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checkmate asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Do the Iraqis still appreciate the freedom that America brought them?

When Saddam Hussein ruled the country and murdered his perceived enemies, the vast majority of the people had running water and enough power for their air-conditioning. Now with fifty degree celsius temperatures and frequent powercuts, do they not wish the Americans had left them alone?


Andrew S, I bet your combat zone is a greater comfort zone than the civilians have.

Update 2:

Try walking in their shoes.

12 Answers

  • Vlad
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    When I read the title of the question I thought you were another disillusioned poster. Yet now that I read the entire content I think you are someone who gets it as it is. I am not sure if you have actually been there, but it is still bad and nowhere as sweet and the news will have you believe. The power vacuum is so obvious it is almost scary. If the troops pull out then it will kick off and make Somalia and Afghanistan tribal warfare look like a minor inconvenience.

    I know one thing for sure, we made a great mistake by invading Iraq. Not only that the entire world now knows that the threat from Saddam was hyped up and the war was illegal, but the democracy we tried to promote is now looked upon as a complete joke by the rest of the planet. I think our politicians forgotten to practice what they preach. Iraq was a fck up, but Afghanistan just confirmed what everyone was thinking to start with. It is a complete mess.

  • 5 years ago

    Framing the question with "ANY value" ensures the respond. as we communicate the annoying area seems to have been achieved. Kurdistan is at peace and prospering. different areas additionally are doing nicely. We pay attention approximately Iraq in basic terms whilst there is violence and we don't pay attention plenty presently, so that could be a controversy of a rather short era and the activity would be finished. Leaving earlier that is means each and everything could have been for naught and no usa ought to ever have confidence us lower back.

  • 1 decade ago

    After the first Gulf war against Iraq Mrs Thatcher strongly suggested that the allies entered Baghdad, removed Saddam and then get out. America at that time disagreed. Now they face the consequences . Utter disaster

  • Some of them appreciate it. If I were living in Iraq before the war, I know that I would. The things you have mentioned cannot be compared to freedoms. Give me freedom or give me death!


    You would lose the bet.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Freedom to go and settle in the west, esp US? Sure.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't forget the million or so who were killed by the american invasion.

    Before the invasion most people in Iraq had a comfortable life, jobs, excellent universities, higher standard of education than the US, running water, electricity and nearly everything else.

    Now they have water and electicity shortages, bombed houses and dead families.

    That is american freedom for iraq.

  • 1 decade ago

    americans committed a crime in Iraq .

    america destroyed a civilisation just for some oil & to satisfy israel.

    +1000000 Iraqi killed, either direct by americans or by the civil war ignited by the american invasion.

    This dirty crime will remain a Black spot in american & humanity history.

  • 1 decade ago

    lol................. during the time of Saddam the situation was bad..........

    now after USA has entered it has become worse..............

    how can u ever thing USA can do good for other countries

  • Don
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    the kurds have hated you since 1975...the shite since 1991...the sunni's since 2003...and now this they only tolerate you!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They should, Saddam Hussein was a psychopathic murderer who eliminated those who opposed him, and those whom he didn't like.

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