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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

I don't think she is being abused. Why would a 7 year old girl be obsessed with sex?

This is not one my kids, but a little girl I know. She's the niece of a friend and I've known the whole family my whole life. She is obsessed with being mature, swearing, boyfriends and sexual activity - although not sex that I know of. She sits on boys laps, she says things like "I hope he brings a condom" (I'm not clear if she knows what a lot of what she says means). She lays on top of boys her age, who can't get away from her fast enough, she makes them uncomfortable.

The only thing I base my assumption that she's not being molested is because she asked her mother what a penis looked like. Her parents are divorced. Her father is a good father, and she is with him most of the time. Her mother is a flake. She's not capable of anything horrific, but she'd be blind to it if it was going on. Both the mother and the boyfriend are part of a Wican (spelling?) culture and there are meetings and events. This would be maybe the only place where the child may run into new people... people even her mother doesn't know... on a regular basis.

She has a cell phone. She was exchanging explicit texts with someone, presumably a man, and nobody knows the number. The number was registered to a 90 year old woman, which doesn't help because family plans, all the users are under one owner. The mother deleted the texts, said don't talk to strangers, and didn't ask her daughter anything more about them.

I'm assuming, since she asked about male anatomy, that she hasn't tripped over someone's stash of porn. Where this is coming from? Her mother's flighty, but this kid has a very nice family. I know them all and I don't see any red flags. Why would a 7 year old girl become so obsessed with sex? I don't know if I should push my friend (her mother) to report this... and say what?

The behavior seems to be screaming for help. But I don't know how or where. If I or my friend did tell an authority, I wouldn't know what to tell them other than the above. Is that even enough to concern them? What I mean is, I don't have anything concrete to tell them.


I said my friend was her mother, and I don't know where that came from. My friend is her aunt. Btw... the mother and father won't talk to each other. Not even for this kid's sake. It's insane.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Honestly, just becasue she asked her mother what the male anatomy looks like, doesn't mean she doesn't already have firsthand experience. It may be her way of trying to get her mother's attention to the matter. All signs point toward sexual abuse. That is not normal behavior for a girl that age, even if she was going trough premature puberty. Even if she hasn't been physically molested, she has definitely been exposed to things that I would consider abuse. All that being said, I have no idea what you can do for her, other than pray for her well-being and report to the "officials". If the parents have seen the signs (obviously) and aren't already doing something about it, I doubt bringing it up to them would do any good. Her school guidance office may be the best place to start.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just because she asks about the male anatomy doesn't mean that molestation isn't at hand here. I was molested as a child and it was a female who molested me, so don't out-rule the possibility of someone besides a male figure as a potential molester. It could be a family member, a family friend, a teacher.. you just never know.

    Red flags can be very easily hidden especially if the family wants to keep the abuse a secret for fear of shame or stigmas placed on them. I really don't mean to sound like I'm doubting your friend's family but sometimes the unthinkable happens.

    I would talk to your friend about your concerns and see if she notices anything out of the ordinary as well. Maybe the both of you can talk to the girl and see what is going on. With the girl's parents being divorced and the mom and dad not speaking to each other there could be more going on than what meets the eye. Perhaps you and her aunt can be a safe haven where she can be truthful.

    I sincerely hope I am wrong. I hope she is not being abused by anyone, but if she is it's better to try to intervene and get to the truth as soon as you can than to wait. I waited 12 years before I spoke up about my molestation and the effects on me were horrible. I don't want the same for this girl.

    Source(s): Praying for the situation.
  • 1 decade ago

    Ask the girl. It's worth a shot. I share custody of my twin boys a little older than your friend's niece and they suddenly started asking me about sexual things. Turns out they just had a sexual education class and it sparked a discussion with their classmates after school.. all telling what they thought they knew about sex and making immature banter about the rough images of the sexual anatomy of both males and females. It could be a class.. it could be friends telling her things... and realize that girls do mature sexually faster than boys so it wouldn't be much of a stretch to assume she's started puberty. Puberty sparks hormones that make people feel and act a little different than what we had prior. Granted it seems a little to the extreme, but realize most parents when they see their daughter doing anything slightly inappropriate they put a stop to it. If her mother is not paying attention to her daughter like she should be then it is possible that the behavior is out of hand because on that fact alone. Maybe she saw someone doing something. It's easy for a child to walk in on a parent. It could be a family member not necessarily a parent. Maybe her babysitter lets her boyfriend over and isn't careful about what the girl sees. It could be television. Sexual behavior in children is not always a symptom of a sexual predator. Of course I'm not saying rule it out. I'm just saying don't make an accusation like that unless you notice other red flags or the girl says something that indicates she has been violated in some way. If there is any other indicators of course bring it to the authorities. I would worry a little about her behavior sparking attention of a sexual predator or provoking boys around her age. The behavior does need to be discouraged some how or this could cause some serious issues for her.

  • 1 decade ago

    I gotta say, I would be disturbed. I don't limit my kids from *everything* on TV and they hear all kinds of stuff from school, but if either of them behaved that way I would be at the doctors office with them. My daughter has a friend that tries to *pole dance* on our iron chairs when she's here. She's 7. She sees it at home. The behaviour just doesn't come out of nowhere.

    And I have no idea who you would tell. Do you suspect sexual abuse? It sounds like you don't. In that case, you can't really call CPS and say that you do to get them out there. I would want to be pretty convinced before doing that because an investigation into sexual abuse claims might be traumatic (especially if it weren't true yanno?) .

    I'm sorry, I don't have a good answer but I do think somethings off.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow, that is so disturbing. My guess she is learing about sex from friends, movies and the internet. It would seem that her mother is off doing her own thing and not really caring what her daughter does or supervising her at all.

    Unless someone intervenes this girl will end up pregnant at 12. Do what you can to get this poor child help. Could you call her school and speak to the counselor? When privacy laws and all that stuff now, it's hard to do anything unless you are a parent or grandparent to a child. CPS might be able to check it out, but if they don't see abuse or horrible living conditions, they might just close the case.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    just cause she hasn't seen a penis before doesn't mean she isn't being molested. someone could be touching her without exposing themselves to her. My aunt's neighbors have a 6 year old and she was playing with my cousins when she started acting perverted. My aunt, knowing something was wrong with the neighbor girl, asked her if anyone has touched her in her private area before.. the girl admitted her dad did almost every night.

    Little kids don't think of or act on perverted things. They are exposed to it, either through media, molestation, or observations of other peoples actions.

    Her parents need to keep their daughter from watching public TV, censor her movies and reading materials. They need to take her cell phone away, I don't think kids should have one til middle school anyway unless they're going to be away from their parents. If they want her to have one, they need to get on the special plan, block texts, etc. verizon offers a program where you can know where the phone is at all times, like a tracking thing.

    they need to sit her down and talk to her about it, teach her its wrong and ask her if she's ever been molested by a babysitter, family member, etc.

    Just cause the family seems amazing it doesnt mean they don't have skeletons in their closets.

  • 1 decade ago

    Somethings not right there. Even if she isn't being molested she's hearing and seeing sexual things around her. A child her age shouldn't be concerned with sex. With that said I'm not sure what you could do to help other than talk to the child in an effort to find out whats going on. You could also bring it to the parents attention and suggest that they keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. I think it's great that you are trying to do everything you can to help the little girl.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    A recent study indicated that girls are on average hitting puberty at a MUCH younger age these days. Not sure if that's this girl's malfunction, but it cold be part of the reason.

    As for her access to porn...Not really all that hard to access in this digital age, especially when the parents aren't monitoring internet activity.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, on non-abuse reasons why she would be obsessed with sex...because she just learned about it.

    My experience with children that age suggests to me that she just learned a lot of information about sex from somewhere (friends at school with older siblings, etc) and she has realized it is something she isn't supposed to know a lot about. Children have a way of being very proud of knowledge that is inappropriate or too mature for them to normally know about. Something about the idea that it is forbidden knowledge makes them that much more inclined to show everyone just how much they know about it. It makes them feel special to know something they are expected not to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This makes me want to run screaming down the street to batter down her door with a baseball bat and get her out of the house before something DOES happen. Kids mimic what they see and hear but you already know that and that's why you posted the Q. Your kids never did anything like that because you limit their exposure. Someone is exposing her to stuff she shouldn't be seeing and I think you know you should let your local Children's Services sort it out for the girl's own protection. It's not easy to make that call knowing that someone could get hurt by it but a damaged child becomes a damaged adult who repeats the damages on his/her own kids until the cycle is broken. Good luck, Mozzy...

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