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Being in direct contact with an alien, what would you ask?

Knowing that an alien who came to visit our planet, probably not only will be advanced in his technical knowledge, but also about other fields, especially how to manage life in a more creative way than we do it here on Earth, with all our suffering from disease and our poor state of mind and emotions...

Please be serious about it and ask the question that is the most important for your personal understanding.


I repeat: Please give a serious answer! Don't waste your time and this space with your nonsense answers or usisng it to get release for your frustration. - Please!

Update 2:

I have not ask if you belief in aliens or not. This is of no importance! Use the occasion to ask a question that is *important* for you! If you have no question, then stay away. Please!

Update 3:

The fact is, that I am in contact with an alien and I will forward him the questions and then will give his answers here or at a link in case the time runs out for this question.

So remember: Ask *personal* questions, that means questions that are important for your personal devellopment and not technical ones.

Update 4:

I am preparing an *alien blog* with all questions & answers. But I don't know if I will be able to add the direction before this question with close today in the afternoon. So I give you for the moment a link where you can read the answers as a Web page:

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree with you when you say that it is not important if one believes in aliens or not. Important is expressing an essential question, - just because of the fact that 'without question there is no answer'. But even though I would like to know a little bit more about this entity who is willing to answer my questions and so I ask you, why he or she doesn't show up here directly and using you as an intermediary?

    Thinking about it, I can understand why he/she does not appear here. Some of the answers telling this: People would try to take advantage to get valid information to beat their competitions in position or making money. Or even worth...

    My question is: I have experienced in many years up to now, that when I want to share something that through my personal learning and growing process I can understand as an essential truth, but that this is not part of the established mindset in this society, then nobody will listen to me. Even people are in need and the information would help them to get out of their trouble, then still they reject any Information that is not part of their mindset. If people adapt something that is said, then only that what fit into their knowledge and often information is misunderstood so that it fits. Experiencing this again and again, I came to the conclusion better to shut up. That also would avoid the often angry defense reactions. But not to say anything also doesn't feel right, - when I can see how much right in formation is needed, as there is so much fake information given due to money or power interests. So my question to your friend (and our friend) would be: What could be done to help people in need, so that they can use information to help themselves, because I believe that only this is real help. So how could this 'information' be given that it doesn't cause defense reactions coming out of resistance?

  • 1 decade ago

    I would like to ask, did the people of the alien's planet go through a similar stage in their development, where their greed led to problems like War, Famine and life threatening environmental pollution, and if so how did they overcome them?

    And if there is time, I'd also like to ask:

    Many scientists theorize that for a civilisation to develop manned interstellar or intergalactic space travel would need such a long time to do so, that by the time they did, any hostile behavioural patterns (like the evil aliens in science fiction movies) would have been resolved - i.e they would be enlightened beings with only good intentions.

    Has the alien encountered any hostile aliens who possessed interstellar or intergalactic space travel technology? Space Pirates or the like, yaaar?

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think the aliens will come to save us when the Earth will be uninhabitable and bring us to their place. Yes, maybe a few of us to keep them as pets... Seriously: We have caused that our planet will soon kill us because we have brought out of balance all life. If aliens have a higher awareness then probably they want to help. At least this seems like if they offer to answer our questions. We are pretty stupid, but maybe not that stupid to reject this opportunity.

    So I ask: Is there still the possibility to save this planet and also humanity? How could this be possible? What can I do as a single creature to do my part in this?

  • 1 decade ago

    This is essentially the same thing as one day meeting God and getting to ask a question since we're all assuming these aliens can do pretty much anything. Just for some perspective. As for my question:

    "Your species is advanced. I assume you've tried out a few social experiments. Tell me. Is preserving individuality or switching towards a collective consciousness a better path for humanity?"

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well I would ask if they had a religion or some kind of spiritual belief ideology like man does?

    And the follow up question for me is "Do they know if there is life after death?" Now maybe the don't have a concept of a soul but do they have something similar to man's teaching than this?

    Tell them I send my regards.


  • 1 decade ago

    I would like to know a few things in general.

    1.) If they've found a free, cheap, and clean energy source that can end our world’s dependence on oil/coal and would be something everyone can benefit from with no harmful byproducts and removing the stranglehold those few here on earth who control and exploit this increasingly scarce resource have here on earth. I would assume someone who can travel great distances through space is likely much more advanced than we are and have come up with a solution to our increasingly risk and glutinous reliance on oil.

    2.) I would like to know what mysteries of time and space they've solved. Some of which we've not even dreamt of yet.

    3.) I would like to know about their world, their art, culture, and history. Imagine if they had the equivalent of William Shakespeare, Mozart, daVinci - how they could open our eyes and imagination.

    4.) What do they believe caused the big bang?

    5.) What is the biggest socio-political problem they've experienced in their history and how did they overcome it?

  • 1 decade ago

    This might be a great opportunity to find answers for questions that with our limitations, due to our so strongly established mindset and the resulting closeness, we can't find. The problem seems to be, that we are that much stuck in our self image and all those concepts, that we are not even capable to ask the right questions. So my question would be: What are the right questions to ask, that are NOT coming out of my blindness and self defense?

  • 1 decade ago

    Dear alien, can you make us all conscious please?

    I am of the opinion that the human species, including myself of course, are unfortunately a completely unconscious species that now can only damage themselves and their surroundings. The only hope is for mass awareness so all will be better soon. I hope the alien knows from experience with his kind how to achieve this and can give us advise or even better just make it happen!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would ask:

    Why you came here to our planet Earth?

    And then, if I would like his answer, I would ask a personal question. Indeed, I would like a conversation with some body whose main interests not turning around money making or promoting oneself...

  • 1 decade ago

    I would ask the question that I am asking myself and I couldn't yet find an answer:

    What is it we as humans need to learn that is the most urgent and important?

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