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If it is all guessing/theories/belief, why argue?

Faith or no faith, ah the bitter argument. Does a deity exist, is God there? Or does science wisk away this belief?

It seems that because there is no physical proof that God exists, no one can say, hey, this is God. But at the same time there is no proof either that really debunks God because we know so little about things like quantum physics. Einstein believed in God, by Steven Hawking doesn't. Religious advisors say God is there, and others say that spirituality doesn't have to come by God. So why argue about it? Its good to understand the stances, to see what one person thinks, to ponder on it, act on any challenges made, and make your own decision. It seems that so many people don't listen to the other side. I personally have had both sides, and found that having God is better for my life and makes me feel better, to say it in a non-preechy way. But I advocate the idea that we should be skeptical and test everything until we find the truth for ourselves(which is how I approach religion and spirituality).

So, I came to think, people just want to be mean. Arguing with someone about God being real, or even arguing about which sect is better, is just un-godly behavior, and religion bashing is a foolish waste of time and unkind. Why argue? What is the purpose? Investigations are innocent and acceptable, but I think we lost that idea as a whole in society.

What do you argue(if you even do)?

Why do you think people argue?

What would you have people do, and why? emphasis on the why, be specific, or else I will ignore it.

Hello to all trolls, hello to all TL;DR people. GTFO flamers, no one cares. Okay I covered all bases.


yeah, if this sounds like me arguing against arguing, that isn't what it is. I am asking an open ended question, not giving a falsifiable statement or anything. The three questions at the end are left open for people to explain what they think, I am not advocating anything. Just asking a legitimate question.

6 Answers

  • YY4Me
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why argue? Because there are people who unconstitutionally impose their religious beliefs on others via civil laws. Because religions teach that faith -- belief without evidence and/or despite evidence to the contrary -- is a virtue. Because people are willing to hurt and even kill people who don't believe in the same god they do, and even those who believe in the same god, but not in the same way.

    Once a person publicly talks about what they believe, they open the door for those with differing opinions to challenge them. That's what freedom of speech is all about. Everyone gets to voice their opinion. Everyone! Whether you agree with them or not.

    - - -

    Atheists and Anger


    "Are you really looking at all of this sh*t I'm talking about, a millennia-old history of abuse and injustice, deceit and willful ignorance -- and then on the other hand, looking at a couple of years of atheists being snarky on the Internet -- and seeing the two as somehow equivalent? Or worse, seeing the snarky atheists as the greater problem?"

    * * *


    "This can be an important means by which a privileged class holds on to its privileges: convincing the minorities that there is something wrong with them for wanting equality. They are, for some reason, expected to simply accept the status quo in order to avoid rocking the boat, upsetting people, etc. It's the duty of minorities to keep the peace — a peace built on violence and oppression — but not the duty of the privileged to respect the values of equality, liberty, or justice."

    * * *

    Red Lenses


    "I'm furious that when Sam Harris writes an extremely cogent and well-reasoned critique of Palin for Newsweek, his article is headlined 'When Atheists Attack.'

    "I'm waiting for the day when our nation is not imperiled by religious fanatics, both within and without, when candidates actually debate instead of reciting talking points. When there's a moderator who actually performs real-time fact-checking and challenges the candidates, instead of sitting there mutely officiating.

    "I look forward to the day when atheists no longer have to sit exasperated, dealing with believers’ profession of their hallucinatory fantasies, tiredly reminding them one more time: 'your god is made-up,' or 'you can't prove a negative,' or 'the bible was written by Bronze-age nomads, and it's really kind of violent and misogynistic,' or 'that's equivocation.' I look forward to the day when it's not even a discussion in the UN about universal human rights–when the despicable machinations of the OIC to redefine those rights in favor of Islamic repression would be laughed out of the room."


    Source(s): . ~ "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." ~ .
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I just have seen the light and now I am telling it on the Mountain. So to speak.

    I have gotten mean. Mostly because of the God Bashing. But I tell it like I see it.

    And as far as Hawkins goe's. God isn't sitting at the end of a complex calculation. Which it wouldn't matter anyway because I think he was just looking to prove that God doesn't exist. And that Is all.

    And the arguing that there is a God. It may not seem like anything good is coming from all of this. However, just because it isn't instant, or even noticable to you. Doe's not mean it isn't doing something good somewhere. I feel it is sinking in. Because have you noticed that one thing you never forget is something you learn about God? Even if you don't believe it.

    Source(s): Jesus Loves You
  • 1 decade ago

    We don't argue, but we do point out that there is more to life than the physical and it's impossible for us to grasp that on our own. It takes us being indwelled and led by God the Holy Spirit to begin to understand things of the spirit. That's what God is: spirit. At His very core, He is love.

  • 1 decade ago

    Life is too short to argue about this sort of thing. To each their own. Live and let live.

    As long as no one is forcing anything on anyone then so be it

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  • 1 decade ago

    Why do you want to argue for not having arguments ? It is like making wars to establish peace

  • 1 decade ago

    it's fun.

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