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I'm 18 years old. Sadly, I'm still in high school, although I'm attending UF in the summer for Physics. If you need help with math or science, e-mail me. I'll try my best to help. Just message me if you want to talk or get to know me, I'm open.

  • Just had a quiz in my mythology class about the Iliad...?

    The question is as follows:

    What is the focus of the Iliad?

    a) the fall of Troy

    b) Odysseus

    c) year one of the war

    d) Achilles

    e) Helen

    I'm pretty sure this question is total garbage because the Iliad tells the story of the last few weeks of the Trojan War, or in other words, the fall of Troy. (Which is the answer I chose)

    However, the end of the war was definitely focused on Achilles, since he was needed for Troy to fall.

    And to complicate matters even more, the whole Trojan War was started because of Helen.

    So which answer is the most correct?!

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore10 years ago
  • Limits with indeterminant form, using L'Hopital's rule, help?

    I'm a bit confused on why the answer is what it is:

    lim x -> 0+ of (e^(x) - x)/(x^3)

    In words, the limit as x goes to zero from the right of e^x minus x all divided by x^3

    The answer turns out to be infinity (diverges, same thing). Why is that?

    I get e^x/6x and then I'm stuck, since you can't continue on with l'hopital's rule because you get 1/0

    Any explanations would be awesome. Thanks geniuses. :D

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else have this problem?

    I have absolutely no problem with calculus and its concepts. I'm in my second year of it and it's an easy A for me.

    But I just did a math competition recently, and all the competitors had to do was take a test. The highest level of math on it was algebra 2, and some trigonometry. But there was definitely no calculus, although I could have probably used it in some instances. What really got me was the algebra and crazy geometry. I never remembered having done insane questions like what I saw on the test.

    I can't really just type every question on here, but it kind of made me realize that I should take a geometry class or something again. I severely need to relearn it, despite my "A"s in the classes years ago. I can figure the stuff out, but on a test... recalling that kind of information was ridiculous.

    Anyone else have trouble with the lower level math classes that have succeeded in calculus and beyond?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Feeling pretty stressed about ACT/SAT?

    I've taken the SAT twice and my best score is a 1240 (combined best score). I can't seem to do well on it. I'm not a lazy student and I honestly try my hardest. I have a 5.0 HPA, I'm taken plenty of AP classes throughout high school and passed them all. I'm also doing dual enrollment classes too, passing them easily. I haven't gotten a B in high school since freshman year, and I'm ranked 16 out of 700 something in my senior class.

    All of my friends are getting like 1300s, 1400s, and even in the 1500s on their SATs. It's like I'm stuck behind and can't catch up. It's the weirdest thing, I've never struggled with something, and I'm severely stressed about it because it's extremely important when applying to colleges.

    And yeah, I just got my ACT scores today. Not so great either, a freaking 26. I'm so good with math but basically nothing else, I got a 31.

    Will my bad/not good enough scores truly affect whether or not I'll get into a college like UF? I'm really determined to attend there If I don't get in, I'll be devastated. And if it helps, I have a job, I'm the president of the French Honor Society, and members of basically every other society (National Honor, Math Honor, Science Honor societies), and I'm also on the Academic team.

    I have everything EXCEPT the standardized tests...

    Any reassuring advice or information about what admission officers look for? That would be great, thank you

    4 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • Just watched "Deal or No Deal" and...?

    Yeah, so there were nine $1,000,000 cases out of a total of 26 cases...? Lol I know the show is dumb, but can it really be that easy? They're basically handing out money. It's not even a challenge for the players. And now, at the end of the episode, Howie said the next show will have 10 out of 26 cases have $1,000,000?!?!

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • I have a (!) orange light on my 2009 Kia Spectra?

    If anyone knows what's wrong with it, that'd be awesome if you could tell me. It's been there for a day, maybe 2. Just wondering if it's really bad or whatnot. Hopefully I'll get some answers

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How do you say, in French?

    How does one say "one year later" en français?

    Is it "une année plus tard" ou "une année tard" ?

    Also, what is the difference with having "plus" and not having it?

    I don't want to use "un an", which would be wrong anyway, since I'm not talking about an exact year or a literal entire year. I'm talking roughly a year.

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Ahh, I never ask these kinds of relationship questions?

    I'm a very independent person and it seems to be conflicting with almost every relationship I've had in the past few years. Don't get me wrong, I'm sociable and not awkward or anything. I can relate to my girlfriends and have a relationship, but it always gets to the point where I can't keep up with them because I'm too busy. My relationships always start out great because I think I can handle a girl, but as time goes on I realize that I just can't do it.

    Sometimes I would love to be with my girlfriend and just hangout or do whatever, but at other times I feel like I just need to have time to myself and get things done.

    Maybe it's just my personality or something, but it's getting annoying. I want a girlfriend when I'm single, but when I have a girlfriend, I want to just relax and do my own thing. Blah

    Any suggestions on how I can fix this? Lol any reasonable explanation or suggestion would be great.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why do so many people have trouble with mathematics?

    Lol I'm not perfect or anything, and I'm not trying to brag by any means, but it seems as though people put all of these math questions up on yahoo simply to get quick answers. Half of the math on here is BASIC algebra. Solving for x doesn't require that much brain power lol Does anyone else agree with me on this? People need to do their own work. Unless it's a conceptual problem, or any other problem with reasons that are adequate.

    10 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Keynes' belief of psychology in the government and in the economy?

    I'm writing a paper about Keynes and his theory, but I can't seem to find any books or links that express how he feels about the role of psychology in government and in the economy.

    It seems like I can just ramble on about it in my paper because it's kind of common sense, but I'd like to have some sort of source behind it.

    I probably won't get any responses, but ehh. Thanks anyway

    4 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Is this weird, does anyone else feel the same way?

    Is it weird that I get completely turned off by a girl when she texts and/or types like she has no idea what she's doing? It seems as if they are incapable of holding a conversation entirely. It's like I have to pry and pry to get information out of someone when they type using "ur, u, r, lyk, dis, dat, de oddur, neways" Gah. It's incredibly annoying, and I will honestly NOT date someone over this simple fact. It just shows me that you're careless. (Sorry if this is a rant, but I would still like to see if anyone else has the same outlook as I do.)

    But yeah, would the horrible grammar and the fact that you can't understand someone over text or online affect the way a relationship continues for you?

    Anyway, I can already sense the "ur stupid" and "get a life" comments. So don't waste your time on saying that, you're just proving my point. I'd like to hear from the competent people who can write English coherently. Thanks.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Texting people, I need some help?

    I live in the U.S and there is this girl in Canada I've been keeping in contact with. Will the fact that it's an international text cost more money even though we both have unlimited texting?

    I know I can text anyone in the U.S as much as I want, and she can text anyone in Canada as much as she wants, but does that also mean we can text each other, despite the fact that we live in different countries?

    That would be awesome if anyone could help, or know anything about it. She's cool and I want to keep in touch lol

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Colbert Report or the Daily Show?

    Hmm, both are hilarious, but I think I'm going to choose the Colbert Report :D

    How about you?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • AP Scores and credit?

    I got a 4 on AP Calculus AB and a 3 on AP Chemistry this year. I also got a 4 on AP Statistics.

    I'm really hopeful that my scores are good, I mean, I do try very hard. I wanted to take AP Physics at my school because I plan on majoring in Physics or Astrophysics, but I'm going to dual enroll my senior year in high school in a little not so good college with it.

    So yeah, since it's time to start applications, I was thinking about which schools to apply to. I really want to go to the University of Florida, I've heard that they have a good physics program. But I also heard that Florida State University has an awesome lab. I have a dream... That some day, I will get into MIT, but that's kind of for fun. I doubt I'll be able to get in to MIT for physics, but I won't get in if I don't apply.

    Anyway, will my scores of only 4's be good enough for good schools like UF? I am a well-rounded student, not in just academics, so I think I'll get in, but I want the credit for the AP classes as well.

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • Basic economic principles?

    I just took my first macroeconomics exam today, and a little "critical thinking" multiple choice question was:

    If the price of a product decreases, what happens to the unemployment rate?

    It's a pretty generic question, but I put that the unemployment rate would decrease because the demand would increase therefore requiring more resources (people) to make the product, in effect lowering the unemployment rate by hiring new people. It seems logical, but I'm not sure, any views?

    5 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Majoring in Astrophysics?

    I've had many science classes throughout high school, and my favorite by far was physics. I also took an astronomy class, which turned out awesomely. Also, all of the cool tv shows with astrophysics definitely spark my interest. I've tried to get AP Physics in my high school so I can take it, but it didn't happen, so I'm dual enrolling with physics next year at my little local college. I'm trying my best to get enough information about the subject but I'm having a hard time finding where any Astrophysics majors are located. Or if you can even major in Astrophysics? I don't know if it's just a BA or what-not.

    I live in Florida and I'm thinking about going to UF, but I don't know if that would be a good choice. I know they're good with the whole math and science thing, but I don't know specifically. And yes, my grades are sufficient; straight A's every year. So maybe MIT or something possibly?

    2 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • What does CO2 decompose into?

    Is the reaction:

    CO2 --> C + O2


    2CO2 --> 2CO + O2

    ? Just curious.

    4 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Can anyone tell me what shape this is?

    If the shape has a circular base and perpendicular cross sections that are equilateral triangles. I'm thinking a cone...? Not sure though.

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Calculate the potential for the hydrogen electrode...?

    Calculate the potential for the hydrogen electrode as a cathode when the concentration of the hydrogen ion is 5M and the partial pressure of the hydrogen gas is .25atm.

    I'm kind of struggling with these concepts, and the math of this section is a little confusing, can someone please clear this up for me? I understand how to do the questions when they are at 1M and at STP, but when everything changes... I'm not sure. Please help? Thank you

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • Hopefully someone will help me with my French?

    Okay, I'm just writing a little speech for my French class, and it has to be quite long, so I was wondering if someone could proof-read it. I'm usually good at making them up, but the grammar here is a little iffy and the cultural differences in saying the same thing may have an impact on the way I should say it.

    (The goal of the little speech is to tell everyone my plans after I graduate high school)

    Après l'école, j'essaierai aller à l'université de la floride parce que j'aime la ville. Mes projets que j'aurai seront aller à paris et parler le français bien. Pour fêter ma remise des diplômes, j'inviterai ma famille et mes amis à un fête chez moi. Mon objectif sera travailler comme un ingénieur chimique ou comme un physicien. Dans quelques ans, je voyagerai et habiterai en France ou peut-être en l'Allemagne, nous verrons un jour.

    Yeah, that's basically what I'm going to say. Can someone tell me if this makes sense and wouldn't be weird to say in French without sounding American? I'm trying to sound as French as possible lol

    Thank you

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago