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What's the most condescending response you've ever gotten to a musical statement?

I imagine that this will mostly attract the populist crowd, but whatever.

For example, Mr. NatFaz's assertion to David that "You'll understand mainstream pop someday lil buddy" in this question -;_ylt=Aief9...

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That comment stood out to me, too.

    The worse I've ever gotten is something like "Kings of Leon suxxx! Listen to real music! Metal forever!!" Honestly, though, I'm usually the one that results to condescension. When I see statements like that about 'real' music--statements that belittle someone's taste, I go into ice b*tch mode. Though I don't believe I've ever referred to anyone as 'lil buddy' ;)

    Element: What point was that? Ah. Agree to disagree.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here we go, I asked a question about popular bands here in R&P that not everyone loves.

    I was told, and I quote:

    "Avril Lavigne and anything that you like

    Screw you, all the bands you don't like are way better than any of that overly simplistic lyrically valueless "music" of today. Any new band that has come out since the year 2000 save for a few, have sucked. And just by the by, playing power chords does not make you a good guitarist. Telecasters are overrated."

    Poor guy got 25 thumbs down, compared to 6 up. He did deserve it though.

  • 1 decade ago

    Look at any questions about Justin Bieber,Miley Cyrus,The Jonas Brothers and their ilk in this section(especially the ones comparing them to established legends)and you'll see some very condescending responses to those questions(I should know because I've come up with some beauties in response to those questions)!

    But then again they should realize all the heat they get by posting questions about guys like that in R & P,especially given the fact that most R & P regs have 0 respect for Bieber,The Jonas's,Miley,and those like them where their music is concerned!

  • "You don't know what real music is, go listen to you're face-painted viking cookie monster vocal jackhammer noise"

    I don't know if its the fact that I'm not one of those jackasses who posts a long list of the bands they like to validate their music egos, therefore the person writing that had no way of knowing if I was into black metal or Britpop... or the fact that if you don't think that whiny crooning is the best thing ever then you're some kvlt corpse-paint clad viking... or the fact that it was written by some 17 year old girl (I'm assuming she was a 17 year old girl cuz on a previous thread she stated that one of my favorite bands was crap cuz they weren't attractive like Zacky Vengeance)... but that's the comment that pushed me over the edge and turned me into the biggest anti-Avenged Sevenfold troll that has ever seen...

    I'm a cradle catholic-turned-atheist and my family thinks I worship satan because of a few posters I've had, I've been approached by strangers wanting pot (they just assume I'm a pothead cuz of my hair and they way I dress), I have a friend who's a music major who tells me I don't know anything about music theory, but even after all that, that above comment is the thing that has pissed me off the most

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know. There are only a few people whose opinions really matter to me about anything, let alone music. Besides, no one really gets all snippy and shitty about matters of taste once you hit a certain age. Even if they harbor an extreme disdain for your taste, they at least have the manners to hush up about it. Statements like the one you posted are primarily the arena of the moron, desperate to be perceived as different or as going against the trend since that is something we have determined is good. Not that it isn't, thinking for yourself is fine and dandy, it's just that a lot of people have a limited frame of reference and are reduced to simplicities like musical taste as a way to indicate that they are capable of independent thought.

  • Me
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Fonzie once called me an immature brat in one of his questions, I think it was about modern concept albums, I don't really remember it was so long ago. I do remember being pretty surprised because I had honestly liked the dude, even if we ran in different musical circles, and his email gave the impression that he had been bottling up his irritation at me. Karl might remember this. Ah well.

  • daisy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I asked a question like this 3 days ago. Anyway, I told a "friend" I liked lots of rock made in the 90s. She told me I shouldn't listen to that because we aren't living in the 90s anymore.

  • 1 decade ago

    i don't really know but if you ask a question about a band formed after the eighties that managed to sell some records you'll get some more

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The most condescending statement I have ever seen here period was Smiley saying that he "Taught half of everyone in this section (R&P) everything they know about music" I have rarely seen a more appalling display of egomania. It annoyed Killer Peaches so bad he said Smiley was a "Walking billboard of self-aggrandizment"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    somebody told me that Woodstock was a waste of money

    come back in 20 years, and see how important Woodstock was

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