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as.erwin asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Need help understanding Liberal agenda?

The new talking point lately is how Conservatives are "Islamophobic"...

How does this help them in November? They are spending millions of dollars and hundreds of hours trying to concinve everyone that Obama is a Christian, so what does it matter if we hate Muslims?

Or is this mearly a distraction tactic... "LOOK, SHINY THING!"?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think - and I don't agree with the tactic, nor do I agree with either major political party - that they're trying to use the terms "Islamophobic" to point out that Republicans are motivated by fear, and that they are not ardent supporters of the Constitution for everyone. They may well be right, but I don't expect its going to help. Since I don't get my choice of a good president, or good members of congress, I do know that our best years in terms of economy and national deficit/debt in my lifetime (born in 1975) were when we had a Democratic president with a Republican congress. So grudgingly, that's what I'll be rooting for.

    Preferably, we would have pro-American candidates, instead of Democrats or Republicans, but that hasn't happened in a LONG time (with a few exceptions, of course)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    er... conservatives are lining up to say "the mosque sholdn't be built because Muslims are terrorrists"

    isn't that kind of the definition of "Islamophobic"...

    I don't really think it has anything to do with strategy, November or Obama...

    it's just the truth...

    I realize how you can't concieve of "the truth" as just being a standalone idea without some preconcieved plan... after all, you're a conservative...

    and conservatives are the ones that brought this whole issue up? and you're saying it's just a distraction? lol

    I agree, now if only Fox News and cons would stop talking about it....

  • 1 decade ago

    Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, a few dozen Republicans in Congress, leaders of the tea party movement, and FOX "news" have been pushing this mosque issue. Appealing to Islamaphobia is a distraction tactic to divert attention from the fact that Republicans have no constructive solutions to the economic problems facing the country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, about 20 percent of Americans are ignorant enough or gullible enough to swallow the lie about Obama being Muslim... but we're not spending millions of dollars or hundreds of hours trying to counter that nonsense. Try a visit to reality sometime... you might like it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Ha Ha so funny!! this is the new term that the libs are using to describe those that oppose them .......nothing new from the libs....just name calling....gee gosh darn i just don't have the time to list all the name calling they have placed on the conservatives/republicans/'s rather boring at this calling name calling blame blame lie lie lie....its just their way of life

  • 1 decade ago

    The complete sentence is : They're islamophobic... unless they have profits and oil (Al Waleed Talal, The Bin Laden family, Saddam in 80s, and many more).

  • 1 decade ago

    It might have a little to do with the fact that conservatives ARE displaying qualities of being Islamophobic.

    And Obama is a Christian, it doesn't need convincing.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think people have forgotten about the church Obama attended for 20 years. I noticed the choir was enjoying the sermons, this was just another day at church for them. Obama is not a Christian and is not fooling those of us who are.

  • 1 decade ago

    Me to

    Why did liberals hijacked the Republican Party?


    Why are Christian conservatives holding hands with gay Republicans?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    45% of Americans don't want a mosque with in two blocks of their house. 40% of Americans are 'conservatives'.

    I'll let you figure out the rest from there.

    Source(s): "55% of respondents say they would favor the construction of an Islamic community center and mosque two blocks from their home" Read more:,8599,201...
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