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Are Theists or Atheists smarter? (The final proof)?

I am looking for your comments.

After tedious research I believe I have established without doubt or question, that theists have the superior intelligence. My conclusion is drawn on the religious beliefs of the 10 smartest comic book characters!

A Business Week article (not the Onion) identified the top 10 smartest comic book characters. See

Adherents website has researched and published the religious views and affiliations of comic characters. See


Reed Richards (theistic humanist)

Batman (Episcopalian/Catholic, lapsed)

Iron Man (secularist)

Ant-Man (atheist)

The Beast (Episcopalian)

Bruce Banner (Catholic)

Oracle (not listed)

Spider-Man (Protestant)

Professor X (religious)

The Atom (Jewish).


70% of the most intelligent superheroes believe in God or religion.

20% are secularists or atheists.

10% are unknown.

Atheists remain a minority not only in the general population but in the population of genius super heroes.

Case closed!


Please, take this for how it was intended and have a great weekend.


Superman is a Methodist

Update 2:

Come on people, it's Friday. Lighten up.

Update 3:

True Dude. There are many people smarter than me. I know that. I'm bright enough to know how much I do not know.

Update 4:

I can't imagine anyone using the evil nemesiseseses as examples of genius. They are all demented. Atheism must skew the mind to create evil villains.

Update 5:

You cite Katherine Hepborn and mock my list?!

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Smarter than who? You? Yes.

  • Elaine
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Look up religiosity. You will find that more educated people tend to be atheists. A lot of the people you named were not religious. Here's some atheists/agnostics: Thomas Jefferson James Madison John Adams Abraham Lincoln Susan B. Anthony Benjamin Franklin Robert G. Ingersoll Ulysses S. Grant George Washington Theodore Roosevelt Karl Marx Sigmund Freud Friedrich Nietzsche Voltaire Epicurus Aristotle Sir Francis Bacon Charles Darwin Albert Einstein Thomas Edison Stephen Hawking Carl Sagan Galileo Galilei Francis Bacon, Sir Richard Dawkins Samuel Clemens /Mark Twain George Bernard Shaw Ernest Hemingway Isaac Asimov Arthur C. Clarke Stephen King Edgar Allan Poe Bertrand Russell Oscar Wilde Ayn Rand Thomas Paine Frank Lloyd Wright just to name a few.

  • 1 decade ago

    I must commend you for your tedious work. With such precise, accurate findings, you sir are no doubt a genius. On the contrary, your belief could pose a philosophical debate of whether or not all genii are super heroes (making you one yourself). One could also presume that all villains live such a vengeful lifestyle because they are all bumbling, atheistic idiots (however, your 20%-30% find of superheroes with no theistic belief could sway this argument a bit). All in all, I am proud to say that I believe your findings! Or possibly that I am rather gullible. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You conveniently overlook the fact that the supervillians are more intelligent than the heroes. Lex Luthor, the Green Goblin, the Parasite, Darkseid--all atheists. Even Bizarro Lori Lemaris am atheist.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Clever, but if you don't supplement that with what Jesus said makes for a godly person (look it up( then you are left with the paradox that the theist who becomes an atheist does it because he is smart and the atheist who becomes a theist does it because he is dumb....rotten thinking that I have seen many times posted by atheists who don't know logic.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Can't help but notice that all the religious fictional heroes are theists who follow an equally fictional deity. Sort of makes a certain sense to me.


  • 1 decade ago

    Pffft. Sampling bias.

    Everyone knows the super-villains are the smart ones. Let's see a poll of that population.

  • 1 decade ago

    That makes perfect sense. Imaginary comic book characters "prove" people who believe in imaginary beings are smarter than people who don't.

    Thanks for that insight!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'll give you one thing: this was better researched and presented than 99% of the theistic arguments on here ;)

    Have a good weekend.


  • Dorris
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Sorta strange that in REAL LIFE Sweden has the highest number of Atheist and one of the best education systems...isn't it?

  • 1 decade ago

    And how does MADE UP characters prove that theists are smarter than atheists. They are all made up and have absolutely nothing to do with real life.

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