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What gives people faith?

Some people just seem to have a natural built in faith that never waivers. Why do you think that is?

(Any Religion)


"Not wanting to go to hell gives faith"...... That's terrible!!!

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The questions of origin -why is this here/what caused this, where did we come from/why are we here -are the oldest in recorded history. Virtually every culture has its own Creation story - we know 20,000 of them. If you look at ancient aboriginal cave art, neolithic art in Spain, they're all illustrating or exploring these questions. The earliest constructs (like Bru na Boinne/Newgrange) are in relation to faith in one way or another. Those questions are hardwired into the human species. We each continue to ask them today.

    So why do some people seem to never waiver? Maybe a part of it's being tapped into who we are as the human family. A theory, anyway.

    Source(s): Catholic
  • 1 decade ago

    Faith can be stronger than fact. But as for "what gives" people faith I think everyone has the potential for a little bit of faith. We are born with it (the God gene) and from that it can be built upon and worked on like a muscle.

    I think God gives us faith, but its up to us to choose where to place it, and how strong we want it to be. Or we can reject God and "faith" altogether.

    As a poker player and a Christian I can easily know the difference between gambling and having faith. I never bring faith into a poker game. There IS a difference.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not wanting to go to hell gives faith. Some people's faith does not waver because they have eternity to think about. They don't live for the day. They know heaven and hell is at hand. But this happens:

    1 Timothy 4:1 - Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons. ~ Note: Paul sounds like he's really trying to get the point accross by stating "the Spirit expressly says." With this kind of language, we better pay attention. The word for giving heed also means to turn the mind to, give attention to, to apply one's self to, to devote thought and effort to. The word for depart also means to desert, to fall away, become faithless, to withdraw one's self from. Either way that you look at it they stop having faith. So be careful of deceiving spirits and keep the faith. Real faith that is, not one of an imposter.

    1 Timothy 5:12 - Having condemnation because they have cast off their first faith. ~ Note: The word for cast off also means despise, reject, bring to nothing, to do away with, to set aside, disregard, nullify, make void. Clearly, their faith is no good anymore, and they will be condemned at the last day. These people become spiritually dead. I suggest that you study the word of God hard to make sure that your life lines up with His word. I still do it often, and I will continue to do so. I love reading the Bible and being taught the ways of God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Constant bible reading, studying, and prayer builds faith. It's the foundation of faith and trust in THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH.

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  • 5 years ago

    God offers each person a degree of religion (Romans 12:three). It is anything we have got to undertaking to ensure that it to develop robust and effective. It is as though we're workout our our bodies, the extra we undertaking the healthier we emerge as. Sometimes we will ask God the Son to develop our religion (Luke 17:five). We want religion due to the fact the Bible says that with out it it's unimaginable to delight God (Hebrews eleven:6). A little religion is going far as in Jesus' illustration of the mustard seed (Mat 17:20). Faith have got to be lively now not lifeless. As James mentioned, religion with out works is lifeless (James two:20). We have got to step out in religion. We have got to step out of our relief zone and do the unimaginable, trusting God each and every step of the way in which. God offers a man or woman religion however it's as much as her or him what she or he does with it. We can take the religion He gave us and use it to consider that His Son died for our sins. In this religion we repent and deliver our lives to Jesus. In religion we learn the Gospel and use it on our lives. In religion we percentage it with others in order that they can also come to grasp the Lord and receive His salvation by way of religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some are raised to have it, others come to it by the experiences in their life. At the same time, some resist it and some seek it and can't find it.

  • Rudy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The goodness and mercy of God who gives faith to those He foreknew will accept it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Im the kind of person that wont believe in something unless I see it. And this organization helped me see, and then I started to believe. Its not for any particular religion, but for anyone who wants to see God within themselves. Everyone has God with in, and this organization mediates the revealing of that God.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think faith arises as a natural or spontaneous response through having a relationship with God (or a higher power, so to speak) because just as it can be difficult to trust someone without first getting to know him or her better, it can be difficult for any person to trust in God if he or she hasn't had the opportunity to know Him better.

    It took me many years of questioning God and His ways before I finally acknowledged His presence and involvement in my life (despite my doubts, I found myself secretly believed there is a God) - for some reasons, I have never really questioned His existence because in my childhood days, I remember crying out in my heart to God (whoever He is) in my heart to heal me when I was ill, telling Him (in my own mother tongue) that I didn't want to die.

    It was a series of events down through the years, that finally convinced me God is real and is personally involved in my life, as I experienced goodness and kindness from people even though I did nothing to deserve it, and some passages in the Bible also spoke to my heart when I was reading it for myself, such as the one that says God's ways are higher than my ways.

    I suppose it took me a long time to develop faith in God because I had been too used to depending on my own intelligence and ability to figure things out, including spiritual things - I remember I didn't like to read psalms, because the psalmists seem to appear weak and helpless - and there I was feeling I was strong and intelligent (or at least I thought so) - but the more I listened to the good news of His grace and love (demonstrated at the cross), the more I began to see His heart and how He is all the time working behind the scenes for my good, the more I am learning to let go of my self-efforts to be in control, and simply rest in His everlasting arms and follow life and peace within.

    P.S. I don't think "not wanting to go to hell gives faith" (whoever said that) because it is born out of fear actually, not faith, and furthermore, the concept of "hell" is mainly borrowed from pagan religions, and the erroneous idea of "a place of eternal torture" is partly due to misunderstandings of the original Hebrew and Greek meanings of "sheol" (grave) and "hades" (temporary holding place for the dead before Jesus' resurrection) and "gehenna" (burning garbage dump in Jerusalem - a metaphor of the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in AD70 by the Romans as the final judgment for those in Israel who rejected Jesus, signifying the end of the old covenant age, and the establishment of the new covenant age, in which we all are living in), as well as the word "everlasting" (Aion in Greek, which means for an age). Jesus is the Saviour of all mankind, and His work of redemption is completely successful in reconciling everyone (not a single soul is left out) to God, and we all will be continue to be with God in the afterlife. The reason to have faith in Jesus in this lifetime is to benefit from His finished work practically by enjoying forgiveness of sins, and the gift of righteousness and no condemnation, and peace for our conscience and healing of our soul/emotions and body, as well as a living, dynamic relationship with our loving Saviour who dwells in us - for the mystery has been revealed: "Christ in you, the hope of glory".

  • 1 decade ago

    Because Faith is a gift, but a gift you have to prize. God does not give you something that will just increase your damnation so to speak.

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