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Do Theists intentionally not understand?

I have had a quick look on Youtube at the debates between Atheists and Theists. These include details with regards to evolution and abiogenesis. From the comments made by the Theists and from my observations on YA, it appears that Theists do not understand the basic principles that are used to explain these two well known concepts. I turned to my wife and stated that I am amazed that they do not appear to understand to which she stated that it could be that they intentionally do not understand.

I accept that all the evidence in the world that supports Evolution will not be accepted by Theists that do not believe in it purely because they have been taught that it is a lie.

Is there any Theists here that will give me a reasoned and rational reason for disbelief in Evolution and abiogenesis whilst displaying an understanding of the core principles? Or is it a case that these Theists understand but choose not to display an understanding in favour of providing reasons like "The Bible says it's wrong." or the whole chance or monkey reasons?

I suppose what I really want to know is do you not understand on purpose or do you simply not understand?

Any citations from non-religious sponsored sites are welcome. The more unbiased the better.


This was not intended as a rant. Sorry if this offended anyone, this was not my intention. This was not an attack on the Bible either (that will be saved for another day;) I would just be grateful for intelligent answers. Many thanks.

Update 2:

@ Bob - Thank you, I know that I can be a bit insensitive at times but I did not really think this would upset people.

Update 3:

@ The Girl - Thank you for your inspirational words of wisdom, no doubt you will go far in life.

Update 4:

@IRev. Albert Einstein - In my question I did not once mention the Bible. I feel that I should not be blamed for your insecurities.

Update 5:

@ IanCorrigible - I think, maybe, I was naive to think that these people could be cured with education. It appears that it's not that they can't understand, it's that they won't allow themselves to understand.

Update 6:

@PROBLEM JPAS A.R.T. - Sorry, I wasn't trying to impress anyone.I am aware that Youtube is not a great source of information, which is why I like to ask for people's views.

Update 7:

@facepaw - My point was that there were people debating. People that seemed educated and rational but their replies were the usual ones that showed total lack of understanding. I was not trying to insult anyone. My wife pointed out that they seemed to intentionally not understand the principles.

Update 8:

@senele - If you have evidence that discredits evolution then share it. If you understand the principles but feel they cannot be true, then share your justification.

Update 9:

@ Yummy Cookies and Jonhenry - I think you have hit the nail on the head. Upon reflection it would appear wilful refusal of understanding. "I don't like where this is heading so I'll stay here."

Update 10:

@gertystorrud - If a book was released that was taken seriously by the scientific community, it would be on the news. If there was anything that seriously cast material doubt on evolution, there would be nobel prizes dished out. Any book that tries to tell me that my way of life is despair and that I am immoral was written by an imbecile.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree that many theists refuse to acknowledge evolution as a fact. Partly because they fear that science might shake their faith in God. What they fail to realize is that modern science still has yet to prove by the scientific method that evolution is a fact even though schoolbooks and TV try to portray evolution as though it were factual. Many scientist will have you believe that chemicals spontaneously assembled into bubblelike structures, formed complex molecules and began replicating on the edge of an ancient tidal pool or deep in the ocean. They believe that all life on earth began by accident from one or more of these "simple" cells. Other equally respected scientists who also support evolution disagree. they feel that life on earth must have come from outer space. Why? Because, despite their best efforts, scientists have been unable to prove that life could spring from non-living molecules. In 2008, Professor of biology Alexandre Meinesz highlighted the dilemma. He stated that over the last 50 years,

    "no empirical evidence supports the hypotheses of the spontaneous appearance of life

    on Earth from nothing but a molecular soup, and no significant advance in scientific

    knowledge leads in this direction." (How Life Began-Evolution's Three Geneses, pp.30-33,45)

    The evidence reveals that for a cell to survive, three different types of molecules must work together -DNA, RNA & proteins. And few scientists today would assert that a complex living cell suddenly formed by chance from a mix of inanimate chemicals.

    RNA is constructed of smaller molecules called nucleotides, a different molecule from an amino acid, only slightly more complex. Robert Shapiro, professor emeritus of chemistry at New York University (whom does not believe in creation, but rather that life arose by chance in some fashion not yet fully understood.) says that

    "no nucleotides of any kind have been reported as products of spark-discharge experiments or

    in studies of meteorites."

    And he further states that the probability of a self replicating RNA molecule randomly assembling from a pool of chemical building blocks

    "is so vanishingly small thats its happening even once anywhere in the visible universe

    would count as a piece of exceptional good luck."

    Proteins can be made from as few as 50 or as many as several thousand amino acids bound together in a highly specific order. The average functional protein in a "simple" cell contains 200. Even in those cells there are thousands of different proteins. The probability of just one protein containing only 100 amino acids has been calculated to be about one chance in a million billion! I can go on and on with quotes from evolutionist that actually depict the origin of life by spontaneous big bang or evolution as astronomically improbable if not impossible. Instead I suggest you read more on the subject at this link:

    And feel free to search the site for similar articles, like "Does Science Contradict the Genesis Account?"

    Source(s): The Origins of Life - Five Questions Worth Asking
  • 1 decade ago

    Generations of religious training and indoctrination has got them to this point, they scream bible verses while ignoring the facts before them. Unfortunately the education system is partly to blame as well, I find it hard to believe that the quality of teaching about evolution and science is so poor.

    There are still some who do not understand the word 'theory', asking people to understand evolution when they struggle with the English language is like banging your head against a brick wall.

    It is an unwillingness to listen, most people don't; they are too busy thinking of a reply or a bible verse while refusing to engage their ears.

    I wouldn't apologise for offending Creationists, I have never had one apologise to me for their offensive views.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not everyone who believes in a God does not think that Evolution is wrong. I'm Christian and I understand and believe in the theory of Evolution. However, I believe that this is how God chose to create life. It makes sense to me for Him to have a basic blue print for life and then create all life based on it. Why make it more complicated than it has to be?

  • 1 decade ago

    Not all Theists are creationists! Youtube and Wiki are fun but not educational. Find a better source and I will be more impressed.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Perhaps it feels wrong to them to dwell into understanding these things. They are afraid it's devils work or a non-believer's way of thinking. They aren't necessarily too dumb to understand it. It's the emotion, it's the slight fear of what will they find that makes them incapable of reading these things.

    If I think I am just what I need to be to get a perfect reward and someone wants me to try reading something that might convince me to be something that will "deserve" eternal torment instead I might feel a bit scared to make a proper thorough look at what's going on.

    That's how religion works. It produces a feeling of content for staying religious and a fear of what is associated to be secular.

    Source(s): ex-theist
  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It's quite interesting that you ask a very simple question which is perfectly civil and open minded to an opposing view point, and yet you get insulted over it. It speaks volumes that these people will insult anyone who asks if they have any reason for rejecting a scientific theory, regardless of how politely they do so.

  • Sanele
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    We understand but can see it cannot be true. God does not lie.

    Why cant we just agree to disagree on this? It shouldn't be unexpected anyway, we believe in God.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's both. There will always be the "Goddidit" crowd who simply don't get it. The others, the willfully ignorant are not only the worst kind of hypocrites but are a danger to the advancement of civilization.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Another intolerant rager against the Bible...ho hum...

    "...if they speak not according to this Word it is because there is no light in them".(Isa.8:19)"

    ..."Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceived and being deceived". (II Tim. 3:13)

    Thanks for proving that the Bible is true.

  • 1 decade ago

    Please read: "Signature In The Cell", by Stephen Meyer, and also, "The Real Face Of Atheism", by Ravi Zacharias, and get back with me. ;)

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