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Lv 5
Amanda asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 1 decade ago

Have you ever selected to put a question into voting?

When you ask a question on Yahoo! Answers, you have a number of ways to resolve it. You can choose a best answer yourself or select for it to go into voting via the Action Bar. If you do neither of these actions and the question expires, it automatically goes into voting.

What I'm interested in here, is whether you've ever actually selected a question to go into voting via the Action Bar. Why did you do this?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I always choose a BA apart from twice when it happened that my questions got reported but later got reinstated, sometimes a week later and I just forgot about them.

    I agree with the answer above. When people have taken the time and effort to answer a question because they found it interesting, It is insulting to put a question into voting. I am not talking here about people who just managed one sentence or responded "two points" or " No idea".

    Choosing a BA means that the questioner actually read the answers, thought about them , weighed the pros and cons and finally chose a BA. In some cases when many answers are equally good it is difficult I admit and I feel I cheated other answerers but only one BA can be given so !.

    It shows respect towards other users as well as courtesy. Failing to do so shows complete indifference and lack of etiquette as well as a certain disdain. " I do not care if you gave me an answer, you do not have much value as a person and you are just one of those billion of others sitting behind a computer screen".

    Of course there are "lazy" people who just ask a question for the sake of asking and just forgot all about it......or do not care. The question very often was very trivial " what did you have for breakfast" type. But still..

    I can understand people who have to be away or have fallen ill and could not choose a BA. That is understandable. But some people can easily be spotted for never choosing a BA so I do not answer them anymore. Why should I waste my time for them ? It does not matter if they do not choose my answer but they still read it.

    I have been surprised to read the number of times a person asks " how do I choose BA". I always wonder : is this somebody who in real life is never sure of himself/herself and needs directions ? Or are they afraid to look ridiculous if they choose a wrong answer ?

    I used to help a lot when somebody needed something translated into French but like the answer above, I have given up. Too many times the questions go into voting since the person does not have a clue in the first place. Well at least I would expect them to come back for I suspect it is for an assignment but then..and there are those who simply "steal" your answer and delete their question. Are they afraid that a teacher is going to suss them out ?

    Even if I do not get a good answer I will give a BA whilst mentioning that I do not agree but thank you for your answer nonetheless.

    I feel it is irresponsible to put a question into voting. We all know level 1 people are trying to accumulate points and will choose the first answer to any question.

    I would myself take points away from a person who repetitively does not choose a BA or just delete the question. This would maybe force people to show a bit more discipline.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have never electively sent a question into voting. As a member of the Answers community, I believe that if even just one user has taken even just a few minutes to answer my question with a relevant and respectful answer, I have a moral duty to take responsibility for resolving my question by choosing a best answer.

    Choosing a best answer may sometimes be very subjective and difficult, especially if my question was vague or wide-ranging and there are several good answers from people who interpreted the question differently or targeted their answers at different aspects of the question. But I think that sending a question to the vote in these circumstances is rather slopy-shouldered. If 8 people each spent half an hour answering, that's 4 hours of effort I've extracted from the community. So the least I can do is spend an hour weighing the answers and making a reasoned and reasonable choice.

    As a seasoned answerer in Languages, I know that many users elect to send their questions to voting for the simple reason that they lack even the minimum level of knowledge needed to make an informed decision on best answer. I have seen this said many times. In these cases, one wonders how useful even a good answer can be to the questioner.

  • `
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If iam not able to come to a decision about which answer is best to my question... In that time i will send my question to voting section and would expect the community to choose the best one...

    If the question was asked by me..... I got some responses... For example.. I got 5 answers... All the five answers are reasonable and good with the valid source... In that time... I do not allow other people to answer my question... Straight away i send the question to voting section with the help of an action bar...

    Also i will send personal email to my contact people and ask them to read my question and give vote to answer which i received to my question.....

    EDIT - Sending the question to voting section is not a wrong thing... It also helps us in some critical situation.. Choosing best answer to our own question and giving credit and good feed back to the answerer is really great... But some times we getting equally good answers by 2 or more people.. We feels both answers are great... Is it possible to give 2 or more best answers to the 1 question... Definetly no... So some users puts the question in voting section... and after resolved the question.... Just use the comments and say "Thanx every answerers & Voters".... It will be much better....

    But mostly i wont send questions to voting section.... Only one time i did like that and asked my contact people to choose the best one.. It really helped me that time....

    I also prefer to choose the best answer by my own... But in my view... Sending the question to voting section manually is also helps us in many ways....................!

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually yes I have, for the simple reason that I received many really good answers and it was genuinely impossible to to choose one that was superior to the others

    Therefore with an explanation & a note of appreciation to the answerers I deliberately selected to put it to voting (knowing it was placed in a category with little voting abuse)

    It would be a shame to lose this option. It is a shame to "let" a quesiton go to vote, but there are reasons for a question to be "put" to vote in my opinion.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi Mandy, I rarely ask questions so I have never used that option, Desi asks a lot of questions but most answers to his questions will or have been answered by trolls, so it is better to have the asker give the BA.

    Unfortunately the cricket section has been attacked by prejudiced person who are intolerant of any opinions differing from his own.

    Maybe Yahoo can spilt it into a north/south hemisphere and only TC's have the right to visit both sections.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I usually chose my own best answers, but if sometimes there are so many good answers. That's when I leave it to voting.

    Usually if I do send a question to voting, I do it in around 6 to 8 hours, so the question will less likely end in a tie. :)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Well, only 1 person answered and I didn't like their answer. I could delete the question and lose points or put it In Voting where it might never see the light of day again. Or, at least it would delay giving that bad answer any points.

  • Vicky
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    I always mean to choose a BA myself.

    But there have been a few times when I forgot, or didn't have time to go back to the Q and choose. <--That's the only times that I let a Q go to vote.... And I remember being disappointed by the 'voted' answer (at least once)

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes once as it had sooo many good answers i just couldn't choose, i did however vote for 1 answer which coincidentally was choosen as the best answer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I choose best answer on my questions, however, once before i forgot to choose best answer and the question went to voting :)

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