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Does God and the world deserve you?

In most countries, children have certain rights; adults must provide food, shelter, and education. In fact, on the news the other day they were talking about passing a law that will put parents in jail if they don’t attend at least one parent teacher conference a year. If you don’t appreciate your children and take care of them they will be taken away from you.

Well here is what’s confusing. If you believe that God made you and has the power to destroy you if you don’t please him, have you ever wondered if God actually deserves you? Seriously! Just because a parent has a child it doesn’t mean that they deserve that child so if follows that just because God made you it doesn’t necessarily mean he deserves you. Would you terminate a friendship simply because they don’t agree with everything you say? Would you divorce a spouse because they don’t worship you? Would you burn your child because she doesn’t believe in you? Let me say it another way. If your child DOESN’T believe in you as a parent, whose fault is that?

This world seems to work overtime at making people feel inferior or unworthy. I was thinking today that maybe the people who are being put down need to turn all of that around. If children are indeed born innocent, maybe they aren’t the ones who are lacking; maybe it’s the world that doesn’t deserve them! What do you think?

Put on your armor, mount your steed, and let the intellectual jousting begin!

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I do believe that children are born innocent. Unfortunately, many religions based on the Bible do not believe this. However, this belief will not help those faithful in answering your question.

    It's not so much a matter of God or the world deserving you, rather its a case of - You are here! with a big arrow pointing to your position in a specific place; to be educated and indoctrinated from childhood into a citizen of that place. If your location is a relatively, shall we say democratic country, you will have the freedom to follow your own beliefs, unless of course you are totally indoctrinated into the religion/s of that place from an early age. Do your parents deserve you? Well that's different question.

  • Sara
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well, I love strange questions.

    For those who believe in the Old Testament-type smiting God, this is a valid viewpoint.

    I have a more light-hearted view of this Great System of Life, that God has set us all before a fantastic video game and told us to "have at it."

    You become so immersed in the fake reality that you believe everything. Your character feels physical pain, you think it's your pain. It's heart is broken by failed love affairs, you think your heart is broken.

    Only when the day comes that God calls you from the Other Room and you turn off the game, do you understand that you weren't gone long, none of that was real, and you were changed for the better by being allowed to play out some fantasies and adventures.

    You report your adventures, breathlessly, to God, and He smiles.

  • 1 decade ago

    I understand what you are saying and I think these questions go on unconsciously, in even the most devout Christian. The Bible CAN NOT be change, but I think our interpretation of the Bible CAN CHANGE. Most of our interpretations are coming from man, the priest and the minsters. For example, the Bible says everything Jesus says, is a parable, so Hell, obviously is NOT a place of fire where God sends you, but Jesus was pointing to the Hell that is a state of mind (because he spoke in parables) and I think we have all experienced hell and it does feel like eternity. He uses the words of this world, which is all we know, to explain this "something" we don't know.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is a strange question, A parent love his child and gives him/her boundaries, so it iwith our heavenly Father, He sets certain limits, i.e the ten commandments, and if we disobey there are consequences, the same if a child disobeys his parents, he/she has to face consequences. The lord in His mercy, because He know how hard it was for us to keep all those commandments, sent His Son to pay the price for us with his blood, as God cannnot let sin go unpunished either. This is God's love toward us, so that we can receive mercy through Christ Jesus, if we are truly sorry. The same as a parent can forgive their children for not always listening to them. S it is not a question of derserving but of grace and mercy toward us.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Of course children should be taken care of well by their parents. But please don't talk about God as if He is a human. We are less than nothing compared to God. We (mankind) messed up the beautiful, perfect world that God created. We are getting our just desserts when we get sick because of pollution. We did it to ourselves. Not God. Same with Hell. People chose Hell when they turned their backs on God and refused to come to Him. He did not send people there (and Hell was meant for the devil and his angels, never intended for humans in the first place), people send themselves there. When you create a rock (and a real one at that, the kind you see in fields or at the beach) or even a planet, then you have more of a reason to say what you do. Let's see you or anyone else create a planet as tiny as Mercury. No? Well then, men and women are not as great as they think they are. Can a child exist without his or her parents? No. Neither can we exist without God, even more so than our parents, as it is God Who not only created us but also sustains our lives each and every day. He could give us what we really deserve, but He died on the cross even though He was without sin and we were the ones who deserved to die on the cross and be punished for all eternity because of our wicked, sinful hearts. People are not as good as many think. That is one of the lies taught by Satan. It says in Jeremiah 17 that the heart is wicked, deceitful. Of course there are many who have good intentions and try to do what is right and loving, even those who are selfless, self-sacrificing but even they disobey God's commands and need the Saviour just as much as anyone else. As it says in Romans 3, "there is no one righteous" and as it says near the end of Isaiah, "all our righteousness is as filthy rags". What good we do is nothing compared to what Jesus did for us who were undeserving. It is not good to humanize God and exalt mankind. Sounds like a lot of New Age poison. And it is never God's fault when His children go astray. It is the fault of the children. I also would not expect my spouse if I marry later in the future to worship me. I would rebuke him if he ever did. And this is not low self-esteem so much as the truth because I believe in God, not just that He exists. And of course children are born innocent and they will go to Heaven if they die while they're still innocent, but that doesn't make them perfect. Only Jesus (Who is God, the second person of the Godhead) was and is perfect.

    Source(s): The Bible.
  • cross
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    My dear God can be worshiped by honoring yourself, you honor God because you truly are one and the same.The rituals of offerings and sacrifice and other symbolic objects, only mean something to you. Gods only interested in your intent, the path of your heart. Look to find your highest happiness and the motive for power to? your existence.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There's nothing to joust about. We're born, we eat, we feel insecure, we f*ck, we die. It's been that way since man crawled out of the mud, the only difference is that now we have sophisticated society, painted by our words and context of conversation to tell us how to behave, creating social taboo, and social division between others.

    We live on this earth like parasites, we deserve nothing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No you are right. I am way to good for this world. Even the smell of my own farts are just too good for God to be worthy of.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a good person. Reading this made me feel bad, nice going

  • 1 decade ago

    "God deserves us because he's God and everything he does is right because he's God and we're horrible sinners" <-answer I usually get

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