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Why do so many people have trouble with mathematics?

Lol I'm not perfect or anything, and I'm not trying to brag by any means, but it seems as though people put all of these math questions up on yahoo simply to get quick answers. Half of the math on here is BASIC algebra. Solving for x doesn't require that much brain power lol Does anyone else agree with me on this? People need to do their own work. Unless it's a conceptual problem, or any other problem with reasons that are adequate.


Hey "anonymous", I want to make it very clear that I help people with math on a day to day basis. On yahoo, and in school... everyday. I don't mind helping people that TRY to understand something, I think it's great. But the people that absolutely could careless is just shameful.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Probably the trouble is in the school system.dude,i've been in 6 countries and trust me everyone has math problems.I't a mistery to find why?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since mathematics is Science & language of symbol.

    Different people use different notations for Mathematical Operators , i.e. Symbols of scholars are not understood easily by a common man. Which makes a look at maths weird.(ppl go by appearance)

    For e.g. When i was not knowing about factorial sign i would think 3! as person is astonished 3 times !! LOLz :D

    & integration sign was just like A SNAKE !!

    Also Interpretation of Expressions & operator are not explained fully while solving Pure Maths.

    But we do while in applied math. Thats why math is not well perceived by simple man.

    Also Logical Math is well perceived by the person whose Left Brain is dominant over right brain.

    & pattern(shapes, 3Ds) are well perceived by person with good right brain.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm one of those people who has trouble with math, so I hope my answer will be able to answer your question!

    I believe that people learn in different ways. Some people learn in a straight line - from point A to point B. These people like logic, and they like that there are patterns and formulas that can, if properly used, always give you the correct answer. These people are strong in math and sciences.

    Then there are the people who learn in more of an abstract way. They don't like following specific steps or specific directions, they'd rather think on their own. These people are generally stronger in the arts.

    What I'm trying to explain to you is, not everyone has the same process of thinking, meaning everyone has their weaknesses and their strengths when it comes to learning. Your strength is obviously math, which is why you have trouble understanding why others have difficulties with simple algebraic problems. Know that these people aren't stupid, they just happen to be weaker in your strong points, and are most likely stronger than you in your weaker areas too!

  • 1 decade ago

    Agreed, but you have to think back when you were just first getting the concepts of math... May not have been so easy... I just help those who are confounded by their problem. But I do enjoy the ones on the harder side... The funnest one I had so far was about a cancerous tumor, surface area of sphere, the radius after 72% treatment... The best part about it was no numbers haha. Just required though...

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  • 1 decade ago

    Question: How many points did you just lose to ask other people why they have trouble with something that you understand, instead of gaining points by helping them with it?

    Some people don't get things that come easily to others, That's why there are people here to answer other people's questions.

  • Well, it might be easy for you but for some people it's just a bunch of messed up numbers and letters. For example: f(x) = 3x+4 (-) x+y / 2

    People might first take a look at this and say 'WTF' but then finally understanding they get it and know. In reality, as said earlier, math is just a bunch of letters and numbers that oddly come together as one, like a puzzle.

  • Kandee
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's just hard to understand. First you're like, okay... okay... how did you get that? okay... huh? huh? wait, what? It's just when you look at the problem without trying to figure it out it just looks like a bunch of letters and numbers.

  • 4 years ago

    a persevering with fee of exchange is unquestionably the common distinction between all those numbers. in case you spot the distinction between 3 and 6 is 3 purely the comparable because it incredibly is between all the different numbers. so the consistent fee of exchange is 3

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Every year I barely pass math and dude I feel you. I blame my parents I bet they don't even know what solving for x means. HAHA, So I blame genetics.

    Whoever invented math, **** you man.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    some people just suck at math but they could be really good at something else like tennis

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