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Christians: What denomination are you and how did you choose?

I've been trying to learn about different Christian denominations beliefs and stuff and I'm just kinda blown away by how many there are. Wikipedia says about 38000. How do you even begin to pick a church? I know where I live there are 3-4 churches on every street!! If I was thinking about going to church I wouldn't even know where to begin!

Thanks so much!


Are most nondenominational churches charismatic??

Update 2:

I guess personally I think of nondenominational as another denomination. I had never heard of a nondenominational church until a few years ago. And even churches that call themselves nondenominational could worship/believe very differently than another nondenominational church...

Update 3:

And please respect other people's choice of denomination. No bashing please.

11 Answers

  • Esther
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Someone brought me to a Calvary Chapel, which is a non denominational church, about 14 years ago. They simply teach the bible, cover to cover. At first I was a bit put off by the things they said, I didn't realize they just taught the word of God. For instance, when the pastor insisted there was only one way to God, through His son, I thought, how arrogant to say that. Later, when I began actually studying the bible for myself, I discovered it was Jesus who made that claim.

    I've been in bible study for over a dozen years. My goodness, how it's changed my life. I love the church and I appreciate that they refuse to compromise God's word, even in the face of so much pressure. So many churches today are cowering away from standing on the word of God. Calvary is not one of them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do not belong to a denomination or a religion. I belong to the church that Jesus Christ established in 33AD, the Catholic Church. The 38,000 plus denominations you speak of are all Protestant denominations and these include the non denominatioals also. There are Catholic Christians, Orthodox Christians and over 38,000 denominations of Protestant Christians and each one of those protestant denominations have a different intepretation of the Bible

    Catholic Christian †

  • 1 decade ago

    I currently attend a United Methodist church in my town, although I am not a member. I am more comfortable with their acceptance of other Christians as believers, and they do (in their official doctrine) hold to Orthodox Christian theology.

    In my core beliefs, I am more Catholic (at least according to some of my Catholic friends), but when it comes to Church practice I remain a Protestant.

    I was raised Free Methodist, and went through different forms of Charismatic and Pentecostal fellowships, even trying 'non-traditional' house churching, before going back to Protestant Methodism. I am more comfortable in a traditional service than I am in a 'modern' one.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Going to church would not make you a Christian, any further than sitting in a storage makes you a vehicle. in case you have faith in Jesus, you're a Christian! detect a church which: a million. Exalts Jesus 2. Seeks to save the misplaced (evangelises) 3. Is Bible-concentrated (teaches from the Bible, and derives all doctrine from the Bible, somewhat than the words and innovations of sinful adult males/traditions) Any church that's honest to the Bible could desire to do a million. and 2. besides. of those you indexed, i could advise a baptist church, inspite of the undeniable fact that it would not could desire to be. There are some problems with Catholicism, alongside with "papal infallibility", the worship of Mary, "apostolic succession", some thing they call "transubstantiation" the place the bread/wine at Communion are concept to extremely replace into the physique/blood of Christ, confession to a clergyman and ultimately justification with the help of works. That final situation is definitely probably the biggest situation with Catholicism, inspite of the undeniable fact that that's quite debatable.

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  • jojo
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I attend a Non denominational Bible Church.

    I picked the Church (i attend) according to Gods leading.

    Where you attend is not so important as your personal relationship with God.

    No matter where you attend you will find those who take the word in all seriousness and those who attend Christmas, Easter and perhaps a few other times during the year; only God knows the heart of any irregardless of their attendance or overt practice of the faith. As i said before a relationship with God is a personal one and you can be a leader or a follower in your local congregation, given my relationship with The Godhead i have found myself in a leadership position.

    Praised be God for that in that many do not even read the Bible, or so the evidence would show.

    The Bible is the final word.

  • Acorn
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    I experimented with other Christian denominations like Baptist, Lutheran, and Pentecostal; I even studied Buddhism and Hinduism for a little while. I came back to the Catholic Church because for all its faults, I believe its teachings are still the closest to what Jesus intended when He set up the Church through St. Peter.

  • 1 decade ago

    Denominations go against God's teaching. You have to study the scriptures diligently and scrutinize a church to make sure they're scriptural.

    Non-denominational is the way to go, but be careful.

    church of Christ.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am non denominational because I don't really like any denominations, and the atmosphere is laid back, modern and much better than the episcopalian church I came from where everything seemed too ritualistic.

  • 1 decade ago

    southern baptist

    i choose one that teaches jesus died on the cross and arose from the dead

    that you must call on jesus for eternal life and believe he arose from the dead

    you must also do good works

    you also can not lose your salvation

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    choose ONE THT WORSHIPS THE TRINITY...something mainstream like Methodist or Lutheran...Im Methodist...

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