seeing it. what does this mean?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It means your life is where it needs to be.

    Between time and space things are where they need to be.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Many specialists have theorized that deja vu is a glitch interior the right functioning of the innovations and not an prevalence of something paranormal. distinctive factors of the innovations serve distinctive applications. One part of the innovations shops techniques, yet another section analyzes the techniques. the right series of the innovations is for the innovations to acquire new techniques, technique it, then save it. while the innovations "hiccups" it gets techniques and today shops it earlier processing, then a millisecond later while the innovations tries to technique the techniques it searches the information and unearths it already saved inflicting you to think of you have seen that techniques earlier. that's what many experience is the reason of deja vu. With maximum folk goals are very shiny interior the 1st moments upon awakening yet then the information very quickly disappear. the undeniable fact which you're having those occurrences of deja vu often and the nerve-racking nature of your goals ought to point out a subject with the innovations function. Its not as frightening because it sounds although. that is maximum possibly a short lived element triggered via tension or some cutting-edge psychological trauma.

  • Corvus
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    For me, having a deja vu is remembering a feeling with a very distorted visual memory so i would pair it up to the actual moment and think that i have seen this very moment before, when in reality the feeling of the moment is what i have felt before and the image of it is distorted, close yet not identical even though at the moment i would believe it's identical. We are not machines we are prone to confusion and a deja vu is a confusion that is somehow credible.

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