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Is it really neccesary for some of us to bash TNA for signing former WWE,ECW,WCW wrestlers?

Wrestlers that Went from WCW to WWE:

Chris Jericho

Chris Benoit

Eddie Guerrero

Booker T

Scott Steiner

diamond dallas page

scott hall

kevin nash


Ric Flair

Mic Foley


Jeff Jarett


Triple H

Stacy Keibler

Jacquelyn Moore

Ron Simmons

Stone Cold

Torrie Wilson

Wrestlers That Went for ECW to WWE:

Al Snow


The Dudley Boyz(Devon & Ray)

Dean Malenko

Eddie Guerrero


Juventud Guerrera

Kid Kash

Perry Saturn

Rey Mysterio


Rob Van Dam


Scott Hall

Super Crazy


Now, look at all those wrestlers, most of them are or were stars in WWE, but they came from somewhere else, they weren't homegrown talent, so is it really necessary for bashing TNA for siging former talents.

What are your thoughts.

12 Answers

  • CB
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree with you. You're a good user and you have very thought out answers and questions. That's how the WWE was built. It was worse in the 1970's and 1980's, when Vince Mcmahon Sr. would travel the country and buy out small independent wrestling federations. After that, WWF started making decent wrestling television for that time and eventually built from where it is today. Not only that, but WWE also took alot of the matches from the old ECW, such as the TLC match. People today think that, " Oh, this superstar got released from WWE, so he must be awful." I remember trying to figure out why in the world WWE would release Anderson, and everybody else did too. People got over the fact in a few days, and just rationalized that " Oh yeah he got injured all the time." Hell, even Jim Ross said Anderson's release from WWE was a regrettable one, and I absolutely agree.

    Take a look at Anderson in his last few months of WWE. Now compare him to TNA, and you wish his TNA character was placed back on WWE. Again, I look at other former WWE talent in TNA, like Shannon Moore, and honestly I hated Shannon Moore in WWE. Now, in TNA, he's this sick psycho clown and I wish that character was placed in WWE. This is the same with Orlando Jordan, well, er, not really but anyway you get the point.

    I would love to see what WWE talent today could do in TNA. I would love to see what guys like The Miz, Randy Orton, Cena, Chris Jericho, etc. could do for TNA. TNA just needs someone to really steer the ship.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People only say that Total Nonstop Action is just a company made out of old talent. They need to understand that yes, they have a few Grampa's in their but they have more younger talent. Just like The Undertaker is around the same age of so called "old talent" in TNA. They have more hungrier and younger talent that they just happened to pick up because either WWE Released them or they are coming off the Independent Circuit. TNA has so much young talent and the old talent just follows in behind.

    -The Brian Kendrick

    -Jay Lethal


    -The Pope

    -Matt Morgan

    -Aj Styles

    Just to name a few, they also picked up one of the greatest wrestlers in the world in both Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle. This is what I don't get about people who are only WWE fans. Original ECW was in the exact same position many years ago, they loved it but all of a sudden, they hate TNA? I think the people and users here who bash TNA are starting to realize it's getting better each and every week. Personally, I became more of Total Nonstop Action fan rather than a WWE fan last week. WWE wouldn't be anywhere if they didn't take talent from WCW and much of those wrestlers were greats such as Chris Benoit, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho, and The Big Show plus many more that I cannot name right off the top of my head. If WWE wouldn't have stole that talent from WCW, they wouldn't be here today.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, Wrestling Is There Life And Whether They Quit Or Get Fired From The Wwe They Will Have To Go Into The Next Big Wrestling Company

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Because they have no knowledge of WWE doing that..i will say that WWE did make superstars better by bringing them to their company..think about it, WWE created Stone Cold Steve Austin and made him a household name..same with HHH, Kane, The Big Show, Lita, Rey Mysterio and Booker T..they just improved the identity of the superstars..WCW made them big, WWE made them BIGGER..when TNA signs superstars from WWE, WWE has already established them as great superstars and people hate it because they say that TNA is stealing the WWE's creations..people hate because they say that TNA should have their own homegrown's just a topic that can be debated back and forth for hours..

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  • 1 decade ago


    Vince McMahon Jr built the WWF by raiding promotions all over the country, "stealing" their top stars by offering them more money, and in some cases, championships. Hogan, Piper, Snuka, Slaughter, Andre, Orndorff, through Michaels, Bret and Owen, The Bulldogs, Triple H, Undertaker, through Austin, Foley, Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, Edge, Flair and more...all signed with the WWF simply because Vince paid them more money than the promotions they were working for at the time.

    When Bischoff came calling and was willing to pay them more money than Vince did, they left the WWF and went to work for Bischoff.

    Pro wrestling is a business; the boys are in it to make money. They work for the promotions that will pay them the most money. There is no such thing as "company loyalty" in pro wrestling. No promoter on the planet is "loyal" to his employees; the boys are no different from circus animals to the promoters. As long as the boys make money for the promoter he keeps them around. But we all know that any wrestler can be fired at any time by any promoter for any reason. There is no job security in pro wrestling. At all. Why would anybody in their right mind be loyal to an employer who sees them as circus animals? And knowing they can and will be fired for any reason at any time?

    Everybody needs to take Vince's blinders off. The WWF is not the only promotion in the world, nor is it "the best". It's just the largest. Period. Quite a few wrestlers have left American promotions and gone to work for Japanese and Mexican promotions, and do very well, making lots of money.

    Some don't like Vince and will not work for him for any price. Some don't like Hogan and won't work for him for any price. Same with Bischoff.

    The boys work for the promoter who will pay them the most money. Some do factor in travel schedule in their decision, but generally, they work where they will make the most money. And that's the bottom line. "Loyalty" has absolutely nothing to do with it. Nor does the fans' perceived "best" promotion. It's all about money and nothing else.

    Bashing TNA for hiring ex-WWE wrestlers is no different from bashing Target for hiring ex-Wal Mart employees. Do we call an ex-Dodger who signs with the Yankees a "Dodger reject" and bash the Yankees for signing him?

    For a section that loves to pick apart the wrestling business and stick it under a microscope, to come off as "smart", it sure comes up with some surprisingly...dumb...notions.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's different WWE bought those companies. If TNA had bought WWE and signed all those EX WWE Stars then i agree its wrong but no

    Half of TNA is EX WWE stars its like a wwe over Again lol Half more than half 60%

  • 1 decade ago

    no its not neccesary for SOME of us. its neccesary for ALL of us

    kevin nash, scott hall and jeff jarrett started in WWE and went to WCW, triple h and stone cold for all intents and purposes were never even that noticable in WCW so i would throw them in the list of people who started in WWE

    but yes it is neccesary. why even bother asking

  • BTII
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Wrestlers go there by own will, is not like TNA is stealing them or anything. So yes, I agree with you its a stupid war and completely unnecessary.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't have any problem with TNA signing former talent from any other promotions, especially when they actually have real talent and can do amazing things in the ring, although i do think they shouldn't sign over 60 year old men whose glory days are behind them. Those are my thoughts.

  • Don
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Ah, you are such a newbie.

    Eddie Guerrero went from ECW to WCW to WWE. Booker T, DDP, Hall, Nash and Steiner only went to the WWE because WCW was gone. I'm not gonna pick apart the rest of your lists because it'd take forever, NTM Steiner actually went WCW-WWF-WCW-WWE.

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