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Dems, Bush hasn't been president for almost 2 years. Isn't about time your boy takes a bit of responsibility?

for his actions, don't you think? It seems that you guys' excuses for what Obama does is "Cleaning up after Bush"... Now come on, it's been 2 years since Bush has left and I haven't seen any "Change" for the better. When is it going to come?! I don't care if he's created a couple hundred thousand jobs doing something, 9% of the nation is unemployed, thats nothing.

13 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    By the time the liberals quite crying and blaming every one but themselves is when the welfare checks stop because there will be no one left to pay into it.

    The progressives will never stop until America becomes Marxist.

  • 1 decade ago

    Conservatives were blaming Clinton for the financial collapse. 7 years into his presidency. So, at the end of year 7 people with half a mind will give you a pass.

    Also, Reagan had over 9% unemployment for about as long as Obama has been in office. Reagan had no financial sector collapse to deal with.

    Reagan also had 70% tax rate on top earners while the economy was in the tank, and 50% thereafter. Yet conservatives want to burn the very country troops are still defending today (I know it's become horribly unfashionable to hit conservatives over the head with 2 wars). They want to destroy the country to prevent a 3% rise in the tax rate of the richest.

    Perspective is something that conservatives absolutely hate.

  • Nick
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Bush left office still blaming Clinton after eight years.

    Obama is blaming Bush after a year and a half.

    Clearly Obama needs to learn how to get his act together! Why he should be held to a different standard than every other president since John Adams... I'm sure you have a good reason for that.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    What I see is alot of Republican Obstruction and undermining the recovery. We were in a freefall when Obama took office. They immediately passed the stimulus without a single republican vote in either house. The stimulus stopped the freefall, and many economists agree that it was too small and included too many tax cuts Thats right TAX CUTS. You see the Republicans have EVERYTHING invested in Obamas failure. They know that if he succeeds in righting this ship, they are done politically. So they have two goals. 1. Prevent Obama from facilitating an effective recovery. 2. Make it look like the whole mess is his fault. Its scary, because the Republicans don't have any new ideas to offer. Even now. They just want to regain power so that they can complete the transfer of wealth of this country to the upper 1%.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bush & Company blamed Clinton for 8+ years.

    After the crap Bush left Obama, we got a lot of time left to remind everyone of the Bush/GOP years.

    2 "off the books" Wars - now on the books

    2 recessions

    $5.5 Trillion in new Debt

  • 1 decade ago

    2 years into Reagan's first term was 1982, the trough of the recession back then. We should "stay the course" for Obama just as we did with Reagan.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Really? How ignorant are you. Everything he tries to do to make this country better republicans try to stop so we will sink into the mud. If we aren't trying to give tax breaks to corporations and the top 1% of America republicans won't stand for it. All the problems we face today are because of republicans. Obama is trying to make it better but instead of trying to help republicans are attempting to make him, and America too, fail.

  • 1 decade ago

    @reality has a liberal bias: the dow being up has nothing to do with anything that obama did. thats like giving obama credit if there were a few less hurricanes this hurricane season. and about the point at hand, i totally agree with you. obama is a joke. he won a nobel peace prize basically for being black. liberals need to stfu because health care reform is going to ruin this country and the govrnment isnt going to be paying for it.the people will.

  • 1 decade ago

    He's been President since January 20th 2009. That is not 2 years. Though I do agree with you.

  • 1 decade ago

    What takes longer, wrecking a car or repairing one? Bush had one long car wreck.

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