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Seriously, what is wrong with me?

I was married pretty young and got divorced for pretty good reasons (I won't go into that). Now I am re-married and have a daughter. My husband is not nice at all. He has been awful to me for years. And has told me so many times to leave. I haven't because I am trying to decide what is best for my daughter.

So, recently me ex and I have been emailing each other.

It makes me so sad because I wonder if I did the right thing.

What is the deal with me?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is not good for your daughter to grow up seeing your husband be awful to you. She will grow up thinking there is nothing wrong if her man treats her that way. And believe me, she WILL find herself with a man who treats her like your husband treats you ... this is because you and your life are modeling for her what it means to be a woman and what she can expect for herself (oh, this doesn't happen on conscious levels).

    Two options: marriage counseling or divorce. If he doesn't want to go in for counseling, then divorce is best for you and your daughter.

    Usually, when a couple divorces, the man leaves, and the mother and child stays in a matrimonial home. Why is he telling YOU to leave? Talk to a lawyer to find out what your rights are and how to go about it. If money is a problem, you might have two options: Where I live, the Lawyers Society has a list of lawyers who will give you a free half-hour of consultation time (either in person, or over the phone). Legal Aide is an option too.

    As for your ex ... you will never know if you did the right thing by breaking up. At the TIME it seemed like the right thing, didn't it? That's the best anyone can do. As for thinking of getting back with him, I would undergo extensive marriage counseling together before getting back together ... to see why the marriage failed and to determine how to keep it from happening again ... because it usually does, you know.

    Good luck to you. I applaud your determination to be a good mother.

  • 1 decade ago

    What is best for your daughter is to not be subjected to a man who is mean to her mother. No child should grow up witnessing that. Nothing is wrong with you. You are wondering "what if" with your ex, but if you believe you were divorced for good reasons, it was probably for the best. You are curious about him because of the way your husband is treating you. Our brains and our hearts constantly bicker with one another, but in marriage, I believe that you should do what feels right in your heart.

  • 1 decade ago

    It looks like you got married for all the wrong reasons, so don't make that same mistake again! As for your child she will be happier if your happy, if your husband can not improve on his marriage skills then your better off without him, BUT PLEASE don't run into the arms of another man! because you will only be repeating the circle of bad choices. Stop chatting with your ex and clear your head on what is best for you and your child.

  • Sue C
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We all make mistakes, so you sure aren't the only one. I too got married pretty young, had 2 children within the first two yrs. & this marriage didn't work out either. (No, I "didn't have to" get married either) But LOTS of young marriages don't work out, but as we both know, there's no telling us differently, we learn the hard way. IF your present husband is not treating you well, I would NOT stay in this marriage. You're deciding what is best for your daughter? By staying in an unhappy family relationship is NOT doing her any good either. I don't care how old she is, there is that "unhappy cloud" hanging over your heads & she too has to feel it. So IF you're staying just for her sake, don't do it! It's doing her more harm than good. IF you can get out from under this man who is treating you unkindly, by all means get away from him, do what he's said & leave. He wants you out, you're not happy, so get out ASAP! You never know if you & your first husband have grown up so to speak & who knows but there could be a chance of getting back with him again. If we can learn from our mistakes, we can gain from them. So don't look back & wonder IF you've made the rite or wrong mistake, just get out from under this person who is not treating you kindly. Things do work out rite if we do things rite, that I've found out about life. So do what you know in your heart you should do & get away from this misery you're living with. Give yourself a chance to get yourself together & be able to think straight. When you have, then start thinking about your future. You CAN be happy, you CAN find happiness. Get yourself FREE & things WILL start to work out for you. Get your daughter out from under that "cloud" too as it's not doing her any good. You CAN do it, so DO IT...the best to you...:)

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You got divorced, i am sure it was for good reasons. so why go back the way. You say your husband is not good to you why stay your daughter will be happy when you are happy, forget men for a while concentrate on your daughter and yourself

  • 1 decade ago

    divorce the new guy and take your kid with you!

    you deserve to be treated right, not like some trash bag!

    if hes mean to you infront of your daughter, or hes mean to her too, youll get cusdoty for sure!!

    my dad treats my mom and i bad, but we dont have the money to leave..he started with her and now he treats me bad..and i have boy issues and i dont eat sometimes cuz he calls me fat but i dont know what to think anymore and that shouldnt happen to your daughter ever cuz she just doesnt deserve it :(

    so get out of the situation before it gets worse :(

    best of luck<3

  • 1 decade ago

    well I can tell you that you dont make good decisions....thats about all I can tell from this posting. If you want more you'll have to tell more about yourself.

    you need to move on...your daughter is better off with a happy mother...

  • Been There

    has given you sound advice.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bad luck or, you are just not picky enough when it comes to men.

  • 1 decade ago

    im sorry but for me to give u an answer could u add details about y u and ur ex divorced?

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