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What is the Biblical definition of marrage and adultery? And opinions please?

First I know how we define adultery in modern time, a spouse having sexual intercourse outside of marrage; but how does the Bible define adultery. Is it sex outside of marriage or just simple act of being unfaithful to your spouse?

I already looked at this site:

The thing is I have some family a man and a woman that have been maried 25 years and they have a grown son that age that stays with them. Talking to the man he says we they first met in college she was real sweet and loving and had her own friends and stuff, but when she got her nursing liscence(his opinion) she changed and got proud and felt like she became somebody; but ufortunately what came along with that came an attitude that stop being loving,stop being friendly, and ultimately having very few friends. But the husband is a people person and will have friends by often playin video games,prayer meeting different things.

Over the years what seem to have developed is the wife is jealous of the husband and will often argue with the husband about his friends; and why this ones no good and that one's no good, if it's a female friend just a friend no sexual stuff goin on she get imensly jealous and insist somethings going on.Basically she's running people off(his friends) and justifying herself by using God(they both use to pastor a church together). Their both grown adults but she's has become very very solitary due to her own actions/words.Weather it's making a scene at church,arguments at their home, or picking the phone up and cussing his friends and their family out; she's become a real pain.

If you met her she seems real nice and sweet and a lady that's got a head on her shoulders, but when people start getting close(relationship wise) she turns into something else; and if she's miserable she wants the husband to be miserable with her;she doesnt have many friends that she can get with and will run off his friends if they say something that she construes as a secre code or message.

If you're married,especially men, if you're doing/building something that requires managing relationships, but you have wife that has all thees hang up about people + will run off your friends to with slanderous words &/or actions how long do you put up with a wife like this that essentially destroys what you're building up? They've been married 25 years; stick it out for another 25 in the name of being faithful to God and faithful to the wife? Or quickly find a way out the marriage?

And thus my original question; what is the Biblical definition of aldultery and marriage?


And one more thing, over the past couple decades, the wife has lusted and even pursued 2 other men; one the deceased Micheal Jackson when he was living, the other a Pastor of a church that she still tries to chase after.

6 Answers

  • jmw
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Michael Jackson? Really?

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Fix A Broken Marriage
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Your last comment limited adultery to having sex in different situations. Jesus defined adultery as leaving one to marry another; as simply as that. Fornication is having sex outside marriage; pre-marital, while married with a person NOT your spouse, homosexual sex, self-abusive sexual activity, personal lacivious responses to pornography..., ALL are fornication and this is all over the New testament in several of the "letters to the churches". When Jesus was questioned, howbeit deceptively by the Pharisees, in order to get Him to say something against what the Law already taught, He answered according to the Law and even expounded upon it. (Matthew 5:27-32; Matthew 19:9; Mark 10:11-12; Luke 16:18; Galatians 5:19) Read these for yourself and it becomes clear wht Jesus taught on the subject. Now, there also seems to be a few times when the translators used the word "adultery" when the word "fornication" was the actual activity from the context of the scripture like the woman ''caught in the act of adultery'' and I am not sure exactly what happened, but I suspect she wasn't just packing up a few clothes to run off from her husband to go marry some other guy, but I think the context there (or it's always preached that way) was she was having a sexual encounter with someone and I always got the idea she was probably a single woman???, but who knows. Back to the "adultery" again; spiritual adultery is leaving God and going after another such as the Old Testament Israelites did running after Baal or some fertility god(dess). I think for us to go after anything in life in place of making our commitment to the Lord primary and only is spiritual adultery also. This is an excellent question and most people are confused on it as per their language. Even the legal system calls sexual unfaithfulness within a marriage 'adultery' when in fact, it is fornication and sexual unfaithfulness. If the divorce happens, which is a legal document and neither of the parties were commiting fornication during the marriage, then to leave and marry another IS adultery, according to the law of God. Now we are under grace and not law and there is the Pauline privilege (as called) in 1 Corinthians 7:10 -17, 39 -40. The only comment I would make in this is that "commmiting adultery" is like committing any other sin and there can be forgiveness without undoing lives. By that I mean, there are people and religious groups who teach that to get forgiveness for adultery, you have to leave whoever you have married because sexual unfaithfulness was NOT part of the divorce problem and you have to go back and be reconciled with your first spouse or remain single the rest of your life. I don't think you can change all your sins. If you murdered, you can't un-do it, you just begin where you are and receive your forgiveness and go from there. I base this on 1 Corinthians 7:24 & 1 Corinthians 6:9- 11; especially verse 11 "and such were some of YOU...etc.

  • There is no "biblical definition" Marriage, in essence is the man taking lifelong responsibility for the suport and protection of the woman or women he has slept with and gotten pregnant. Adultery is sexual intercourse between a man and any married woman. It has to involve a married woman. A man's sexual carousing with single women was not adultery according to the Bible. Sorry ladies. Since it is the woman who conceives it was the woman who was restricted. Having lots of children was social security for these people.

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  • 1 decade ago

    you as a friend of the family should advise them both to go for counselling, as she may be tired, you dont have anything bad to say about him, but do you know his heart that he may have lusted after another woman, especially as he does not seem to have any kind words for her and not understanding the nursing is a profession where you see all kinds of sicknesses, or heart breaking incidences. You souind as if you are more smittten by his charm, then her heartbreak. So have some compassion for both of them. Jesus said that if you lust after another you have already commited adultery in your heart, You are totally biassed in this story.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    For marriage, there is nowhere in the bible that clearly states "one man and one woman" or "monogamy" or any words to that effect, but references to abstinence and polygamy are plentiful.

    For marriage, divorce and adultery, there are many verses in the Bible. See the link.

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