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Mr Burns asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why is there so much hostility towards Obama?

I know race is one and policies is another. So what else?

I have to give the guy some credit as he is trying hard to fix the problems created by Bush. The Iraq pull out next year out is great news for example


To all: thanks for the responses. In all honesty i think my two suggestions are correct. Race plays some part (for example during McCain's 2008 campaign, a lady asked him "is it true that Obama is a terrorist?" he said to her "don't be silly"). But race is not the underlying problem. If i were to list numerically, then policy would be no 1 and race would fall somewhere inbetween. So let us take his controversial health plan. It is loosely modelled on the NHS which in itself is flawed. I do agree that the health system needs a major overhaul but i must commend him for trying to tackle the problem (previous presidents have tried and failed)

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Vicious con propaganda. President Obama is doing a good job, especially considering what he had to deal with on his very first day in office.

    Obama's opponents lost and the rabid right wing became even more rabid as a result.

  • Gus
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think the race issue is a moot point. It's the liberals that are trying to paint that picture the same way as they tried to say the tea party crowd was racist and was saying racist things to black congressman during the healthcare debate. It turns out those were lies made up by the black congressman. Using the "racist" label is one way the liberals have of trying to sway public opinion. It works on an uninformed and ignorant electorate. I am not saying there are not racists on the right but it is nowhere near the numbers the left would have you believe. I think the number of racists on the right is equally offset by the racists on the left.

    I do not know anyone who objects to Obama because of his race.

    His politics is the problem. He is a staunch leftist. Recently he went on that TV show called The View. To do this, he disregarded a speaking engagement at the 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts. This is an organization that has done many great things for young adult males over the years. To encourage them and encourage a new generation of boys to join them might help a few to avoid a life of drugs and crime. His presence at their 100th anniversary might have made a difference in the lives of some people. But he said no and went on the View. He could have gone on that show at any time, this week, next week, any week. So what he did was a deliberate snub at the Boy Scouts. Why? Was it because they have a Christian orientation? I don't know but I do view it as a snub.

    And that is an example of the hostility toward Obama... It is, he snubs traditional American values.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Samson, as much as people would like to believe it is not so, I think race is a matter. Especially for conservatives. 'Nuff said. I can't change peoples' ideas on this.

    The policies? Well, the Republicans don't like them. Conservatives don't like them. There's a large portion of the population.

    Now, here is where you and I may digress. I don't trust ANY politician. Period. They say a lot of things and never do much of anything. What has actually changed in Iraq under Obama. I mean actually changed up to now, I'm not talking about 'plans', which may or may not actually happen. What has been the change? The actual change? Thus far? Maybe the 'stance' has changed, but the reality, as far as I have read, has changed very little. Politician. They'll pull out next year. Let's see. I'll believe it when I see it actually happen.

    Maybe living in Japan has kept me out of the loop. How has the unemployment rate been going? Any really good social programs been started or at least brought back to life? All I've heard is rhetoric, and that, to me, is pretty much par for the course.

    Don't get me wrong. I think Bush was a total and absolute moron. Didn't like him, didn't like his father. He's always been a Daddy's boy. Got through school on that in my opinion. But he WAS a politician. Same with Obama. Show me the money.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because for the last several years....during all has become the NORM in our country for politicians to take bribes and campaign contributions and vote for things that did not benefit the country (look at the state it's in)...and vote instead how the highest bidder for his vote tells him to vote.

    This is not what our country is supposed to be. Since it has been going on for a long, long time....all those who have been doing it resist any kind of change. The rich are richer than ever before....big business is sitting on piles of money......they don't want CHANGE.

    Everyone else has been wiped out....but those with the money to make the most noise don't give a damn. They are rich and they will say anything to convince people that it is good for a voter to stay poor so that the rich can stay very, very rich...and big business (which is not creating new jobs)...can stay rich, too.

    It is South American fiscal policy, but the republicans like it a lot.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Barak Obama should be respected for the work he is doing, much like the Tory/Liberal coalition government of the United Kingdom the leaders are having to unravel the mismanagement of a Bush administration and a Blair/Brown Government.

    Worst of all these former leaders took us to war in Iraq and then Afghanistan. Historically it can be seen that no foreigner wins a war in Afghanistan much better to have approached the problem from a different angle (diplomacy might have been better) nothing has changed in over 100 years when Britain went in last time.

  • 1 decade ago

    His complete disregard for the wishes of the American people.

    His so-called health reform that penalizes people who can't afford insurance, but he wants to force them to buy it anyway.

    The jobs that continue to flow out of the country.

    Suing a state for trying to do the job, he and other presidents in the past refused to do.

    Shall I go on.

  • 1 decade ago


    Did everyone pull the race card when people criticised George Bush? No!


  • jd
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I can only speak for myself, it is not race, it is not being a Democrat, he has APOLOGIZED to foreign governments for America, something NO other American president has ever done, I believe him to be dishonest and a tool for special interests, he is ignorant as far as the job is concerned and should never have been elected, bowed to Saudi kings (jeez), secretly a racist, writing checks with his mouth that his *** cannot cash putting future American generations in financial peril. I believe his aim is to lead us into Socialism, God help us.

  • Brian
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think that the hostility towards the President has toned down since Obama was elected. Bush had it far far worse. It must be the nature of the job. Oh, and race really has nothing to do with the problems people have with Obama..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's more the hate / fear rhetoric that always comes from the Minority party. Same thing happened during the Bush years from the DEMs.

    Obama's legislation from Congress has been fairly Moderate, as is most from Presidents once elected.

    Obama ran on Health Care Reform. He got it passed. Now everyone is outraged over Health Care Reform. Go figure.

  • NOT!
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The lies, the lost jobs, the taking of no responsibility for anything bad, the 3 million jobs "saved or created", and on and on and on....

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