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Is this really the same party or should Cameron say sorry?

In 1987, the then leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister famously declared "There is no such thing as society." and she then with the blind support of her party systematically destroyed most of what was good and praiseworthy in our country. Now the current leader of the Conservatives and Prime Minister wants to build us to build "the big society". If Gordon Brown could apologise for mistakes made sixty years ago, shouldn't Cameron apologise for Thatcher and the damage she did?


well, Alan W, she is alive but apparently is so ga-ga, she is past all understanding. The faithful trundle her out from time to time but she's now like one of these saintly relics the southern Europeans favour. Mind you, her lack of compassion and financial know-how meant she was never that close to nornality.

Crow, You're the one who is blinded to ideology. Don't forget that while Thatcher was smashing the unions, instead of working with them, she was also squandering billions of pounds of North Sea oil money in paying for the forced unemployment of the poor and encouraging far-East industry for imports for the rich. Just think what the country could have done with that money and try lifting your head above anus level some time.

UnrealIpsa, there is a little in what you say. The Labour Party was weak but the answer to that was not to plunge the country into despair and chaos. Remember Jim Callaghan told us that "If that woman gets elected, there'll be riots in the streets."

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's the same old Tory party. The big society is just a scam, it's a way of getting people to do work for free at the expense of someones livelihood. We will be having people running Libraries for free, no need to employ staff there then. We will have people cleaning the streets, no need to employ someone there then. We will have people running schools, no need to employ people there then, and so it will go on. The Tories always hated the minimum wage and now they have found a way around it, and if you won't help out in your community by doing these jobs for free then you will have your benefits stopped. I wonder if people can apply for jobs running the country, no need for staff there then.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would imagine that Cameron will apologise for Thatcher at about the same time as Stalin will apologise for the pogroms.

    Don't hold your breath.

    Labour are the limp-wristed, weak apologists that have caused our country to be the laughing stock of the world, not the Conservatives.

    If, by 'good and praiseworthy', you mean the bloated, arrogant and greed-motivated unions like the NUM, you need to take a really good look at the union and Labour records over the past 50 years - preferably this time with your eyes open.


    Point taken. But to quote Jim Callaghan, who himself presided over round after round of strikes, power cuts and civil disturbance in his feeble attempts to hold onto power (similar in many ways to Gordon Brown at the last GE when Labour last successfully screwed up our economy), is a little like asking the sheep whether they should let the wolf into the pen.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Typical 21st century British. looking for someone to blame when your own servility and social cowardice has always been the real culprit. Sitting back and waiting for someone Els to sort out the problem is the precise reason why Britain is sinking fast. The British are a gutless breed who watch in horror at everything from the destruction of their industries, the privatisation of their utilities, to the socially destructive culture destroying mass immigration into their once safe and secure country. And what do they do, at a time when action has never been easier to organise throughout the internet.....they sit on their fat @rses moaning and waiting for the BBC to tell them who to blame. bet it is. A people shamelessly living off of the past glories of their brave fathers and Grandfathers. A people who haven't the balls to set too and build a cheap garden shed, let alone a bloody Empire. Will they shape up and act to protect their children's future....yea...After east enders perhaps.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thatcher should be the one apologising, the old bat is still alive.

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