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Lv 5
Toledo asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

An assesment of this mess, what do you think?

I know what you mean, but what really sucks is all the partisan BS

Everyone is pointing fingers, its frigging partisan gridlock and not a damned thing is getting done. I think that is frightening.

We are losing significant ground to other countries, our leadership is under fire because of all the partisan BS and our electorate is not willing to give incumbents a chance.

This economy is NOT A YEAR LONG FIX, it's going to take time, vision and goals. But the single biggest problem is our incessant squabbling that only results in more delay and watering down of what desperately needs to be done, all while adding pork to all it.

Any-wonder why its all getting screwed up?



That is both parties

3 Answers

  • Bug
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Our political system is so slanted to 2-party rule that it won't change anytime soon. Both parties are beholden to special interests, all while smearing the opponent for being beholden to special interests. Politicians refuse to take any meaningful steps to really attack the root of our problems because they fear for their own power. I believe term-limits for Representatives and Senators is long overdue and would help with that situation. We need to stop having career politicians, and make serving in Congress what it originally was: A PART TIME JOB.

    We also need to change election laws. In my state, for anyone but the 2 major parties to get on the ballot, they must petition the court and provide enough signatures. Then, either the Dems or Repubs can challenge those signatures, and if enough are found to be invalid, the third party is left off the ballot. AND charged court fees.

    It happened last election cycle, the Green party candidate was assessed over $80,000 just for exercising his right to run for office. It's disgusting, the stranglehold the 2 major parties have over the entire election process.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is the run-up to mid term elections.

    Politics is everything right now.

    After November, the Republicans will: a) Have to admit that they don't have the support they thought they had (likely scenario). ~or~ b) Have to put up or shut up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I blame the party of no.

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