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checkmate asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 7 years ago

Will all those who swore blind that Mohmed Al Megrahi was guilty of the Lockerbie bombing look again?

A lot of people argued with those of us who questioned his guilt and I remember passions of some were quite aroused because they were so definite that the court had got it right. Now the previously hidden facts are coming out, maybe they will reconsider their stance and admit that the USA and little lapdog Britain stitched it all up between them and lied to them and the rest of the world.


I was reminded of this when looking back, I found a lot of questions denying the man even had cancer. and @Ralf, he might stand as guilty but his chance to prove his innocence was given up as the price of his repatriation. Now the questions are being asked that should have been asked at his trial and might have been asked at his appeal. But he'll never know. BTW what's your definition exactly of a rant? You must have a very thin skin if you think I was ranting.

Update 2:

Sorry, @ralf, I cannot make head nor tail of your last contribution. You seem to be saying that the courts are always right even when they are wrong but I don't understand your next point. You say my question includes blind swearers? I can't see any such reference but I obviously don't have your insight.

Update 3:

Sorry, @ralf, I cannot make head nor tail of your last contribution. You seem to be saying that the courts are always right even when they are wrong but I don't understand your next point. You say my question includes blind swearers? I can't see any such reference but I obviously don't have your insight.

Update 4:

@mistyblue, Try googling "new information on Megrahi" It might open your eyes though it is not new to many of us.

and @Pun Gent, you obviously have a problem that truth will never cure.

6 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    He was found guilty, based on very iffy evidence. Terrorist cases in Britain seem to have a history of that... and this one had the Americans paying witnesses, to give their evidence. Evidence that was rehearsed and changed to suit the circumstances.

    Doctor Jim Swire, who sadly lost his daughter in the atrocity, has long held the belief that they got the wrong man. He has every reason to want justice for his family. And yet, he fought to clear Megrahi's name.

    It's a case that will forever be shrouded in mystery, unless the guilty people own up and show their guilt.

    There will always be people who are happy to hang, based on not a lot.

  • I dont think we will ever really know what happened. However it highly unlikely that he acted alone.

    He may or may not be guilty, there have always been doubts surrounding this case, and I think the truth will always be hidden from us. But what is sure is that the masterminds behind the bombing have quite literally got away with murder.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    he still stands guilty of the charge genius.. so he's guilty making your rant odd to say the least. oh uncovered a theory huh, well outside your head it doesn't count really does it.

    rewind: the reason we have courts is so they can tell us who is naughty or nice, Your question only includes blind swearers who sower blind in full knowledge of evidence that wasn't heard in court, if they swore blind knowing the guy was not guilty, other than that those blind swearers have every right to swear blind he's guilty.. you can still clear someone in law who is departed..

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Megrahi was a muslim.

    Why look any further?

    Muslim = bomber = target.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    He had nothing to do with the bomb and was a fall guy.

    Source(s): Spoke to one of the investigators at length.
  • 7 years ago

    What are the previously hidden 'facts'?

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