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Does Obama give one iota what the American people want?

The majority didn't want his health care plan, 94% of Americans didn't think he should have sued Arizona. What happened to "for the people, by the people"?

7 Answers

  • Sasha
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obama lives in a fog, he just rattles of at the mouth what sounds good at the moment, Obama does not even remember what he lied about 5 minutes earlier!

    Obama is a disgrace, I am 17 years old, and I can not figure this out, what is wrong with the American People to elect someone this dumb, dah>>.......

    As far as AZ, anybody can see he does it for political reasons, most Independents have turned away, 65%,of them he lost all the Republicans, all he has left are the Blacks, and Pelosi's far left, which adds up to 32%!

    Now he needs the Lationos, a lot of them have turned away also!

    Obama is not for the people , only for his political gain,

  • K9..
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    That Health Care Plan will be like the Oil Spill, a total disaster,!

    And we the citizens are the dead Pelicans, I just found out this week that I will have to pay a Smoking Tax,....I never smoked in my life, probably an Obesity tax as well, and I am Athletic,..

    This plan is like one size fits all,...

    Engineered by a madwomen!

    Also I have my own business, with this plan, everything I write off, I have to keep a receipt, even the movies, used to be you were allowed a certain write off, and not have to produce paperwork, not anymore!

    I am looking at thousands of receipts, where as before maybe 20 in a years time!

    It will be the nightmare of nightmares, like nothing ever before,!

    And now he has smuggled in this guy who is going to oversee the Health Plan, Medicare, this guy thinks Englands health Care plan is wonderful, and he wants to construct ours after England!

    Rationing and Death Panels, medical under care, !

    There won't be any Dr. left to treat anyone!

    So in answer to your Question, what is wrong with the American People to let this all go on????

  • 1 decade ago

    To me it is clear he is mentally ill, what exactly I don't know, I would think somewhere along 'Delusions' or some form of Schizophrenia, where you have no connect of Reality, !

    He keeps lying about the Economy and job Growth, when we all know it is wrong, it is a Lie, but I see Obama actually believes it, that is why I say Mental Illness,..Delusion!

    I was very embarrassing to watch Obama shriek and yell and pound the podium about Bush yesterday!

    He should be on meds and under supervision , who lnows what he is capable of under severe stress!

    Oh, and I am a Democrat,

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course not. But it is all part of his plan. Do what HE wants with no moral or ethical inclination for the wants of the majority of American people, then closer to election come up with some grandiose scheme to win all the easily-persuadable back.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No. He doesn't care about any of us or our wants or needs..he is on auto pilot doing his stint until they either impeach him, assassinate him or fire him in 012.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Does Bush give one iota what the American people want?

    The majority didn't want his War in Iraq, 94% of Americans didn't think he should have been such a dick.What happened to "for the people, by the people"?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tracking Obama’s promises

    108 Promise Kept

    34 Compromise

    19 Promise Broken

    83 Stalled

    257 In the Works

    3 Not yet rated

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