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Sandy K asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Do you think President Obama has his head up his behind regarding Poverty?

I am so angry at our government who doesn't realize that people are going to bed hungry and yet Obama has donated 7 million dollars to another country to help them. What in the heck is wrong that our old people and poor people can't be help by our own Government.? Biden made a comment that the government is trying to find jobs for those not working.What a *** for a vice president. How can you work if you are dying from starvation?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i agree with is wrong to be giving out handouts to other nations while not catering to our own first. many people that support helping other nations also support the stand against what arizona is trying to do which is also wrong. sometimes i believe that this nation concentrates on others and does not worry about its own people. on the other hand i do agree it is in the humanitarian spirit to help others and not just care about yourself, but say if you were shot and someone next to you were shot, are you going to help someone else first? no matter what anyone says, human instinct is to survive and do whatever you can to live. im all for helping nations but first we should make sure we are capable of continuing that support for foreign nations by solving any internal issues that we have ourselves

  • 1 decade ago

    You have found out what others already knew ,Obama does not care about the poor,average or even middle class Americans he is strickly for the wealthy.

    He is not trying to bring business back into America and has already ruined a lot of small business and you can tell where his loyalties lies big banks, insurance companies, who in their right mind would of pushed healthcare in a recession and then let insurance companies raise rates and then want to penalize you if you do not have insurance.

    Yes he is sending our money overseas to countries that hate Americans, he is fighting a war for people who spit on Americans

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely... He wastes 7 million EVERY day before breakfast...

    How about he $900 MILLION to Palestine??? Since the USA has about 315 million "legal" tax paying residents, that is about $3.00 from EACH AND EVERY US Citizen, to Palestine... You can buy a lot of rockets for Hezbolah and Hamass for that Cheddar!!!!

    That is just ONE Muslim country that he has given aid to... There are lots more, that you may or may NOT be aware of...

    GOOD JOB, Barry Sotero, with a social security number from Connecticut, where you have never lived or worked... Anything else you can do today, to destroy the American way of life???

    Biden is trying to find jobs for lots of Americans... Unfortunately, they are all at the IRS (about 60,000 new jobs over the next 3 years)

  • 1 decade ago

    I think Obummer has his head up his @ss regarding damn near everything involving politics, economics and government. I couldn't disagree more with your solution to help the poor. Throwing money at poverty is like putting a bandaid on a cancerous tumor. It may make you think it's helping but in reality it does nothing of the sort. In fact, in regard to anti poverty campaigns that throw money at the problem, things tend to get worse.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You must have a solution! You should write a plan and implement it! How can one who is starving find the time to whine about it on the internet and not create a solution? You are the solution! We the People! Are the Government!

  • wdx2bb
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We send millions and millions of dollars to help the poor in this country. Ever hear of welfare, medicaid, and other social programs? Foreign aid is essentially an investment to make the world a little better place. There's nothing wrong with that.

  • TAT
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    no one is dying from starvation in this nation. Our poor people are obese.

  • Foxx
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    yes, but then he has that about a lot of things

  • 1 decade ago

    He has his head up his behind about EVERYTHING!

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