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How did you find your college and did you love yours (like most of the people I know love theirs)?

Recent talks with recent graduates made me realize that everybody I know seems to pretty much love the colleges they went to. It's great, it really is. I was actually surprised because I know a few of those didn't get into their dream schools. Some even went to their safeties. Even so, they all love their college.

I'm trying to help my nephew find some great colleges to apply to. So...some of these questions might be the answers to his many many questions.

Did you love your college? And how did you find the colleges you applied to?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I loved my school, I guess you can sort of say it was my top choice, since I liked 2 equally and the one I chose offered the most financial aid.

    How I found my school: I was actually offered a scholarship from it during my junior year, it might not have been on my list otherwise since it was outside my ideal geographic area.

    How I found every other school I applied to:

    I had signed up for all possible mailings when taking the PSAT, SAT and I think the AP tests.

    I randomly visited a few very different nearby colleges and did overnights with students, from that I learned some of my general preferences, small-medium sized school, in a suburban area, in the northeast, not religiously affiliated, research institution, with a strong study abroad opportunities, and lots internship opportunities. I didn't want a party school, but I didn't want a school devoid of life outside of academics.

    From those preferences I used college search sites to match those preferences with my grades. I wasn't 100% on what I wanted to study so I looked at schools that had a variety of programs to meet my interests.

    From there I visited all schools and refined my list.

    Basically figure out what's important to your nephew's college experience, what matches his academic level with a few schools above and below, and visit and interact with current students

  • 1 decade ago

    I transferred a lot but the school I graduated from I actually was at, left, and felt like I wanted to go back because I should have never left and did so. Yeah it took me an extra year to graduate but I learned more about myself in that year and the extra experiences I had than probably if I stayed at that school when I entered it the first time (do I recommend that people do what I did, no, do I feel I would not have broken out of my shell had I not taken this course, yes).

    So how did I find that school? I knew I wanted small schools in a certain state close to home. I narrowed my list down to five, only wanted to apply and visit four, used a selection method that people will think I'm crazy for to get list down to four so I will not divulge, visited all four school, and fell in love with the one I ended up graduating from. What I liked about it was the small size, friendly people, and no Greek life (this was a big thing for me). As I was there (and part of the reason I went back) was because I liked the small classes, helpful profs and staff, and diversity.

    This school was actually easy to get in to but it's not like a party school where people loko at you strange for wanting to study or anything like that. I was friends with a lot of dedicated, smart people and had no problems.

    Good luck helping out your nephew!

  • 1 decade ago

    I transferred once and then loved my college! It wasn't my 1st choice, but I was able to become involved and _that_ made me love the entire experience.

    Mine I found by church affiliation, however every year the College Board publishes a book called The College Handbook (your local library should have this if you don't want to purchase) in it, it lists practically every college in the US along w/ summary and contact information.

    One thing your nephew may find helpful is to get to know himself a little more, this will help him find more direction in choosing. Public? Private? Small (where the professors know him)? Large (where he may just watch a Prof on TV or have a TA)? Does he want to go Greek? Play sports? Live on campus (usually the best way to make a connection to the school) or off campus?

  • Marc M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I found my first college (and colleges I applied to) with the help and guidance of my parents. While I did get into my first choice school, it wasn't such a great experience for me. It was not a good match, but after taking classes at other schools, I was pleased to learn that my first experience was not representative of the college experience on the whole.

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  • vikas
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    No u r not a loser. You taken care of your self and your spouse with admire. in actuality your coworkers r the losers! i in my view applaud you by using fact not many adult men have a narrative like yours and that i come across it beautiful. you are the type of guy youthful ladies human beings like me are seeking. additionally, the only guy or woman's opinion who might desire to count is your spouse, and clearly she does not think of you're a loser. I fairly have a question for you: are you happy your spouse is able to assert, with honor, the comparable ingredient? That she's had in basic terms one guy all her life? if that sounds stable to you, repeat your tale to your self and notice how stable it sounds. once you get the possibility you will possibly desire to communicate it over with your spouse and thank her for booking herself for you by using fact's particular, and with any luck she would be able to thank you too. The purity of your marriage isn't something to laugh at, that's a particular present from God! study Proverb 31:10-31. It additionally seems such as you're able to desire to reniew your vows the two you and your spouse! You the two might desire to be sure how a lot you the two choose one yet another. For now, a stable theory could be for the two considered one of you to take a seat down and initiate off complementing one yet another. Take a night a have a romantic dinner with your spouse to spark relationship. additionally, social gathering and pray with your spouse and ask god to steer the two considered one of you so as that your marriage will stay solid and beautiful. additionally, your coworkers might look chuffed and pleased with themselves yet that doesn't advise that they are. in actuality they might additionally be jealous of you, on the grounds which you have somebody you has been by using your side on the grounds that adolescence and could stay by using your side. additionally, the reality you have familiar her for see you later capability if somebody requested you a question and needed an answer out of your spouse you need to furnish the respond on the grounds which you already understand the respond she might supply. Neither of your coworkers who've had multiple companions would possibly not have that. So returned do not take what you have with none attention! i'm hoping this has helped, and god bless!

  • 1 decade ago


    Try this web-site :

    They offer the largest database of universities and colleges.

    Really hope I'll help you

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