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Lv 55,501 points

Maurice H

Favorite Answers7%

Male Black Spirit-filled Christian Passionate about God, passionate about family & friends Passionate about fitness Passionate about girls

  • What do you say the best photo storage site ?

    Other than the social media sites what is the best photo storage website that you recommend? I'm a photographer and videographer so I have lots and lots of pictures. In the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands. 

    Most of which I'm able to keep on my local computer, but sometimes I see the need to upload some of them online so that I can pull them up on my phone when I'm  out or grab a link to a picture or album and send it to somebody ect ect.

     In recent time I've been moving from just doing events to doing model photography. So being able to upload my photos online for future reference or use is definitely something I'm trying do. For the models I work with, for the models I'm talking to and want to see my work, as well as possible using some the pictures to share on the social websites.

    I currently have a free account on Flickr, but they limit free accounts to 1000 photos. Anyone know a better website for either free photo storage or a low cost for premium storage and features ?

    5 AnswersPhotography6 months ago
  • Ladies, What's your feelings and how would you respond.....?

    To these two questions if a guy asked you(Suppose it's a casual or close guy friend)

    1) Can I grab your b**bs ?  2)Could I smell your feet ?

    How would you feel about it if asked and How would you respond verbally and/or action wise ?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating11 months ago
  • What do you think ?

    Test Test Test

    Cricket11 months ago
  • Can a persons Facebook account or page be tagged in a Instagram post or vice versa ?

    I have a post I m going to put on Instagram but one of the people in the post only has a Facebook account that I know of. Thus my question can Facebook accounts be tagged in Instagram posts ?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet3 years ago
  • Would you stay or would you bail out ?

    Guys and girls, if you're getting into somebody, getting to know them and starting a relationship with the person or at least seriously thinking about and suppose guys a girl drops this bombshell(likewise ladies a guy drops this bombshlell) on you:

    That from the relationship or sexual activity the person was in before you, they caught an STD. Not maybe, not possible, they've been to the doctor and it was confirmed they have an Sexually transmitted disease.

    As the question says and implies, do you take some mental steps back and cut it off; the romantic/sexual part of the relationship ? Or would you feel sorry for the person and try to work the intimacy of the relationship around that ?

    Stay or bail ? Why or why not ?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Can Facebook live be done with desktops and laptops ? If no will it be made available soon ?

    I'm starting to learn what I can about Facebook live and I know it's designed to work with mobile phones and hopefully tablets too.

    Me and my family have and operate several FB pages cause we have businesses. So a few questions come to mind as I research FB Live:

    Can it be used with Desktops and laptops? Many laptops come with built in cameras and desktop people can buy webcams

    Would it work with a camera(Camcorder or DSLR) connected to a phone, tablet, or laptop?

    I've heard FB Live works for pages but where is the Live option/button?

    I've also heard the videos afterwards are saved in your videos tab; will they be downloadable ?

    1 AnswerFacebook5 years ago
  • Question for Christians, Others welcome to answer also....Is it sin to simple look upon a person and desire them?

    Recently got into a lengthy religious conversation with a guy and during the conversation he brought up that it's sin to look at a woman and desire her. I generally disagree;

    I know where he's coming from with such statement but I would distinguish weather it's right or wrong based on 1.What a persons intentions are lusting to commit sin is one thing; but being interested to get to know the person is completely different.

    Then 2. Thinking about something and actually doing something are two different things. A woman can desire to sleep with a guy, but till she's actually had sex with him outside of marriage &/or slept with another woman's man she's committed no offense or sin.

    Am I wrong? Is he correct, especially from a Biblical perspective ?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • If a girl has a bad relationship with her parents, is that a bad indicator of what type of girl she is? Should I date her ?

    She's pretty, she's blond, she's fit, has a good bubbly type of personality, but I'm hearing from her and some mutual friends that she's not getting along with her parents.

    As in her own mom is threatening to put her out the house. When we text back and forth I try to tell her to apologize and go along with what they want ect ect. But she's saying "it's hard" basically cause she wats to do what she wants to do even though she's still living with them.

    I'm certainly not perfect in with my relationship with my parents but I understand following their rules while under their roof.

    With this type of person, would you stick it and continue to persue them or do you think it's more trouble than it's worth?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Question for both single and married ladies....?

    For single girls, girls with boyfriends, and married women.

    If you and a guy are friends, good friends, have each others Facebook, phone number, text and call each other when you can and try to get together when each others schedules allow. The type of relationship that for the time it's just friendly, but has real potential to be romantic and intimate.

    My question here is if you and the guy are meeting up and just getting together as friends and not anything romantic; do you expects a guy still pay for you? Food, movie, shopping at a mall ect ect ?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but if a guy does this constantly and is getting nothing back romantic or sexual in return then the guy becomes nothing more than a sugar daddy.

    As I stated above, do you ladies expect a guy to pay for you in the case of a non romantic relationship with the potential to be to I guess prove some type of chivalry ?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Ladies(guys can answer too), Do you think and expect a guy to always pay for the date ?

    If you and a guy go on a date and everything is good, conversation is great, the date is awesome. When it comes time to pay money, weather its for food, for movie tickets or anything else; Do you automatically expect the guy to pay for himself and you to show some type of "chivalry" or do you see it differently ?

    Just a side note, in my own personal experience I know many girls easily and unashamedly take advantage of this as an excuse not pull out their own pocketbook and atm card; My parents know that I'm like my uncle in that I'm disciplined with my money; so a girl that's neve willing to put up her own money rubs me the wrong way.

    Enough of me, girls, ladies, guys, your opinions ?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Does YouTube still have channel types?

    I have about 3 or 4 channels and a couple of them that don't have profile pics I notice have different icons.

    The channels I have, one is the initial channel a person gets when they first sign up with Google, they give you a YouTube Channel. A second I got I think a few or so years ago when YouTube made some changes they offered people the chance to change their channel name, that created a second account under the same email.

    A third one is recent, I created it last year or 2013, to use for my freelance business and just a day or so ago a family member wanted me as a manager of one of his YouTube pages. So I have a few different YouTube channels under my Gmail Account.

    But all that said, I notice that two of my accounts that don't have profile pics set have different default profile icons. One is a silhouette of a person the other is a silhouette of a square looking shape.

    The person looking one is on my first initial account and I guess that's a personal account. So my question is what type of account or channel is the other with the square silhouette ?

    Most the info on this that i find online and even YouTube seems to be outdated. Does YouTube still have account/channel types or no?

    1 AnswerYouTube6 years ago
  • Gay Rights Supporters, do you want Federal government to force Muslim imams to marry homosexuals also ?

    Part of the reason the justices and federal government can get away with the recent Supreme court decision is real simple. Christians are far more forgiving and long-suffering, "Tolerant" so to say ; Muslims on the other hand, the passionate (or as some like to call them "radicals") Muslims would quickly chop of heads of gays and proudly put them on display for all to see.

    So should Muslim Imams in the U.S be forced to marry homosexuals also ?

    1 AnswerPolitics6 years ago
  • Gay Rights Supporters, do you want Federal government to force Muslim imams to marry homosexuals also ?

    Part of the reason the justices and federal government can get away with the recent Supreme court decision is real simple. Christians are far more forgiving and long-suffering, "Tolerant" so to say ; Muslims on the other hand, the passionate (or as some like to call them "radicals") Muslims would quickly chop of heads of gays and proudly put them on display for all to see.

    All that said, my questions to you are 1. Do you think Federal government should force Muslim imams to marry gays also (keep in mind that since 9/11 our government has been pandering to Islam despite what followers of that faith did to the twin towers)?

    2. If you believe in freedom of choice of lifestyle and freedom to practice your desired religion, Why since the ruling is there a noticeable increase in animosity towards Christians? If general population doesn't like the ruling and marrying gays completely contradicts their Christian principals why get red hot irate when Christian pastors refuse to marry gays, other Christian people such as at justice of the peace and other court houses refuse to issue marriage licensees?

    Christians,Muslims and many others who disdain homosexuality have as much if not more a right to refuse these requests for gay weddings as ya'll do to practice and live that lifestyle, do we not ?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • What is the Biblical definition of marrage and adultery? And opinions please?

    First I know how we define adultery in modern time, a spouse having sexual intercourse outside of marrage; but how does the Bible define adultery. Is it sex outside of marriage or just simple act of being unfaithful to your spouse?

    I already looked at this site:

    The thing is I have some family a man and a woman that have been maried 25 years and they have a grown son that age that stays with them. Talking to the man he says we they first met in college she was real sweet and loving and had her own friends and stuff, but when she got her nursing liscence(his opinion) she changed and got proud and felt like she became somebody; but ufortunately what came along with that came an attitude that stop being loving,stop being friendly, and ultimately having very few friends. But the husband is a people person and will have friends by often playin video games,prayer meeting different things.

    Over the years what seem to have developed is the wife is jealous of the husband and will often argue with the husband about his friends; and why this ones no good and that one's no good, if it's a female friend just a friend no sexual stuff goin on she get imensly jealous and insist somethings going on.Basically she's running people off(his friends) and justifying herself by using God(they both use to pastor a church together). Their both grown adults but she's has become very very solitary due to her own actions/words.Weather it's making a scene at church,arguments at their home, or picking the phone up and cussing his friends and their family out; she's become a real pain.

    If you met her she seems real nice and sweet and a lady that's got a head on her shoulders, but when people start getting close(relationship wise) she turns into something else; and if she's miserable she wants the husband to be miserable with her;she doesnt have many friends that she can get with and will run off his friends if they say something that she construes as a secre code or message.

    If you're married,especially men, if you're doing/building something that requires managing relationships, but you have wife that has all thees hang up about people + will run off your friends to with slanderous words &/or actions how long do you put up with a wife like this that essentially destroys what you're building up? They've been married 25 years; stick it out for another 25 in the name of being faithful to God and faithful to the wife? Or quickly find a way out the marriage?

    And thus my original question; what is the Biblical definition of aldultery and marriage?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion about the turtle story?

    Here's the link:

    Me personallly, as small as the turtle is I would think common sense would prevail in that it's a tiny turtle, toy size and aside from the possibility the turtle gets loose or lost on the plane, this should really be a non issue, it's not a dog or a cat or some animal that would be wondering the plane, it's a turtle, a tiny turtle in a cage.

    Anyways, everyone elses opinion?

    6 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion about the turtle story on the Yahoo! front page?

    Here's the link:

    Me personallly, as small as the turtle is I would think common sense would prevail in that it's a tiny turtle, toy size and aside from the possibility the turtle gets loose or lost on the plane, this should really be a non issue, it's not a dog or a cat or some animal that would be wondering the plane, it's a turtle, a tiny turtle in a cage.

    Anyways, everyone elses opinion?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • If you listen to rap and R&B?

    what are your 5 favorite songs right now?

    7 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • What responsibilities does Miss USA Rima Fakih have to do since she won?

    While watching the video of when the runner ups were being announced I noticed when the winner ( Rima Fakih) was announced that he mentioned something about "if you can not meet your responsibilities the the second runner up ect ect.

    So what responsibilities does Miss USA have?

    8 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Can anyone tell me a site that I can get a picture/image of a saucer that seems to loom or hover over a..?

    a picture of a like a large mothership saucer that seems to loom or hover over an entire city or even half or part of a city. The kind that makes the saucer look evil and ominous looking ?

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago