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checkmate asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 10 years ago

Further to the question about Israel exploiting the memory of the Holocaust?

I have not been able to add the latter part of this as YA is unavailable to me for that question, so I would like your comments on this my answer and also on the fact I can no longer access the original.

Yes. It is a great marketing scheme for some of them. Exploiting the world's sympathy is easier than getting a proper job.

(later) And it goes on. Two years ago, "The Boy in Striped Pyjamas", today in London French author Tomi Ungerer and children's writer Judith Kerr recounting yet again the Holocaust, this time discussing how to present the subject for children while agreeing that no amount of horror could adversely affect a child when the truth is told. It seems every time Israel is suffering a usually-justified bad press, their apologists trot out this old guilt trip on the rest of us. I am among the first to admit the horrors of the Holocaust should never be repeated or forgotten but the constant propaganda from the Zionist camp demeans and detracts from the very lesson we should have learned.

2 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have no problem with the stories being retold, movies made, art expressed. In fact I enjoy and respect most of these expressions. They serve to remind us that never again do we want to see such atrocities repeated, and honors those who have suffered.

    The problem comes when Israel is permitted to occupy Palestine and go unchecked against human rights violations. Although not to the extent of the Holocaust, they are permitted to do to others what has been done to them. True it is not as short and atrocious, fast at first, this has remained a slow continuous strangulation. This is in no way make right what was done to the Jews and needs to be stopped. The world needs to hold them accountable.

  • 10 years ago

    As this was the greatest atrocity of all time the Jewish people are fully entitled to remind the world of the wickedness perpetrated on them by the German people. Especially as half of of them deny it ever happened thus proving they are more concerned with covering their embarrassment than expressing genuine remorse for this indescribably evil disgusting act whilst the other half attempt to exonerate themselves by claiming they did not know of the slaughter. Had they not been stopped however they would be strutting around calling themselves the master race committing these acts to any race the chose.

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