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Is it true that Fox News co-onwer is also funding ground zero mosque?

another classic moment brought to us all by fox news...


still quazee, thanks for reminding us all how our own economy works, particularly the part about foreigners coming in and making a bundle and then giving that money to fund the very 'victory' mosque that this same network is slamming so hard.

call it what you like, but this means that fox news viewers have directly helped to fund the very center that they supposedly decry.

see/read 'catch 22' and see if you agree with 'what is good for minderbinder enterprises is good for america' or not.

do i support this - i don't care - i'm not a small minded frightened little person.

i'm an AMERICAN, i'm strong and not afraid of some dumb center - which it seems to me, is NOT the business of the federal govt at all (so much for smaller govt...).

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    It's all too much for my brain to take sometimes. Rudy G wouldn't take money from him for 9/11 relief because he shares the same views as most Middle-Easterners as to why 9/11 happened.

    Yet Fox News viewers happily put money in his pocket.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    They probable think of that in the event that they do no longer factor out his ties to their station their visitors won't positioned 2 and a pair of jointly. What does that inform you approximately their mind, or for that count number, their visitors? heavily. to no longer be propose yet, come on. How do they think of they are going to get away with it? Is their hatred for this administration and the left as an entire so huge that they might't see that they are taking photos themselves contained in the foot? Their loss of forethought amazes me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I did see that this prince has stock in News Corp, but I could not find any legitimate site that says he is actually funding this mosque.

    But you know what I would not be too surprised. It is all about money and when stock is on the open market anyone can buy it and can spend their proceeds how ever they like. Maybe Murdoch does not like this either but what can he do about it.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Is this a critique or a comment? Does this mean you want the victory mosque or not?

    Strange how the free market of the USA works, ain't it? Some rich foreigner sees a money making opportunity over here and jumps into it, makes tons on his investment into the top news organization in the US. Then he spends the money as he damn well pleases, which strangely enough, has no connection to why Fox makes such a good investment money wise or performance in the news arena.

    How's your boy 0bama doing under George Soro's guidance and monetary control?

    If you believe '' then you are just another puppet of the left's masters.

    How many foreigners own a chunk of your favorite LIBERAL trash news sites?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You might also be interested to know that Murdoch is 100% in favor of full amnesty for all illegal aliens and is spending a small fortune with Bloomberg to make it happen.

    So much for FOX being a functional arm of the Republican Party. Doesn't exactly shake out does it?

  • justa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The registration of stock ownership is public so this is a matter of public record.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I heard Nancy pelosi supports drinking and driving with her vineyards

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it is.

    Republicans are awaiting instructions fro Limbaugh on how to deal with the issue.

  • Jigi
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I have aways said the purpose of news corporations is to make money, not to keep people informed. It doesn't matter if it is Fox or MSNBC or anyone else.

  • Yes, but republicans will deny because it came from the left wing media.

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