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Will the Republicans and Democrats ever work together to fix the U.S.'s problems?

13 Answers

  • molkey
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not as long as we have such a divisive President.`

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, I do not see that happening.

    Ever since the Democratic Party went to the left and the Republican went to the right, there is little, if any, common ground to work on.

    The first stumbling block is that there will be strong disagreement about whether there actually is a problem or what the exact problem is.

    The second stumbling block is that even if they agree on defining the same problem, they will very likely have completely different solutions for solving that problem. Look at the vastly different solutions they had for reforming health care. The Dems went for government control, more taxing and spending and more bureaucracy. The Reps proposed a free-market solution with increased competition and a reform of "malpractice" litigation.

    Most domestic policies will likely have no common ground between the liberals and conservatives.

    The squishy middle ground where people say we should compromise is full of violations of the Constitution. What has been compromised mostly over the past century is the limits on the government imposed by the Constitution. Many of us are tired of having the law of the land compromised and distorted.

  • 4 years ago

    in actuality our style of government is desperate up for a 2 party device; and the great project which might get up with an invaluable third party is that one Presidential Candidate ought to no longer get adequate Electoral Votes to win an election. If that befell, then the domicile of Representatives elects the President of their selection. It would not even would desire to be between the three working. each and each State would have one vote. If we replaced the device shall we've distinctive events, and characteristic a run-offs till we ended up with one candidate with a majority.

  • Dude
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    This is a little extreme comparison, But Will Bloods and Crips ever work together to horrify the streets.

    Edit- Read a book on socialism and youll see the closest thing to a democrat being a socialist was Senator Wellstone.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Probably not until the Republicans take back their country and pass laws that rename every State in the Union to a Republic. The term "State" would be permanently removed and "Republic" would takes it's place. The State of Oregon would be renamed the Republic of Oregon, The State of California would be renamed The Republic of California. Well you get the idea. After the Republicans have taken their country back and renamed the States they would use the military to permanently remove any and all references to a "Democracy" from all textbooks and any known democrats would be expelled from ever taking residency in the United Republics of America. After the Republicans have taken the country back they will invade Iran and remove the Islamic Republic and turn it into a Christian Republic. Palestinians would be converted to Judaism and gradually converted to Christianity. Any reference to the Ottoman Empire would be strictly forbidden. Oil over people would be the Republicans motto.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no just like there never gonna get together to fix our debt problems Republicans would never think of cutting defense by way of closing over seas bases. Do we really need 50,000 troops in German and Japan. Dem's would never be in favor of cutting welfare, raising the retirement age, and both would never think a vat tax and actually use the money from the vat tax to pay off our debt and if they said they would do this would you trust them I mean really would take there word on it. I mean they f*ckin sold us out gave away 700Billionn dollars try and blame on bush but over 70% of house democrats voted for it and 40% house republicans.Don'tt even get me started on the senate like 76% of the senate voted yes they don't give a f*uck what we think.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, I think global taxation through "Cap and Trade" is illegal and unconstitutional. The same as the healthcare bill that forces me to buy a service from a PRIVATE company.

    These illegal programs must be stoped.

    Harvard Predicts $7 a gallon gasoline when Cap and Trade is Passed;


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    TODAY's 2 parties are as diametrically opposed as you can get.

    Republican/conservatives are about traditional American values and Capitalism

    Democrat/Liberals are the latest wave of communists pushing for Marxist reform... or as Obama code-named it.... "comprehensive reform"

    The 2 parties have NOTHING in common, so expecting them to "come together" for a common goal is simply foolish.

    Yes, it DOES matter who you vote for, and if you are voting for TODAY's Demcoratic party, you are voting for the most anti-american group that has ever come to power in this country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    NOPE..conservatives love this country...democrats are ruining it. Democrats want to give this country away..and conservatives want responsibility and for people to take care of themselves like they SHOULD! If they need help...OK...but three years of unemployment is not an emergency is a lifestyle.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not as long as socialists are running the democrat party.

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