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Christine asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

Why do people post questions on here that they could easily google and get the answer to?

Not trying to be rude, but I really do wonder why people post questions on this site that it would be easier and quicker for them to just google? I just saw someone post 'How do I make chicken soup?' When I asked why she didn't just google it, I got a thumbs down and other people posted recipes. Is it just me or does it seem kinda lazy to expect other people to find the recipe and paste it for you instead of just googling it and having a million options pop up? I just don't understand the thinking. Thoughts?


Kimmie... do you really not see the difference between asking opinions about the motive behind certain common behavior on this site and how to make chicken soup??? Hrmm... Her answer aside, there are a lot of good opinions posted. I initially assumed it was laziness (and was therefore irritated) but it could have something to do with wanting social interaction and not knowing what to ask so they just throw up something to get responses from other people. It would certainly fulfill that need I suppose.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it's because they want personal opinions on it mixed in with facts. For example on google you may find how to make chicken soup, but on yahoo answers someone may tell you how they make chicken soup that has really impressed diner guests.

    It also helps keep the community active. With all sorts of questions from easy to hard, googleable or not, people will answer more questions and it gives something to ask.

  • DK52
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    This is a positively grand question in which I have been asking myself for a little over a year now. There are those questions however, that are open ended and one may want or need more than just one answer, but as you and I know the majority of the damn questions can easily be found and perhaps explained clearer on Google.

    I would say that Y!A is a waste of space, but it takes all kinds to make the www go round. Not to mention there are some highly intelligent and wise persons that do frequent Y!A and give some outstanding answers I may have not of gotten from Google.

    Course if wording is not just right with Google sometimes (which I have experienced) it can be a real bugger finding exactly what you are looking for however, with Y!A somebody has already asked the question we have and though the person asking the same question may be a simple minded twit the answers may lead us to what we were looking for. (What I don't know or understand what is being asked, someone else may).

    Y!A is a tool, a fairly weak tool, but a tool nonetheless.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, there are two or three explanations.

    The first is that people want some sort of social connection, so they'd rather ask a question and get a human response than simply google.

    The second is that many people here -- and I've been astonished by how many -- are genuinely at sea about how to do the simplest online research. They truly do not know. I spend much time explaining to people how to draw up a list of potential search terms and combinations so that they can find the answers to somewhat complex questions, but sometimes I realize that they are so cognitively unaware of how to do the most basic search that my suggestions are probably meaningless.

    Third, when someone asks for a chicken soup recipe, let's face it: she wants people to tell her that they've tried a certain recipe -- possibly even used it for years -- and that it's great.

    In other words, when it comes to things like cooking, merely googling doesn't quite cut it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I reckon it's a cultural/community thing - Y!A is taking place and shape before your eyes - a web page of information is in reality no more animated than a page of an encyclopedia...

    I was Googling 'tennis elbow' today and never thought of Y!A for a moment but it came up right near the top in search results, so the temptation to come here and correspond with people online all expressing their own experience/opinion, along with those known facts I would only glean from relevant pages, was ample reminder of the service available - but I was not tempted, in my estimation there's bound to be a resource full of accurate information and from what I already knew I soon resolved to find a non-pharmaceutical treatment and at present have a TENS machine to try out..., ...not much different to toning pads.

    For chicken soup, I'd add 'home made' to my search and want to find out how to get all that's good from the carcass, which is obviously disposed of but still constituting a vital ingredient capable of imparting and strengthening flavour, and if I should use the organs for the same reason [& which? - chicken liver pate is really nice, but what use are the kidneys & heart, what of the offal?]...

  • 1 decade ago

    Lol yeah, it seems as though everyone does that. It's really annoying.. I think of going to google first if I have a question about something, not yahoo answers lol even though I love it. And yeah, there are lots of dumb questions that are so subjective it's ridiculous. And then there are other questions which are so intuitive that a monkey could figure it out. Anyway, I'm just glad other people, like you, recognize the fact that most people are on the slow side.

    Source(s): I'm awesome.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    This query has been requested a couple of instances earlier than, I certain whilst you had been typing this up at the correct part a field popped up announcing that they had different an identical questions and please verify? Sure so much questions will also be located on google. But plenty of humans like to listen to from truly humans and listen to one of a kind ideas. Don't waste time and vigor annoying approximately why on right here.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah that IS true... Saw someone post "How to say thank you in Italian" I gave him his answer and added: That was a 30 second google search...Honestly. Got several thumbs down for the last bit (but hey atleast i got best answer!)

    well...even if its an easy question and even if theyre 2 lazy to google it...atleast you get your 2 points and 10 points if you get best answer :D

  • 1 decade ago

    It is probably laziness. If they can get a person to do the work for them, then why not post a question on it and get a quick response? Also, they may just want other people's opinions on a particular topic.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because people don't really want answers. They just want to have fun interacting on this site. They know that if they really want an answer, that they can google it.

    Source(s): "LOS LINKS!!"
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If we could just get the answers from google, why not just get rid of YA all together? There would be no need for YA if everybody could just get their answers by googling, right?

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