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  • Glasses or GP lenses this year?

    So it's that time of year again for an eye exam. So I want to get a few opinions. I'm contemplating whether to get a new pair of glasses or fitted for gp lenses. Those are the options. I've tried soft contacts (toric, I have an astigmatism), and they're okay, but overall I'm not satisfied. After a couple of hours they make my eyes feel itchy and dry. My doctor thinks that it's due to mild dryness of the eye and that other soft lenses won't make a difference. He said I could try punctal plugs (soooo not doing that), or ridged gas permeable lenses.

    So what you guys think? Should I give them a try, or just get a new pair of glasses? I really want to wear contacts, but like I said the soft ones aren't really working for me. My doctor's confident they aren't hurting my eyes, but I just don't like wearing them enough to do it often. I've only gone through a 6 month supply in a year.

    (p.s. I'm aware that the gp lenses take a while to get used to.)

    3 AnswersOptical6 years ago
  • Contact lens concern. Maybe I'm paranoid?

    New contact lens wearer here. I haven't worn them in two days because my eyes were bothering me. Itchy, red, just kind of annoyed. I've been having other allergy symptoms too. Gunky lungs, alternations between runny nose and stuffed up nose, and major, MAJOR sinus pressure and headaches (I've had one for three days actually -_-). I don't normally get such bad seasonal allergies this time of year, and not normally with such bad eye symptoms, but we've been doing a remodel at work and I've been exposed to two things that kill me: dust and mold. So I'm not really surprised.

    Anyway yesterday I got my new contacts in the mail, so I went to put my contacts in after works, and surprise, I had a redder patch on my eye going from the iris to the interior corner, so I thought better of putting contacts in. I was a little concerned, but I'd been having allergies, and a stabby eyelash I discovered.

    Well today I woke up and the red patch was gone, the itchiness was gone, though the sinus pressure remains much to my annoyance; it's always the longest symptom. So I put in my contacts. My eyes feel completely fine other than the sinus pressure and headache that still won't abate. But I feel like the veins in my eyes are just super noticeable. My eyes aren't red, it's the veins that are always visible....just, I don't know, more visible?

    I currently have no itchiness, no pain, no discharge (and never had the last two). Should I be concerned at all? I'm paranoid about infection.

    2 AnswersOptical7 years ago
  • So I want to give contact lenses a try, but feeling nervous!?

    A little background info. I'm 25. I've been wearing glasses since I was about 11 on and off. Mostly on, but sometimes in the wrong prescription (too weak). I've always needed them, but funds and insurance had been an issue up until a couple of years ago. I also have an astigmatism. It's not super sever, but without my glasses there is a noticeable degree of fuzziness, my night vision is really bad, and I can't read road signs.

    The little annoyances of glasses have always bothered me but I've put up with it because I wasn't willing to try alternatives. But I Think I've finally had it. In my line of work, they fog up constantly and get splattered a lot. I think I'm finally ready to try contacts.

    I made the appointment for next week yesterday, but I'm feeling so nervous! Can someone put my mind at ease regarding what to expect during the contact exam? What will my OD do? Will it feel weird? Is there likely to be a problem because of my astigmatism? Could something go wrong? I've had a lot of eye exams in my life, but never a contact lens exam. I think I'm feeling more nervous about the exam than trying contacts in the first place!

    Also, I know my OD will go over this with me, but what should I be considering regarding the contacts themselves? I've heard that GP lenses are a lot better for astigmatism than soft lenses, but that they're also a lot harder to get used to. Any input there? Or maybe it won't matter because my astigmatism isn't very sever?

    Thanks guys.

    3 AnswersOptical7 years ago
  • I get hives when I run in cold weather?

    What is up with this? I really want to start jogging (and work up to full running) for the betterment of my health. I just got back from a jog actually. It's cool and drizzling a bit. Unfortunately about 10 minutes in, I broke out in horrible, horrible, excruciating hives. The itching abated a bit when I slowed to a brisk walk, but every time I tried to jog again, the itching was back in seconds, with vengeance!

    I was so miserable, and not from the jogging! It was everything I could do not to rip off my pants and start scratching violently in public.

    I really don't want to have to stop, or pay a bunch of money for a gym membership. Help me!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • My red hair dye came out purple help!?

    So I wanted to go from black to red right? So I stripped my hair to get some of the black out, and it worked It dulled it down to a reddish-brownish color that was pretty coppery, which is pretty typical of a successful stripping, this much I know. Then I dyed over it with a permanent dark auburn. The color seemed to be rather red/brown based. It didn't look purple on the package, and didn't look purple in the bottle. But for some reason it came out a rather burgundy/purple shade (most obvious at my roots which are indeed lighter than the rest of my hair; I knew they'd be lighter and I'm okay with that. It's the tone I don't like).

    Now, I need my hair to not be so purple. I don't particularly like the color, and when my boss sees it, he's not going to be thrilled in the slightest. I also don't really want to redye my hair. Though it appears to be in good shape after stripping and coloring (and it should be! I just cut most of it off), I don't want to push my luck, or go through the time and aggravation again so soon. So is there anything I can do to tone down the purple?

    I'm not going to a salon. It's too expensive and I really don't have the time. My first thought was, hey, orange toning shampoo! That should counter the blue hues. But apparently, orange toner is not a thing. I've also hear I might try dandruff shampoo, or mixing 1 part 3% hydrogen peroxide with 2 parts shampoo. But I'm not terribly thrilled with either of these options, because I'd like to keep the red and brown hues, it's just the blue hues that have to go. So help me! There has to be something out there. Or will I just have to redye it, or pick up some sort of wash in color shampoo to cover the shade for work?

    3 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • How do I know if my eyeglass prescription is wrong?

    Well first of all, I just got vision insurance and I'd been wearing the same glasses for about 5 years before my insurance. My previous prescription was obviously too weak. I couldn't read signs, or my teleprompter at work well even with them on. So I got my eye exam, and a new prescription.

    Well I just got the glasses today, and I'm seeing really well. From just a vision standpoint they seem to be perfect. But I'm having a little trouble. It's hard to explain, but my the frames are sort of small, and my peripheral vision is kind of messing me up. You know how if you have a glass of water, and stick a glass rod in it, there's a bit of a disconnect and the out of water and in water parts of the rod don't quite match up? That's what I'm seeing right now. Walking feels a little weird and it makes me a little dizzy, because unless I'm staring straight at the ground, the vision in front of me is clear, and my peripheral is blurry, but the size of the two don't match up, and I feel like I'm about two feet tall trying to walk in a body that isn't.

    Is this normal for the adjustment period of glasses? Will I get used to it and learn to (for the most part) ignore my peripheral vision? I do know that I have very sharp and aware peripheral vision. Or is my prescription perhaps over correcting my eye site a bit too much? It's really hard for me to tell. Like I said, I feel like I'm seeing really well; I'm seeing details that I haven't in years. But I'm also used to wearing such a weak prescription....maybe I just don't know any better.

    Other symptoms? None really. I haven't noticed any sort of headache or general dizziness (other than what I've described). My eyes do feel a little strained, but like I said, I've been in the wrong prescription for years, and my eyes certainly aren't used to seeing at 20/20.

    3 AnswersOptical8 years ago
  • How discreet is Amazon shipping? Anyone know?

    I want to place an order for items. I usually order things from a different site, but Amazon is offering a pretty steep discount for what I want. The box will just say Amazon right? Also, will I need to sign for it? That would be a problem, as I spend the vast majority of my time at work. My mailman usually leaves packages on my doorstep, but I don't know if I'd need to sign for it to prove my age.

    I'm nearly 24, but I have roommates. I would be mortified a bit if they knew what I was ordering. So I'm just checking.

    6 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Thinking of buying my first gun?

    I'm looking for recommendations of what I should, potentially, look into getting. I wouldn't say I'm a novice. I've been handling various sorts of firearms for years, I just don't own one yet, and the choice for my first fire arm is a big decision.

    Mostly I'm interested in firing range sport. I don't hunt, and I don't see myself getting a CCW any time soon. So really I'd just be using it at the range. I'm pretty sure I want a hand gun, though I'm not necessarily opposed to a rifle. I do not want a shot gun.

    I'm open to different sorts of Pistols, but Revolver's are my first love. There's just something about a single action Revolver that I really love. As for caliber I'm thinking either .357 Mag or 45 ACP. I've only ever fired 1 9mil, and I couldn't get on target. I don't know if it was just the gun, but it's really turned me off of 9mils. I've been toying with the idea of a .44mag too, but I'm concerned that caliber might be a little much for me to handle on a regular basis. I've fired one, and I could fire it safely, however it certainly took a lot out of me. I could feel it in my arms and wrists pretty badly the next day. I'm 5 foot 2, 110 lbs, only slightly above average musculature for a woman. So I that .44mag would be a poor decision. But I can handle up to a .45 ACP adequately without too much fatigue. I'm not really looking for a .22 or .38 special. I find them boring for some reason.

    Also, being a small woman, anything I buy that shoots rounds larger than .38 special will need to be full metal bodied, with at least a medium barrel length (preferably long barrel). Plastic and snub nose fire arms kick too much for me to use comfortable.

    So if anyone has any suggestion about what I should look in to, I'd appreciate it. Caliber suggestions are fine. But mostly I'm looking for make and model. Links would be appreciated too, so that I can see it. Price is a concern of course. I'm willing to pay a fair price for a high quality fire arm, but I don't have thousands to spend. About $600 would probably be my limit, maybe a bit more. I'm also open to buying used, assuming I can find a used gun in good condition.

    Remember, I'd prefer a Revolver, single action if possible, but I would consider a pistol as well. Also I live in California, that's important because we have fairly strict gun laws.

    Thanks guys.

    10 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • My car failed smog, can you still get a CA DMV TOP extension?

    My car failed the EVAP test (passed emissions with flying colors, so I'm kinda annoyed >_<). My registration is due on Feb 2nd. I didn't do this sooner because I thought it was going to pass; it always has and I've not been having trouble with the car. No codes, runs like normal.

    Anyway, my car is 23 years old. I have to go back to the center to get a diagnostic done (about $80) just to see where the leak is. If it's something simple (read cheap) I'll fix it. But if it's going to cost any more than $150 over the diag fee, I'm going to retire it with the cap program. Because it won't be worth the money to fix (mine or the state's). Thing is though, it takes about a month to go through.

    Now, this is my only vehicle, and I don't have the money to buy another. And I need to be able to move the vehicle to the dismanteler if/when the CAP goes through. So, my question is, does the CA DMV still do TOP extensions? I know they used to for like 60 days, and that should get the job done. I don't know if they still do them, or if it's a thing of the past. The only information I could dig up on it was from 2009 and I don't know if laws have changed since then. I'd call the DMV, but it's after hours right now and I'm feeling anxious about this.

    10 AnswersInsurance & Registration8 years ago
  • I want a new tattoo.?

    I'll be thinking on this for a while, I'm just in the beginning stages of planing. My problem is I can't seem to find a good place to put it. What I want is a Scarab Beetle, nothing intricate, just a basic design, maybe something you'd see in traditional tribal black work. Something like this, but obviously bigger. Probably at least the size of my palm.

    However, I think I want to give it a try in white ink. I've done my research and I know the risks with white tatts, so no need to go into that.

    So really, where am I going to put this? It has to be somewhere that doesn't see the light of day much, because of the delicate and easy fade nature of white ink, if it ever has a chance of sticking. I really wanted my next tatt to be a rib piece, but I'm not really sure this design would flow well.

    1 AnswerTattoos9 years ago
  • Thermostat housing on an 89 Camry, standard with a v6?

    Need to replace my thermostat, but can't seem to find the housing. I've done this before but my Toyota is so dramatically different under the hood than my other cars.....I need a little help. If you could link me to a picture online, that'd be awesome, if not just describe it.

    Please and thank you.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • 89 Toyota Camry, SE, LE, LX or XLE, or something else?

    So I don't know which my car is, and I need to know to have my CV Axel replaced. There is nothing on the car which specifies, the manual is for all of the models for that year, and my registration doesn't specify either.

    Help! How can I tell the difference?

    2 AnswersToyota1 decade ago
  • Bought my friend a router (house warming gift) and apparently we have to change the settings from DHCP to PPOE?

    Because she has an ATT DSL connection instead of cable internet. It's a Cisco Linksys E2000 Advanced Wireless N-Router. do I do that?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Can my employer get in trouble for not with holding enough tax?

    Here's the situation. My employer, as it turns out, did not with hold the right amount of tax from my checks, as I specified on my W-4. In fact, from what I can tell from an online tax calculating tool, which includes wage and allowences, he only took about half the correct amount.

    Now, normally I would think this is my fault by not paying attention to my paystubs, but here's the thing, looking at them. Only like 3 have a tax breakdown. The rest just says what my gross and net is, with no tax break down what so ever. Is that even legal?

    Basically I'm looking for advice about what to do. From my whole year's income of $7,223, he only took out about $35. And now I own the IRS close to $400. Help?

    Btw, I live in California.

    5 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Car trouble, possible transmission problems. Advice?

    Okay, so I'm actually asking on behalf of a friend. She has a Ford Focus, not sure of the year, but I know it's at least a 2000. Last night she started having problems with it. She explained that it felt like her transmission wasn't shifting right. Like it couldn't get out of the lower gears unless she came to a complete stop.

    So tell me, what could be wrong with it? I mean obviously it could be a transmission problem....but any advice that's a little more detailed? Anything else that could be wrong?


    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Price to replace a CV boot/joint?

    Anyone know about how much it'll run me to replace a cv boot (possibly joint) for an 89 Toyota Camry. I know it differs from place to place, but I'm just looking for a ballpark.


    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Got a new piercing, what do you guys think?

    It's a UFO piercing. I absolutely love it, but I've got to say, out of all the piercings I've ever had (including nipples and an industrial) and even having my wisdom teeth removed, it was the most painful thing I've ever felt. Totally worth it though.

    Now the trick will just be to get half my face to stop throbbing lol. So what you think? If you don't like piercings feel free to answer I guess, but I'll probably just ignore you.

    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Will an underglaze stick to the kiln?

    So I do a bit of ceramic work as a hobby, and I've just gotten into using underglazes. But one important thing I don't know is if it will melt to a kiln and destroy the shelf like a regular bisque glaze will.

    Can anyone help me out a bit? Thanks.

    2 AnswersSculpture1 decade ago
  • Anyone else annoyed when veggies or vegans call omnivores meat eaters?

    Or carnivores? I have no problem with vegetarians or vegans, its a perfectly legit dietary choice, but it really annoys me when vegetarians or vegans call me and other omnivores meat eaters or carnivores.

    That implies that all we eat is meat. And that's not at all true. We eat all sorts of fruits, vegetables, and grains as well. It also seems to be kind of a vicious label. Where's the love guys? I support your choices quite well? Why so hostile?

    21 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago