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Why is it harder for some people to have faith?

Why do you think some people have little or no faith (Spiritually). Some people look their whole lives, some people not at all, some people lose their faith. What do you think?

(Any religion)


I was talking about a "higher power" kind of faith, not faith in people.

And I was more or less referring to people who want to have faith but can't.

And I was also unaware that faith led to drooling..... Thanks to the people that answered my question honestly and respectfully.

31 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think a lot of people intellectualize too much about faith. Jesus said, "Whoever has faith like little children, these are the greatest in the Kingdom of God." It's like this: you have a three-year old. You tell them you're all going out for ice cream. Do they stop and skeptically ask you, 'When?" Or do they jump up and down yelling, "Yay, we're going for ice cream!"

    When I was praying for salvation, the words 'Unless you believe as a little child, it will not be shown to you' went through my mind. I put aside my searching and said, 'Lord, here I am.' I felt His power, beautiful, powerful and frightening all at once. Later, we looked in the Bible for the sentence I 'remembered'. It isn't there. God speaks to us in 'a still, small voice.' The truth is shown to you AFTER you have faith in Jesus.

    There were sixteen Roman guards watching His tomb, taking turns of four in four hour shifts each, but His body still went missing from the tomb. The punishment for a Roman guard caught sleeping on shift was crucifixion. The Jewish authorities could not produce His body after they claimed He was dead and not resurrected. The stone over the tomb weighed two tons. His followers were all very depressed and mourning, in no shape to fight Roman soldiers and move a two-ton stone.

    Now be rational and think critically.

    Source(s): Life
  • 1 decade ago

    Dan baker a former evangelist summed it up nicely.

    "Faith is a cop-out. It is intellectual bankruptcy. If the only way you can accept an assertion is by faith, then you are conceding that it can't be taken on its own merits."

    its not enough to have faith, you need reasoned thought.

    I also think that the disconnect between the philosophy and the actions has allot to do with people rejecting faith and religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that faith is something you have or you don't. If you have it, it doesn't mean you have the same faith in the same deity. Some of us know immediatley if we have that faith. Some of us desperatley wish we had faith and never can obtain it. And then there are those of us who put faith in the wrong place and thus "lose it" or move on to what is spiritually right for us.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is one thing to have "faith" that my friend or family member or loved one will come through for me in a time of hardship. That kind of faith is necessary to build meaningful and rewarding relationships. Sure, everyone gets burned now and then for putting faith in the wrong person, but it is worth the risk, and it is worth the occasional and inevitable let-down. What value would life have if we couldn't risk loving or trusting others?

    It is quite another thing to have "faith" that something or someone exists when you have no evidence that it exists. That is an exercise in pointlessness. It adds no meaning to a person's life until and unless they invent meaning to attach to that faith. Such faith adds nothing to one's life. If I told you I invented a magical being who helps me with all my problems, and it has four horns on it's head, no eyes, and is purple and spangly, and it knows perfect love and justice, you'd call me a fool. If I told you that my life has meaning and purpose only because I understand my life through my faith in this being, and I am filled with its perfect, purple, four-horned, spangly love, you'd call me a maniac. There is no essential difference between my purple spangly being and the average god, except that people tend to imagine their gods look sort of the same way they do.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Some of us just naturally question things. It's how we grow and become more intelligent. Religious beliefs make no sense logically..........their "facts" just can't be true. Faith comes from the childish part of the brain. I used to be a believer and it is just like Santa Claus. What would you think if all the religious people on here were talking about Santa like they talk about God? You would think they were a little nuts. That's how I see believers now.

  • 1 decade ago

    well, generally, id say, its about information and understanding that information and what it means for things liek spirituality

    usually its not that its 'hard' to have faith' its that those who dont, find it'hard' to ignore evidence/information

    we all have differnt expereinces, thoughts, information and understanding of that evnethe same information

    so we dont all have the same conclusions about them

    faith, is for religion, because they dont need or want 'evidence' they are happy to beleive and have faith in things without that

    other people, are not

    thats it realy, we are all different

  • 1 decade ago

    I've been trying to anwser that question for years. I don't know. I wish i could tell you, becuase then I'd have the answer. maybe we just can't look over some things that most people ignore. Believe me, I would have spent more nights sleeping than trying to contemplate "Why?" if I knew the anwser.

    Source(s): Peace and Love
  • 1 decade ago

    Faith has no quantitative value, especially to the honest critical thinking rational person

    frou frou are claiming that ignorance is bliss?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because having critical thinking skills is an effective immunization protocol to prevent religious indoctrination. Faith is philosophically worthless. It is designed to prevent the religious person from questioning their fundamental beliefs.

    The question is: if you don't question your beliefs, how do you know they're true?

  • 1 decade ago

    There is a small percentage of humanity... DISTRESSINGLY small, actually... that IS NOT stupid and gullible enough to think that 'faith' is a valid path to 'knowledge', or a legitimate justification for ANYTHING.

    In the context of 'god' and 'religion', 'faith' can be precisely defined: wishful, magical thinking... a lame and pathetic SUBSTITUTE for facts, evidence, logic and reason. As such, it is used to initiate, justify and sustain 'belief'... the ILLUSION of knowledge... a lame and pathetic SUBSTITUTE for ACTUAL knowledge.

    Faith + belief ---> gullibility, self-deception, self-delusion, irrationality, willful ignorance, intellectual dishonesty, lies, deceit, sophistry, hypocrisy, and toxic, drooling, malignant stupidity.

    Yeah... some people have little or no 'faith'. There's a NAME for them: SANE people.

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