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Is this the most reviled woman in the World or only in Britain?

Look at and let me know if there is any woman more detested than she.


I am happy in my belief that Thatcher deserves either accolade because of the damage she inflicted on our country. In her mad quest to disprove Keynesian economics, she destroyed British industry and squandered our North Sea oil windfall on tax breaks and unemployment benefit. She sold council housing to the banks, causing a housing shortage and forcing up the prices of homes, put the mentally-ill on the streets when she closed their hospitals, sold the public utilities our parents and grandparents had already paid for, eradicated working-class communities and famously declared there was no such thing as society. It'll be a better world when she passes out of it.

Update 2:

Fred S, Scargill only told the truth about the mine closures and Thatcher took the opportumity to use our police force as a tool of government policy.

Disgrunt, your argument is the same as that used by Pinochet's supporters, that just because he was old he should not be held to account for the thousands of people he arranged to have murdered. I don't follow that.

And for those who trumpet her attacks on the trade unions, just remember who fought for your paid holidays, your sick leave, your freedom from exploitation, the NHS and many of the institutions that allow you to sit at home and carp. Some of these things need reforming and bringing up to date but without Trade Unionism you would never have had them.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Only in Britain I'd think but then Harriet Harman is right up there with her. If not equally then close to it. Medusa was pretty bad but I think both those two managed to surpass her.

  • 1 decade ago

    She is also one of the most admired too - at least she gave some thought of business creation and growth and put measures in place to encourage it - I don't see this new lot doing that.

    I believe that it was Peter Lilly and Norman Tebbit that were the ones that got the Tories so hated in some quarters and I also believe IDS and Chris Grayling's attempts to revive this abhorrent legacy is the stupidest thing the Conservative party have ever come up with. You would have thought they would have learnt the lessons of three General Election defeats.

    You have to create the opportunities before you punish people for not taking them. I would have thought that was obvious.

  • 1 decade ago

    If people were to stop talking about her she would not still be so important. Mgt T followed the plans in place before she was PM.....All the MP's said yes to the changes and off she went like a robot doing their job.....She got a lot of PR training on how to stand, look, speak etc and the papers loved her for her acting for them, she gave them a job all the time she was in office.

    Since her time in office those plans set all those years ago are still getting carried out by each subsequent government. Detest? No one thinks about her now, except for trolls maybe.

  • Murf
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I disagree with the reviling tone of the question. Too bad Thatcher isn't running the country now because we wouldn't be in the economic fix that we're in. She was the best PM since Churchill, a true leader and a visionary, vastly different than anyone the left has to offer.

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  • patch
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't think that the Romans were very keen on Queen Boudicca if that helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, only in Britain, other countries have their own reviled person.

    Source(s): common sense
  • IVOR
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Mrs Thatcher was the best PM since Churchill, she dragged this country from being the sick man of Europe into the modern world. Her achievements some quite radical,have not been fully appreciated but she will be acclaimed by future historians.

  • 1 decade ago

    Katie from X Factor

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In my opinion, the worst ladies in the UK are

    1. Margaret Thatcher

    2. Katie Price

    3. Heather Mills

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No, most of us in the U.S. don't have such strong feelings about her. I also don't think most of us are quite as blood-thirsty as the "death ticker" makes you seem.

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