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mmr vaccine and autism?

I have an appointment to get my 2 year old daughter the measles, mumps & rubella vaccine tomorrow and it makes me very nervous.

They are supposed to get the vaccine at 1 year but I didn't get it for her when she turned one because I am so nervous due to all of the links between the vaccine and autism.

I know there is no sound proof. But what should I do?

Does anyone have any info on this topic?

And anything about waiting until later on. I read that the vaccine is given around the same time that autism is usually diagnosed, both around one year of age.

I appreciate any help or advice.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sure, the link between vaccines and autism hasn't been "proven," but we don't know what triggers autism and vaccines seem to be high on the list of possibilities. The medical field would like you to think that they've proved there is no link, but it just isn't true. I delayed the mmr, also. I'm not saying I am convinced that shots are behind autism, but I'm also not convinced that they are not. Until somebody can PROVE that something else causes autism and that vaccines are COMPLETELY safe, I'd rather err on the side of caution. I do mmr at 3 yrs, and make sure you ask for a thimerosol-free vaccine. If the doctor says they can't get it, find another doctor. They don't like to order them because they can't be stored as long. It's inconvenient for them. But your child is worth it.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    the only link between MMR and autism became the shown fact that the fees larger around the time of MMR turning out to be a frequently happening vaccine, and the age wherein autism indications initiate showing. That learn has been trashed countless situations. The litigation suitable now could be not wether it did, yet ought to they have stopped employing it while they suspected it would desire to, and that they don't look to be having to tutor that the MMR vaccine led to autism. And it became the MMR vaccine made with egg that they felt became the perpetrator in many of the analyze, and that they don't use egg to any extent further. There additionally are analyze that tutor autism is heridary, that it quite is via undesirable sperm, that techy adult adult males are greater companies to father them, and that top intellegence interior the mothers and dads is a reason. if fact learn that they at the instant are not particular. in case you at the instant are not tender with it, then do not do it. earlier they replaced the formulation for the vaccine, i does not enable my newborn have them because of the fact of an egg allergy, this is a non venture now, this is not made with egg anymore. it is your determination, yet be arranged to combat while it comes time for college and the newborn hasn't had their pictures. stable success!

  • Lisa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well, if you wait until age 5 or so to give the MMR, and she develops autism soon afterwards, at least they won't be able to say it was just a coincidence due to her age.

    Listen to your instincts. Do not do something irreversible to your daughter that makes you very nervous.

    Read up on measles, mumps, and rubella. The CDC's Pink Book is a good source of information regarding how common the diseases are, and how dangerous they actually are. For example, you may be surprised to learn that there are only about 60 cases of measles per year in the United States. So the chance of your daughter catching it is practically zero. And if she does, the case fatality rate is 2 in 1,000. Mumps and rubella are mild illnesses in children. The majority of rubella cases in children are asymptomatic.

    As rare as it is, my child actually had measles. Rest and water was the only treatment needed. In Africa, where the children are malnourished, large doses of vitamin A are also necessary to prevent complications.

    Vaccine injury is a LOT more difficult to treat than measles, mumps, or rubella. And at least a doctor will diagnose your child with one of those illnesses. The vast majority of doctors will refuse to diagnose vaccine injury, and you are pretty much on your own.

    Edit: All MMR vaccines are thimerosal free, and there is only one manufacturer in the United States. Your only choice with the MMR is to make sure it is not combined with varicella, making it the MMRV. The MMRV has been proven to cause more seizures than the MMR causes.

    There is also no aluminum in the MMR. The problem with the MMR is that it is 3 live viruses at once, introduced into the body in a very unnatural way (by injection). Since it is given at age 1 year or older, a lot of immune system damage has already been done by other vaccines which do contain thimerosal, aluminum, etc. The immune suppressed body may be unable to deal with the 3 live viruses at once, and the viruses, especially measles, can become chronic.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no proven link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

    There is not however any study that disproves that any other vaccine does not lead to autism.

    Plus autism isn't the only possible side effect of vaccination. Its not even one I'm really concerned about. Have you seen how much aluminum is present in vaccines?

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  • 1 decade ago

    There is absolutely no evidence linking any vaccine to autism. The only paper that even suggested a link between then MMR vaccine and autism was never repeated, retracted, fraudulent, and the lead author was stripped of his license for ethical violations.

    Anyone claiming otherwise is quite simply lying and I will happily provide the data showing this. There is a group of people who willingly and consistently lie about the safety and efficacy of vaccines in order to scare parents out of using them.

    Measles is not an innocuous disease. The vaccine has actually made it extinct in North America and most people have forgotten how bad it could be.

    Edit: Note that the death rate of measles in developed countries, ~2 in 1000, is still significantly lower than the severe adverse reaction rate of ~1 in 100,000, not to mention brain damage from measles is possible and adverse reactions that cause lasting harm are even rarer.

    A simple cost-benefit analysis indicates vaccination is much preferable.

    Source(s): Microbiologist
  • 1 decade ago

    The link between the MMR vaccine and autism was discredited. It was never true and the researcher who found the "link" was found to have been paid to find the "link". It was completely made up.

    We eat aluminum every day so I wouldn't be worried about the amount in a vaccine. Thimerosall is out of most vaccines for children under 6 or in very trace amounts. Eat a tuna sandwich every week and you will have a lot more mercury there. Plus, there was never thimerosal in the MMR.

    You need to do what you are comfortable with. The risk of Measles Mumps and Rubella coming back are worth it for me to vaccinate. Those are pretty scary disease that can kill.

    *We eat formaldyhyde when we eat marashino cherries. It's a miniscule amount. Cigarettes have a combo of deadly things in them and if you smoked one cigarette I highly doubt it would lead to long term effects. Vaccines same thing.

    And again, please read thimerosal is not even and never has been in the MMR vaccine so can't really blame that either.*

    Do what you want for your kids. I don't see a link and never believed there was a link even when the research was "correct".

    Do more independant research and NOT just research on links because you get the same drivel presented here.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually, the two previous answers are INCORRECT.

    The MMR is a LIVE vaccine which means it is harder on the child's immune system.The fact that you waited is a good thing.Her immune system is a little more developed now.

    The problem was not the MMR vaccine itself (other than it being a live vaccine) but a toxic preservative "deemed safe" (just as cigarettes have been deemed safe enough to be legal) in the vaccine called "Thimerosal" which contains mercury.Mercury can cause autism which is why they suggest cut backs of fish that are known high in mercury content.

    I chose to not vaccinate my children with the MMR until they reached 3y/o so their bodies can handle it a little better.

    "We eat aluminum every day so I wouldn't be worried about the amount in a vaccine"

    That's like saying, flamaldride is ok in small amounts (cigarettes) but it's ok to eat it.NO, it's NOT ok.We are poisoning our bodies everyday for this **** and don't know it.We think we are ok just because we don't have cancer (now anyways) or are laying in bed, sick..but that's so wrong its not even funny.

    Thimerosal, in whatever amount, is still a toxin just as a chimpanzee, in any costume, is still a chimpanzee.

  • jlb
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The only study that ever concluded that autism and MMR were related has been proven to be a hoax. The researcher pulled false stats and basically made up info.

    Don't get the vaccine if it makes you uncomfortable, but don't let false and out dated information be the reason.

  • 7 years ago

    This is a very muddy area because too much money is involved. When people do good research that might hit company profits, they lose their funding, get fired (etc). This is a lot like the early days of BIG TOBACCO CIGARETTE SCIENCE. For even solid piece of research done, another one is funded by the pharmaceutical companies (w8ith an 'oddly' opposing view).

    This makes it hard to find TRUTH. Unfortunately there are also researchers who are biased and that makes things worse. Some of the worst professional and personal experiences scientists have ever had, came from threatening the profits of pharmaceutical companies.

    FIRST - the mercury is not gone. The point in manufacturing in which it was added, was moved to earlier before there was an actual vaccine. Using a special definition for 'vaccine' it was then possible to claim that no mercury was added to the 'vaccine' because it was added in BEFORE it was a vaccine.

    We are all told the mercury is gone, but since the late 1990s (whatever date you like) the amount of mercury in the recommended schedule for inoculations has risen because more diseases are being inoculated for, and because more shots are used per disease. Flu shots are nearly all mercury shots.

    Most seasonal and H1N1 flu shots for pregnant women and young children contain 25 micrograms of mercury in the form of Thimerosal. For this exposure to be safe, a child would need to weigh more than 550 pounds. So get that kid to McDonalds!

    The oft touted study used all over the world to state flatly that "there is no link between the MMR and Autism" (a Danish one), was so flawed it had to be redone a few years later because they did not bother to diagnose (or track) autistic kids under age 5. When they did that the number of Autistic kids rose a lot and the study said the opposite.

    It is also important to note that there is MORE THAN ONE TYPE of autism, and Regressive Autism (where the kid regresses after they have developed). This is the one parent talk about seeing after a shot. this is the one that people worry about in terms of Autism. BUT this type is just lumped together with all other types in every study ever done regarding AUTISM and the MMR. So we get to hide in muddy statistics and stay ignorant.

    Incidentally it HAS been proven that PESTICIDE EXPOSURE can cause Autistic Spectrum Disorder (Harvard Med Review) which used to be extremely rare and is now up to 1 out of 88 births and 1 in 55 for boys born in the USA.

    Some quotes from the US government (ones we do not hear about often)

    *** After a three-year investigation, a Congressional report released May 2003 by the staff of the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness, Committee on Government Reform, “Mercury in Medicine” Hearings of the United States House of Representatives stated:

    “Thimerosal used as a preservative in vaccines is likely related to the autism epidemic. This epidemic in all probability may have been prevented or curtailed had the FDA not been asleep at the switch regarding the lack of safety data regarding injected thimerosal and the sharp rise of infant exposure to this known neurotoxin. Our public health agencies’ failure to act is indicative of institutional malfeasance for self-protection and misplaced protectionism of the pharmaceutical industry.”

    *** On May 22, 2004, after hundreds of disclosures from citizens to the Office of Special Counsel, US Special Counsel Scott Bloch issued this statement:

    “I hasten to add, however, that based on the publicly available information…it appears there may be sufficient evidence to find a substantial likelihood of a substantial and specific danger to the public health caused by the use of thimerosal/mercury in vaccines because of its inherent toxicity.”

    *** On July 15, 2005, Liz Birt, J.D., L.L.M., (former legal counsel to the Government Reform Committee, US House of Representatives) and Jim Moody, J.D., in a letter to Lauren Fuller, Chief Investigative Counsel, United States Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (H.E.L.P.) Committee outlined a “Thimerosal Timeline” and a “Statement of Criminal Charges” against specific Federal Officials, including the following:

    “FDA: Criminal negligence in not instituting a Class I recall of all vaccines administered to infants containing Thimerosal in July of 1999 and again in June of 2000…”

    *** On July 19, 2004, Michael E. Little, Deputy Inspector General for Investigations in the Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services, in a letter to Rev. Lisa K. Sykes, stated:

    “…we have determined that your above allegation (that Thimerosal is being used in order to increase the manufacturer’s profit margins) represents a potential conflict-of-interest issue which may be criminal in nature…”

  • Dan
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    There is NO link proven between vaccines and autism. The one study that was done to suggest it was discredited because the test was not conducted correctly. Many more studies have been done that show that there is no link. We don't know what causes autism but it does not seem to be vaccination.

    It is more dangerous for you not to give your daughter the vaccinations.

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