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Guy's would you marry a Virgin or a Non-Virgin and why? Girls please feel free to write in as well.?

I'm contemplating my future and trying to decide how I should limit my female marriage candidate parameters. I'm well educated, will probably finish a Ph.D within 5 years (God willing) and I'd like to get married before or during my Doctoral studies.

Regardless of my demographics, should I marry a virgin or a non-virgin? Some of my friends have been REALLY burned by marrying non-virgins. They took EVERYTHING: House, Car, Kids, Money, got him fired.

I get the feeling that a virgin would be less of a risk in terms of cheating and marriage is a tradition so seeking out a traditional girl makes sense.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some virgins can be the biggest bitches alive (that's why their still virgins) and some non-virgins can be angels (many of them are). Really, just test the water with both, and marry the one that seems most trustworthy and kind, because these are the traits that matter most. Also, have some character behind you so shes not only marrying you for your potential money from the Ph.D. If you're looking for an actual answer though, marry the virgin that seems open to things but has saved herself, because she also has character and strength of will.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont think what happens in the future, her cheating, leaving with money the kids & dog is dictated by weather she was a virgin or not when you married.

    I think there are pros & cons to both Virgins & non Virgins & just because someone looses there Virginity later on in life does not mean they will be any less promiscuous later on in life & I think that to make such a big commitment as Marriage you really need to know weather you are right for each other & part of knowing each other is having sex & knowing if they are good or not, I mean the lat thing I would want is to marry then find out on my wedding night that she hates the thought of Sex & never wants to engage in oral sex which I love, sex is a huge & important part of a long term relationship & having a good sex life is healthy for the relationship your mental wellbeing & is great exercise.

    You will know when you meet the right person for you but dont let the fact of weather she is a virgin or not influence that decicion.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't really think it matters weather she's a virgin or not. Your life shouldn't be dictated by what your friends think or what your friends experienced. Because the fact is, everyone's different. It's a matter of how well you deal with the situations and how well you know your wife to be. Not all non-virgins act that way. Most of them could even act differently than what your friends are saying. Besides, most virgin at your age have anxiety problems or self image problems. It's true, but would you let that fact dictate your life? Don't be too judgmental.

    Here's what you do. Get to know them first. Go for a couple of dates. Meet their friends or even their parents if you're up to it. Don't hook up with someone overnight. The more you know each other the more trust you have. Knowing them better and having trust prevents them from taking your house, car, kids, money or will not get you fired. Because you get to screen out women with unwanted behavior when your dating.

    Good luck!

  • Kes
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Not all non-virgin women are like that, those are sadly some bad choices done by your friends. Doesn't matter whether she is or isn't, if the person is willing to cheat she'll cheat either way. I don't think you should limit yourself with this because that way you could miss the woman your supposed to be with, soul mate. Whether their a virgin or not doesn't make them any much different and if you limit to only one or the other the right girl might just miss your sights.

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  • Paula
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Well I am a Christian and a guy, and I would prefer to marry a virgin Christian girl, I would have to think about it, if she was a party non-virgin then probably not but if it was like a one-time thing then maybe

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Non-virgin coz these days you would have to marry a 12 year old to get a virgin

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    im a girl and it doesn't really matter as long as you love them but don't marry a non-virigin if you can't trust them and you think they might cheat on you.

  • george
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    regarding your PH etc....this a nothing to do with a good person

    Is not up to you what you will marry

    You do not seemed mature enough to decide

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