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Anyone else annoyed when veggies or vegans call omnivores meat eaters?

Or carnivores? I have no problem with vegetarians or vegans, its a perfectly legit dietary choice, but it really annoys me when vegetarians or vegans call me and other omnivores meat eaters or carnivores.

That implies that all we eat is meat. And that's not at all true. We eat all sorts of fruits, vegetables, and grains as well. It also seems to be kind of a vicious label. Where's the love guys? I support your choices quite well? Why so hostile?


Guys, I didn't mean this to turn into a hate session on vegetarians o.O I'm cool with them.

Update 2:

Veggie is an abreviation. Vegetarian is a bit of a long word don't you think?

Update 3:

I apologize, I didn't realize calling a vegetarian a veggie was perceived as so offensive. I won't do it anymore.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They think they are better than "meat eaters".

    But in actuality, they are starving, malnourished and pissed off. Someone should do them all a favor and take them out to a steakhouse.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Everyone has a choice in what they eat. I am a vegetarian, not a veggie. I hope one day to go vegan. It's a life choice, not really a diet.

    I don't call my friends meat eaters, or my family that. I don't call them carnivores or omnivores. I call them by their name. And if anyone calls them self "carnivore" or "meat eater" it's my friends. They make fun of me for being veg. but I just ignore it, or I laugh with them.

    Everyone has their own choice, beliefs, and opinions. And no one should be judged by them.

    And some vegans, or vegetarians think they are better, then that's how they act as a person. Not all vegans or vegetarians get mad at people for eating meat. I look right past it. When I used to be a "meat eater" I didn't care what my veg friends ate. I praised them for it. I'm glad I went veg. I don't care what people think about it. And for those vegetarians and vegans who make fun of you for eating me, tell to go eat some tofu or something. =) Don't be mad, let's all just be friends! The world would be a better place if we all stick together!

  • Well, I'm vegan, and it does annoy me when others use "carnivore" to describe someone. And this goes for anyone...there's even trolls who come on here & claim that they're carnivores. Have you ever met a human carnivore? They wouldn't have a very long life span. They'd probably die of impaction before they reach 20. :) "Meat eater" doesn't bother me so much, because at least it's true. I mean omnis eat meat. Of course they eat plant foods too, but saying someone is a meat eater doesn't mean that they exclusively eat meat. You could call me a fruit eater but that doesn't mean the only thing I eat is fruit. However, I do see how "meat eater" could come off as being an attack or condescending or something. I knew someone before who used to refer to my meals or food as "bunny food" and that annoyed me. So I see where you're coming from. I personally have always used "omni" when referring to omnivores or omnivorous diets/foods. And I'm certainly not hostile towards anyone unless they give me a reason to be. What someone eats is not a reason. Well, unless they're a cannibal, trying to eat me. :)

    I do find it annoying when people refer to veg'ns as "veggies", or "vegheads", or any other stupid thing like that. Even a lot of vegetarians do that. It annoys the crap outta me. A veggie is something you eat, not something you are. And what the hell is a veghead? It sounds more like a cutesy name for your buddy who's in a coma or brain dead. Vegetarian is only four letters longer than veggie, so it isn't much of an abbreviation. The common abbreviation is veg'n or veg*n (The latter annoys me. Call me a grammar snob.), which is meant to mean "vegetarian and/or vegan".

  • 1 decade ago

    All humans are omnivores, scientifically speaking, so how would you like to be differentiated from someone who chooses to be vegetarian or vegan?

    I appreciate the point, however, that non-vegetarians (hoping this is not another annoying term) eat fruits, vegetables, and grains etc. Most of the questions we get indicate that non-vegetarians only ever eat meat, three meals a day, seven days a week. I hate when there's a question like, what can a vegetarian eat for breakfast? Seriously? They have bacon or ham or sausage or whatever for breakfast so often that they can't even imagine a non-meat breakfast? Never even heard of eggs, or corn flakes, or oatmeal, or toast?

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not hostile toward omnivores. I also am offended when someone is hostile toward me about my diet, so I would never do that to someone else. I consider the choice to become a vegetarian or vegan one of personal principle rather than a moral high ground to be imposed on others. In fact I actually have the opposite problem. When I tell an omnivore that I'm a vegan many respond, "Yeah, well, I'm a carnivore!" so I ask them, "How do you poop?"

  • 1 decade ago

    Over the years I have learned that there is always someone out there that is overly sensitive to something, and you cannot please everyone. I think you are reading a bit too much into the word. While you have every right to your opinion, you also must understand that while you feel one way, other people do not. When I see the term "meat eater", and it typically only comes up in discussions between veg*ns and omnivores/meat eaters, it is simply a term to describe one who includes meat in their diet. Omnivore is as inaccurate as carnivore, as that is not a dietary choice, we are all omnivores(able to digest both plants and animals), however, some of us choose not to.

    Hopefully in the future if you see me use the term "meat eater" to describe someone who eats meat, you will not be offended. I am not going to go out of my way to try and please everyone that might be reading my answer, otherwise I would probably have to dissect everything I wrote with a fine tooth comb, as someone is always going to be sensitive about something. However, you are now aware that there are no ill intention in my using of the term, and there are typically no ill intentions when other people use it as well.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    erm, no, meat eaters, eat meat, vegetarians eat vegetables, i dont see the problem, thats whta labels are, just a generalised description, not a factual documentation of each person

    that would seem like a very pointless thing for me to bother about


    its a label, we all have them,w e all give them, its just how soceity works, thatsnot so much hostile as much as it is a fact of soceity

    look at it this way, you say 'veggie is an abreviation, its toolong'

    exzctly, you have a preference, to call someone else soemthing else, that they may not even like or care for, but you still do it


    cos thats the pointin labels, they are for the prson speaking not those its about

  • J
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'm more annoyed when people call Vegetarians "veggies." We're not vegetables in the hospital.

    That aside, sometimes "meat eater" is the best way to describe someone who doesn't eat much besides meat. Most people (omnivores, in my book) may eat a balanced diet with meat, grain, fruits, vegetables, but I know of many people that want and have MEAT, in vast quantities, at every meal. They are, in my book, meat eaters. Sure, they eat other stuff since if they didn't they'd die shortly, but they don't prefer anything over meat.

    Edit: Sure, "Vegetarian" is a long word. But so is "omnivore." Only two letters difference. And "veggie" is only four letters shorter than "Vegetarian." If you want to abbreviate it, you could use "Veg." at least then it's obvious that it's short for something. Calling someone a "veggie" is degrading--As though we're missin' a couple brain cells. :P IMO.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Im a vegan but I feel disgusted at calling myself that.I never tell anyone that Im better than them because I dont eat animal products.why would I?..You sound like a very respectable person because you respect others why cant everyone be like that?.I mean eating animals in our instinct!its one of the first things man learned to do....I hate obnoxious veggies and vegans.I just call myself someone who doesnt eat animals..dont worry I never call people meat eaters and im not tryin to cause an arguement!Im just agreeing with what you have to say.....

    Source(s): Im a vegan myself
  • 1 decade ago

    It doesn't imply anything except that you eat meat. It doesn't say that you eat meat exclusively. So I am not understanding why you are offended. "Carnivore" on the other hand is incorrect.

    Interestingly enough I dislike it when people say vegetarians are not omnivores. We as humans are all omnivorous...but some of us choose not to eat certain things.

  • lo_mcg
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Why should 'meat-eater' be insulting or annoying? It's used as a matter of convenience when discussing people's diets, that's all, to identify those whose diet includes meat. There is no implication that a person so described eats only meat; it's simply used to distinguish those who eat meat from those who don't when that is the subject under discussion.

    And 'person whose diet includes meat' is in fact the only possible alternative to 'meat-eater' in such discussions. That's a bit of a mouthful, and a lot longer than 'vegetarian'.

    Omnivore isn't appropriate, it's as incorrect as carnivore. It isn't a diet choice; we're all omnivores. It's a reference to the type of species we are.

    I think you're being a tad over sensitive, and ascribing a motive that isn't there to people using the term.

    What word or term would you prefer, bearing in mind that omnivore isn't correct.

    It's minor among the things that irritate me, but I do find 'veggie' cutesy and patronising.

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