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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Other than religion what other reasons do you have to be against gay marriage?

I asked this question before, but many of the Christian answers weren't particularly good, so I am reposting this in the hopes that a theist can come up with a legitimate answer.

We live in a country with separation of Church and state so you can't use religious reasons to explain why gay marriage should be illegal. So without using the Bible what completely secular reason do you have against gay marriage? What reasons do you have that you feel would hold up in court? Remember that "I think it's wrong" doesn't hold in court. And saying that it will undermine the institution of marriage isn't much better, because in the '60's people said the same thing about interracial marriage (and they came up with Biblical reasons to explain that too). Back then marriage was between two people of different sex and the same race, and today not everybody likes it (some of my white friends' parents tell them they don't want them going out with me) but that doesn't change the fact that stopping marriage based on race is bigotry and a violation of a persons civil rights. So from a secular standpoint what reasons do you have to stand against gay marriage that will stand in court? Is it dangerous? Can you think of any reason that does not invoke God, the Bible/Koran/Torah/etc., or what you personally feel is right or wrong? And you can't say that is unnatural as many species practice homosexuality and saying that the goal of marriage is to produce children means that you don't think barren women should be allowed to get married.

The black atheist has spoken.


To the people who are saying a child needs a mother and a father: I guess we don't have single parents and women can't be authoritative parents. I mean if a woman thinks she can be a tough parent, then what's next? She might want to get a job, or vote! Good thing women have their place and us men folk get everything else.

Edward: I was raised Christian and even then I knew it was a religion.

Update 2:

мιѕѕ ♥ αℓℓнєαят : I'm stuck at home watching my little sisters and I'm bored.

Iruka76: Though no societies have been made entirely of homosexuals there are plenty who have no problem with it. For instance the Ancient Greeks and Romans and the many West African cultures not only have no problems with them they even have a a few bisexual gods. And the Romans fell mostly because of a series of weak leaders, costly military campaigns, and indreasingly successful barbarian raids. And the West Africans fell because European imperialism and slavery.

Update 3:

Tgal: HIV/AIDS is not exclusively transmitted throug homosexual sex and it is not a result of homosexual sex. You get AIDS by having sex, giving a ******* too, or some getting a "colored" (blood, semen, urine, feces, etc.) into your body some other way or inheriting the disease from a parent. And you can catch it from having straight or homsexual sex, it doesn't matter. In fact the first record instance of someone dying an AIDS related death was in a straight teenager about ten years before the "epidemic" started and scientists have found that the disease was originally found in monkeys and it mutated to infect humans. So, again, it has nothing to do with homosexual sex.

30 Answers

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    God's Word aside, there are other reasons why I am against it.

    The first and foremost reason is because it is against all of nature. Nature tells us plain and simple that a male was made for a female, and a female for a male.

    When two men are together, one of them still have to simulate the part a woman should be filling.

    When two women are together, one of them still has to simulate that which the male would do.

    Neither group can reproduce without the other, and it does strike me as interesting, when two men are together, one of them is almost always feminine. When to females are together, one of them is almost always Masculine.

    Also, there is a reason it has been illegal for six thousand years. Because it has always been recognized as wrong. There is nothing good that can come from homosexual relations other the fulfilling the lust of the two involved.

    If they want to do this, that is their business. Nobody is stopping them. However, we do not need to change the laws to legalize such a backwards behaviour. Nor do we need to make the rest of society accept it, and fund it.

    If you want to have ungodly, unnatural sex, then do it. But don't force it on the rest of us. We want no part of your wickedness.

    By the way, there is a reason why heterosexual couples are called "straight". Because anything else other then male and female is crooked, bent out of shape...not right.

    Source(s): ep
  • Niketa
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Alright, I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear my opinion on gay marriage so I will just tell you the blunt truth. It isn't so much about stopping religion from influencing the government, its about removing the influence of religion from politics. Essentially the nation was born protestant, and even after the separation of church and state ethics from religion still had a major influence on the law. Back 50 only years ago, "everyone" accepted the idea that homosexuality was wrong. Take for example slavery, which is condemned widely today. The original US government would have highly approved of slavery, and USE religion to justify it. The only thing different from the original US government which claimed to have "freedom of religion" and today, is the wide change in universally accepted morals. Since morals is what make up the law, the United States would be changing law rather than approving it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I disagree with same-sex marriage because of the affect it will have when one or both are diagnosed with HIV or AIDS! True, true love will hear the pain be not so bad. And if they are going to have a sexual relationship( hopefully monogamous), it would be better for them to be "married". But what if in the future (just like heterosexuals) they want a divorce--- if a state does not acknowledge their marriage, they cannot be granted a divorce! Health benefits would be extremely hard to get much less pay for because of the increased rate of the terminal illness that they could contract! It would also be very, very hard for the couple if they decided to adopt a child. True the child would not get the disease, but think of the hardship to adopt and provide proper health insurance for the child.

  • Ridney
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well I for one can think of many secular reasons!

    Children need both mother and father figures, and we all know the ONLY people who influence a child's life is his/her parents. That is why single parenting is illegal.

    It stands to reason that the children of gay couples will all be forced to be gay. After all the children of straight couples are all straight.

    My uncle's friend's cousin read somewhere this one time that a gay man was arrested for child molestation. Obviously, all gays are child molesters, so they should not be in a position to be near children.

    It will encourage other people to be gay, just as how associating with blue-eyed people will encourage you to be blue-eyed. This will break down the foundation of society.

    It would change the foundation of marriage. We never mess with that. That is why divorce and interracial marriages are still illegal.

    Everyone knows animals are capable of signing legal contracts, so it stands to reason that those crazy liberals will be wanting to marry their dogs next.

    It will *seriously* undermine every straight marriage out there. I don't know how, but somehow it will.

    It goes against the "natural order of things," and, although it doesn't harm or even effect anyone else, for some reason I think it's my business anyways.

    Source(s): I jest.
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  • 1 decade ago

    It goes against nature. The entire natural realm shows us that male and female are the only means of reproduction. Flowers have gender traits just as animals do. If the whole world became homosexual tomorrow the entire population would be lost in just a few generations. Animals, plants, and humans. Sounds drastic but true. If you bring adoption into that only works for one genearation as well after that what do you do? Even if you bring artificial insemination into it that still does not produce the success rate that natural birth does. Not only that but it defeats the purpose over all because it just proves that nature itself is against it otherwise it would be attainable through natural means. Let's put it this way, none of us would be here to discuss the situation if our ancestors all decied to become homosexuals ages ago. Even in the early 1900's there was no way to reproduce artificially.

    It is important to ask what marriage is in the first place. There has never been any society or culture in the history of the word that ever defined marriage as two of the same gender. If you can find one there is only one reason it isn't around anymore. Yep, you guessed it, no reproduction. I suppose it is just as legitimate to want an answer why gay marriage should have the support of law in the first place. Why make an issue of something that was never an issue in history to begin with? You say you want reasons that will hold up in court. Guess what you just answered your own question. What secular reasons can you find under the Constitution of the United States that Gay marriage has any merit or benefit?

    You can disagree with me but you cannot argue with nature.

  • 1 decade ago

    All Darwinists know that homosexuality is an evolutionary dead end that, if left unchecked, could lead to the extinction of a whole species. Therefore it is dangerous according to classical, Darwinian beliefs.

    In the natural world, animals don't deliberately practise homosexuality, it only happens by mistake or in the absence of females. A dog will try to mate with its owners leg, it is not a leg-sexual, it would prefer a female dog if one was available. Frogs often try to mate with fish, they are not fish-sexuals, it is obviously a mistake, in the mating frenzy they will try to grab anything that is passing.

    All animals will mate with a member of the opposite sex, when one is available.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Besides my Religious Affiliations, I have secular reasons for being against homosexuality. It is simply co-ex-siding with Science. You guys like that right? See, when people of the same gender have sex, it is pointless. Simply with no outcome. Science has designed us to where a man and a woman have parts that go together. When a man and woman have sex, they create life. Our scientific purpose is to reproduce. When we have the urge to have sex, we have the urge to pro-create. It is common sense to look at how we are designed or how we work and see that this is what we where met to do. Therefore, Homosexuality is unnatural.

    Source(s): Common Sense and Science.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have nothing against the Homo , but I will rebuke the homo who is still engaged in Homos life style while professing to be christian Just like I would if a person who commits murder, lIke Charles Manson, if he was committing murder and claiming to be christian all the while, te te te te te

    I say let a person go to hell if he wants to let live like a dog and do any thing so unseemly and debauch if they want to just stay away from working in a public restaurant and bathrooms and i am also against legalizing SIN too, te te te te te te

    And i resent you calling Christianity religion, but I thought on a for another second , then considered the source behind your perception.

  • 6 years ago

    because it is a direct assault on the human family. sex is for procreation only, and human children are supposed to be raised by a father and mother. anything which goes against our nature is a disorder which can wreak havoc on the culture as it has done starting with the legalization of contraception which has created this filthy culture which worships sex.

  • 1 decade ago

    We don't need any other reasons. We are allowed to voice our opinions and to vote according to the dictates of our own conscience, and if religion is a part of that conscience, so be it. You can't stifle the American conscience just because God has a hand in it.

    Besides, every single law that exists is really nothing more than a manifestation of someone's moral values. When you think about it for a moment, telling people that they can't do something because other people say it's not right is why we have government in the first place. It's about watching out for each other.

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