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  • Will all those who swore blind that Mohmed Al Megrahi was guilty of the Lockerbie bombing look again?

    A lot of people argued with those of us who questioned his guilt and I remember passions of some were quite aroused because they were so definite that the court had got it right. Now the previously hidden facts are coming out, maybe they will reconsider their stance and admit that the USA and little lapdog Britain stitched it all up between them and lied to them and the rest of the world.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Who killed Pablo Neruda and why?

    It would seem that he didn't die of the cancer he was suffering from but was executed by the CIA as a favour to that tyrant, Pinochet, who went on to have thousands of Chileans executed. Really, is the fear of any political system worth the millions of Dollars spent and hundreds of thousands of people killed that America has responsibility for in its determination to defeat Socialism? No wonder the USA is as unpopular as it is.

    1 AnswerCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Why is this not better known to the MMR believers?

    I was always suspicious of the Government's blind refusal to make available the single injections, having seen myself the rise in Autism. Despite the papers saying that Wakefield's research has been discredited and any number of people parroting the same, the truth is the government has failed to check the data. Wakefield's report was never proved but it was not disproved either. I would be interested to know if anyone has dared to use the Welsh epidemic to check the rates of

    autism among the children whose parents did not allow them the MMR.

    MMR vaccine isn't safe after all, UK government forced to concede

    01 September 2010

    After years of reassuring parents about the safety of the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine, the UK government has finally had to concede that it can have serious side effects. A UK court has ruled that the vaccine caused severe brain damage in a boy, now aged 18, and has ordered the government to pay compensation. The ruling brings to an end a lengthy campaign by the boy’s mother, Jackie Fletcher, who created the pressure group JABS to help other parents win compensation for their vaccine-damaged children. Jackie’s son, Robert, was just 13 months old when he had the MMR vaccination. From being a healthy baby who was developing normally, he started to suffer epileptic fits and became unresponsive. He is now severely disabled. Jackie and her family have been awarded £91,000 in compensation. The judgement also sends out hope to the thousands of parents in the UK who are also fighting for compensation. (Source: Sunday Times, August 29, 2010).

    6 AnswersOther - News & Events8 years ago
  • Is there some mechanism on YA to block unfavourable responses?


    There are two pro-Zionist propaganda questions from Joe in voting but I cannot access either of them to cast my vote. I know that Zionists fear democracy and criticism but why should YA pander to them?

    3 AnswersOther - News & Events8 years ago
  • Is there some mechanism on YA to block unfavourable responses?

    There are two pro-Zionist propaganda questions from Joe in voting but I cannot access either of them to cast my vote. I know that Zionists fear democracy and criticism but why should YA pander to them.

    Yahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Further to the question about Israel exploiting the memory of the Holocaust?

    I have not been able to add the latter part of this as YA is unavailable to me for that question, so I would like your comments on this my answer and also on the fact I can no longer access the original.

    Yes. It is a great marketing scheme for some of them. Exploiting the world's sympathy is easier than getting a proper job.

    (later) And it goes on. Two years ago, "The Boy in Striped Pyjamas", today in London French author Tomi Ungerer and children's writer Judith Kerr recounting yet again the Holocaust, this time discussing how to present the subject for children while agreeing that no amount of horror could adversely affect a child when the truth is told. It seems every time Israel is suffering a usually-justified bad press, their apologists trot out this old guilt trip on the rest of us. I am among the first to admit the horrors of the Holocaust should never be repeated or forgotten but the constant propaganda from the Zionist camp demeans and detracts from the very lesson we should have learned.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Why is YA unavailable when I want to edit a particular answer?

    Each time I want to add to a recent answer that does not praise Israel, I get a message to say YA is not available. In the time I have been getting this message, I have answered other questions and carried out other edits. Makes you think, doesn't it?

    3 AnswersOther - News & Events10 years ago
  • Ubiquinol, the new wonder drug, causes adverse effects in some people.?

    If this drug (an advanced form of CoQ10) is so wonderful, how come it causes fatigue and joint pain in some people taking a recommended dose?

    4 AnswersAlternative Medicine10 years ago
  • Why does my Blaupunkt Montreal only work in MW and LW?

    I recently fitted on old Blaupunkt radio cassette player into my old Peugeot. I traced and bought an adapter, fitted the wires according to the diagram, switched on and it worked perfectly, didn't require the code although I have it if needed. I drove across the county to see my son, listening to FM all the way. Great, I thought. However, when I set off for home, the radio came on for a second or so then stopped although the display remained. MW and LW work but FM only works for about a second, unless I hold in the button with the ^ (with a similar symbol reversed beneath it). I suppose I could put a piece of duct tape over the button but I would rather have it back as it was. I might end up having to buy a manual but if anyone can advise me, I would be grateful.

    2 AnswersCar Audio10 years ago
  • Forgotten words to poem - Good old British justice?

    I heard this poem some years ago about a rich young man who prangs his MG and kills a pedestrian. But as his daddy and the judge (I think) went to the same school, the young man gets off and the refrain is "Good old British justice, the best that money can buy.". I've tried Google and Wikipedia with no results for the words but a reference to its being a song. Can someone on YA can come up with the goods?

    2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago
  • How do I open files in Firefox?

    I have uploaded some mpg files to a website but while they will stream and play immediately in IE, with Firefox I have to wait till they've downloaded. I see another answer says that Firefox cannot play media files. I have tried downloading a plug-in that was supposed to allow streaming but that wouldn't finish downloading. It seems a big drawback for Firefox if it can't let you watch mpg files. Can anyone advise me?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Cannot save a record in Open Office Table view?

    I maintain a database for a local group. I am trying to save details of a new member but when I try to save, I get a message saying "Error in inserting new record Value too long in Statement [insert into (the name of the table)] then the name of some of the columns. I cannot see that there is anything different to the previous data I have entered. Any advice would be gratefully received.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How many people in Britain saw the John Pilger programme, The War You Don't See on ITV last night?

    I thought this was a searching and illuminating piece but I wondered how many viewers it had and whether trying to inform the Great British Public is a hiding to nothing..

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Is the word pupil used in America for a child that goes to school?

    We used to have in Britain the word pupil to describe someone who goes to school to learn and the word student to describe someone, usually at university, who studies. That also gave the distinction between active and passive. A pupil passively absorbs learning, a student actively pursues it. I notice from popular culture that Americans do not use pupil and the word is being lost here too, due to trendy British educationalists losing the plot. Am I correct in believing America does not use the word pupil in that sense?.

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Is this the most reviled woman in the World or only in Britain?

    Look at and let me know if there is any woman more detested than she.

    18 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • WHo was that women on TV yesterday telling America that scientists have developed mice with human Brains?

    She was something to do with the teatime party so perhaps she meant politicians have developed humans with fully-functioning mouse brains?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Has Cameron forced the LibDems to renege on their signed pledges?

    Once Vince Cable starts wavering, you know the game is up. The LDs were so desperate to get the appearance of having power, they seem to have let the Tories walk all over them. How many more promises will they break before the voters see through them and they start to lose bye-elections?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is this really the same party or should Cameron say sorry?

    In 1987, the then leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister famously declared "There is no such thing as society." and she then with the blind support of her party systematically destroyed most of what was good and praiseworthy in our country. Now the current leader of the Conservatives and Prime Minister wants to build us to build "the big society". If Gordon Brown could apologise for mistakes made sixty years ago, shouldn't Cameron apologise for Thatcher and the damage she did?

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do the Iraqis still appreciate the freedom that America brought them?

    When Saddam Hussein ruled the country and murdered his perceived enemies, the vast majority of the people had running water and enough power for their air-conditioning. Now with fifty degree celsius temperatures and frequent powercuts, do they not wish the Americans had left them alone?

    12 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago