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Since Texas was a country before Joining the U.S. can they leave the U.S. to become their own country again?

Are there any special circumstances due to their pre-union status?

Did the annexation agreement include any special requirements that the Federal govt had to meet?

Is there any 'Legal' means by which they could secede from the union?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Am I the only one that reads the Whole question?

    (I’ve posted a bunch of links here-they’re all Wikipedia)

    The legal history of the annexation is quite clear. First, the feds proposed a ‘joint resolution’ :

    after which, the republic (not yet a state) passed the Ordinance of annexation:

    Both of these documents require the federal government to treat Texas just like any other state, with the sole exception that if Texas so chooses, they may split themself into 4 separate states. (note that if they chose to do so, although the population’s representation in the house would not change, the same population would gain 6 senate seats-to represent the ‘new’ states).

    Neither of these documents lay any requirement on the federal government other than compliance with the US constitution. (Many may consider this a basis for a case.) Both documents list several conditions with which Texas had to comply in order for the annexation to take place.

    The question of the legal status of Texan cession has already been addressed by the supreme court in: Texas v. White, 74 U.S. 700 (1869)

    Wherein, Chief Justice Salmon Chase spoke for the majority decision in saying that once Texas had become a part of the Union, they relinquished any ‘right’ to independence.

    He did, however create a major loophole in his decision when he stated:

    “The union between Texas and the other States was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original States. There was no place for reconsideration or revocation, except through revolution or through consent of the States”

    So, aside from revolution, should Texas (or private individuals) successfully lobby the individual states to recognize their ‘right’ to secede, then they could do so. It remains unclear as to if that ‘consent of the States’ would require unanimous consent, or a majority, or only those portions of the states which were in existence in 1869.

    Some groups have argued that the legal conditions required for the annexation to take place were never fully met. For example:

    However these groups rarely have garnered very much support.

    This may be changing with the federal government shutting down gulf oil production. Were Texas to return to being an independent nation, then a large portion of those coastal waters that the fed have shut down would suddenly become Texan waters instead of US waters- meaning that Texas could avoid the loss of the hundreds of thousands of jobs that Obama has mandated through his drilling moratorium.

    Source(s): US history 101 Wikipedia wikipedia wikipedia wikipedia
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Technically, any state can bypass away the U. S. at any time. yet we suggested what took place whilst the Confederacy fairly tried it in 1862. President Buchanan's offender expert huge-unfold replaced into asked for an opinion on besides the undeniable fact that if it replaced into Constitutional and he concluded that it replaced into, so he did now no longer do something approximately it. yet Lincoln, used their confiscation of the present Orleans Mint and fortress Sumter as an excuse to declare a State of rebellion and initiate the Civil conflict. The Southern approach throughout the whole conflict replaced into just to have the means to barter peace. of path any Union the U.S. replaced into additionally technically waiting to secede decrease than the Stalin shape. Tibet is an self adequate Republic. ask your self - Do you think of of the united kingdom might desire to truly grant up Scotland? What took place to the Quebec independence stream? Have the Basques, the Kurds, or the Northern Irish Republicans been sensible in seceding? international locations will upward thrust up with a plan to maintain their unions on the comparable time in the event that they might. in any distinctive case, independence is desperate militarily as in Yugoslavia, Eritrea, Sudan or Europe's Colonies. each and each so oftentimes, it kind of feels to bypass peacefully, yet that is particularly with the help of reality the government realizes it in reality does not have the desire or components to evade independence. Few separate peacefully with the help of reality the branch of the Czech and Slovak Republics did (or the remapping that took place after the Napoleonic Wars and WWI, yet that is particularly with the help of reality of a means vacuum created by the departure of exterior armed forces forces.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If this muslim so-called president Hussein Obama and the out of control USSA federal government keep pushing us around it won't be only Texas that will be seceding.

    Who cares about the legality? It wasn't "legal" to secede from Britain. You liberals don't care about laws when it comes to illegal mexicans or this unconstitutional foreign born president we have.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wonder if you remember last year, when their goofy governor Rick Perry threatened to "secede" if he was "forced" to take any of the $787 billion stimulus money (the Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 dollars), but he then took the millions of dollars meant for Texas economic stimulation and spent up to $20 MILLION of it on renovation of the Governor's Mansion! "What a MAROON!" to quote Bugs Bunny. Good thing Governor Perry's mouth is not a loaded gun the way he shoots it off on a regular basis, often with his foot in it, without having his brain in

    If the people living in Texas want to face some HARD REALITIES in terms of just how much their citizens have come to rely on government services, supplemental aid, and programs, I'd like to see them secede---I'd call their bluff and say, "Go ahead...SECEDE...I dare you!" They'd lose all use of military or border guard protections, all military bases would be relocated, no more National League baseball or any sports in the American or the National League, for that matter. Social Security offices would leave the former state, now "country," as would all other government agencies. There would be no more help with Medicare or Medicaid from the federal government, since Texas would no longer be eligible, and you can forget any funding for schools or colleges. No funding for parks or recreation either...or for highways, bridges, tunnels, mass transit, public libraries, or foodstamps and lunch programs. No subsidized housing either. Ol' Governor Perry would be up a mighty dry creek without a boat or a paddle water rights either and no federal funding to get any. No FDA, no FAA, no OSHA, no ICE (immigration enforcement), no Department of Family Services unless TX can afford to set up their own, just look at everything that would be lost upon which the people have relied to the point of taking them for granted! I sincerely doubt that even Governor Perry could be that stupid...but hey...maybe he is. Never understimate the stupidity of a far-right-wing fundamentalist who backs literal interpretation of scripture as the "law of the land" and whose state is currently busy DUMBING DOWN textbooks for elementary schools.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Why would you prefer mexico and puerto rico to be a state?

    civil war will be inevitable.

    The south shall rise again..

  • 1 decade ago

    No, they werent a country and they gave up their soveriegnty..if they want to leave, they will lose that vote 49-1

  • maxmom
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, they cannot secede, nor would they seriously want to. Any talk about it is just chain rattling and playing politics.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In US law no.In international law, yes.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Let me know if they can.. I will move there immediately!

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