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Why was I Blocked by this user?

Camille asked "Atheists: Do you ever get tired of being WRONG?" and I replied "If enough people manage to prove me wrong, I'll accept it. But until then, I can't be wrong. Christianity have had 2000 years to prove me wrong and failed. Good luck on the next 2000 years."

Is this worthy of being blocked? I didn't think so. It's not like I was emailing her with abuse. Is it because some people don't want answers that they don't like or did I do something wrong?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Join the club!

    She asks "Atheist, why...?" and then blocks those who reply. She's even blocked my backup account, which I used to point out what she was doing!

    There's clearly a bit of a problem at her end, where she comes to a public forum and does that.

    The etiquette is to block right back, as anyone who behaves like that is not a fan of free speech, so must come under suspicion of being a report monkey, who are quite a problem in this section. So block, ignore, and move on....


    BTW if any atheists reading this are NOT blocked by her, don't despair - your opportunity to join our exclusive club may come along later...

  • Rev
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Don't worry about it. Some people are so fragile and insecure they can't handle an answer that might challenge their beliefs.

    I'm assuming this was an answer to a question and not an email you sent. If it was an email blocking would be more understandable as that is more of a personal communication.

  • 4 years ago

    No, if I want basically ignoring people. I' am unlikely to waste time and potential blocking off people because of the fact they make yet another account. yet i became blocked myself for expressing my opinion that somebody did not like.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If your answer caused her so much distress that she had to block you, she's probably paranoid or something worse. The only person I have blocked is that corinthians guy - is he even on anymore? It was nothing personal, he was just too annoying.

    You did good - don't worry about her.

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  • Robin
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't get it either. Why ask a group a question and then block the people answering? I wouldn't worry about it though... she just proved she's not worth wasting your time on. =>

  • YY4Me
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    She's probably too insecure in her beliefs to expose herself to differing views. She poses questions to atheists so she can block them, thus creating her own private christian chat room in what's supposed to be an open forum. The block feature should be removed, and anyone who can't deal with views that differ from their own should probably avoid open forums.


    Source(s): . ~ "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." ~ .
  • 1 decade ago

    No...not worthy of being blocked. How sad is it to block those of differing views. I NEVER do that. I only block someone who fails to answer my question with something like "level 2 Troll".

  • 1 decade ago

    In my opinion, it was she who was the abusive one, disrespecting others' beliefs.

    But I suppose religion is always a touchy subject.

    I asked a question about Christianity and why so much hate seems to be interpreted from the bible's words. got reported!

    So I wouldn't worry about it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It seems peculiar to ask a question to atheists then immediately block them all when they respond. Maybe she is on a mission from God to identify and destroy every atheist on here. :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She blocked me too. Big deal. My favorite is when someone sends you an abusive email, then blocks you. So chickenshit.

    Source(s): Blocks happen.
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