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Should High school libraries have the Quar'an on hand?
In my senior year of high school we read parts of the bible for its impact on modern american influences and it was fun. I am a believer, but I am pretty open minded, and while in the school library looking at all the different bibles there were we had I was impressed. Then I remembered I wanted to read the Quar'an and so I asked for a copy. I knew we HAD to have them, I honestly didn't think the answer would be no. I laughed and mentioned later to friends how we have mein kampf in our library and the bible but not this.
So I don't know if there is an issue with Islam having the Quar'an used like this, but it just seems wrong NOT to have other religious texts on hand. And if you don't think in public school libraries, what about just plain public libraries? Why or why not?
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agowhat is the difference between male and female shirts?
I see websites that sell shirts and they have female and male versions of T-shirts(which absolutely confused me). What is the difference? Do they both go by different sizes, like are women's medium smaller than a men's medium? What is the big idea with it?
4 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years agoI am trying to add an SSD to boot, but it is more complicated than you think?
my situation is this:
I have been using a 1TB HDD for a while, and it works fine, it has all my stuff on it.
But I got a 60GB SSD to boot from. After installing windows 7 on it, and it booted up, none of my previous things are there anymore. The computer seems to have forgotten I had installed all sorts of things on my HDD and that I have installed my High end graphics card, it is using integrated graphics again. I know there has to be a way to have it boot, but still use my desktop, files and such on the HDD I have been using for so long. Both drives have Windows installed on them.
But here is the catch, I got the SSD to also be data storage for my mother. Nothing she uses will go on the HDD, only the SSD but I don't know how to do either one. The most important thing, is my first issue.
Additionally, according to a guide I found, I needed to use the SSD installation in AHCI mode instead of IDE in my BIOS, and it worked, but when I umplugged my SSD so I could go back to using my HDD as my standard boot and use all the data and stuff like I was before this mess. But it wasn't booting in AHCI so I had to cange back to IDE, I don't know if the SSD works in IDE mode though.
The SSD is a OCZ Agility 3 60GB drive. The HDD is a Seagate Baracuda 1TB.
At the minimum I want to just get the SSD to at least be only the boot device, but I want all my data storage, desktop and all my hardware to look toward the HDD since all my drivers for the grahpics card and my games, desktop and files are all there.
If you need more info from me just let me know and I can leave it.
1 AnswerAdd-ons9 years says my up speed is 4Mbps but utorrent doesn't seed that fast, why?
I supposedly get 4Mbps upload speed, but I am seeding 1 single torrent I created, and it goes from 100Kbps to 400Kbps, but it averages about 250Kbps. WHy is this? I'm not running anything else, I'm not uploading or downloading anything else. I did a throttle test and my ISP isn't throttling me. I tried changes some reccomended things on utorrent's website and nothing seems to have changed. Even with up to 8 leechers I wasn't even breaking 1000Kbps. I feel like nothing is wrong since I can stream pretty high, up past 2Mbps dedicated to the stream. What gives? my ISP is comcast, and I am using utorrent.
1 AnswerComputer Networking9 years agoWhy is it so hard to find Anime to buy?
I have been getting into anime series and soon possibly I may also find manga a fun way to pass time, so far that isn't too appealing.
ANyhow, I am searching for anime on blu-ray and google searches yield strange sites, or wholesale vendors for large scale suppliers for movies and tv shows etc on disk. Is there just a safe, good place to find what I need? I'd prefer English Dubs. TO give you an idea of what I am looking for:
-eureka 7 the anime
-code geas R1 &R2
-spice and wolf
-Kurokami The Animation
Box sets of entire seasons or at least complete avilability for seasons. Again, my criteria are
-blu ray(if in existence for certain animes)
-english Dubs
-trustworthy seller with stock for consumer purchase
-complete seasons in box sets, or complete availability for individual discs if that isn't an option.
5 AnswersComics & Animation9 years agoWhat is good for hummus?
I haven't eaten hummus before, and I want to know what to eat with it. Along with that I also would like to know if there is a good grocery store brand you might recommend.
5 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years agowhy can't I upload long videos to youtube anymore?
For some reason youtube has just ripped me off. I had the ability to upload videos of any length of time. Now it says I am limited to 15 minutes max. I tried to upload a 34 minute video and it wouldn't play it. But I have a 27 minute video that still plays that I uploaded before it said this. What gives? What happened? How do I get my upload limit lifted again? Why was it put in place?
3 AnswersYouTube10 years agoIs there any way to play tv on my computer?
I want to try to find a way to wirelessly(prefered) stream the signal on my tv(which is a samsung smart tv) on my computer OS. I don't think there is a way to, but I was just curious. No, I don't want to just hook up the cable box to the screen, I mean actually have it play on the computer itself with a program to do it.
2 AnswersOther - Computers10 years agogetting a new HDD need some help on details?
I currently have one HDD, and I want to get a new one.
The purpose is not for storage per say, but rather for recording videos on the computer using FRAPS. I want the first HDD I haveto read and play the programs I plan to record, mainly video games. Then I want the next one to be the location where FRAPS will write video to instead of one hard drive doing ALL the work like it does now which causes undesired results.
So my question is this:
1.would a high cache improve gameplay/fraps recording?
2.Same for RPM.
3.If I get a new HDD to record video to, should I get one with higher than average cache or RPM? or will a decent 7200RPM 32 MB/16MB cache do it?
3 AnswersAdd-ons10 years agoquestion for the homosexuals?
I don't mean this in a rude way, and I don't know the correct term for the I'm a guy in a girl's body" scenario so sorry about that if "homosexual" is incorrect. But if you believe that those people are correct in their feelings about their body and gender, would you believe a person if they said they were a lesbian trapped in a man's body? I am being serious. Any relevant info would be nice.
8 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender10 years agodoes it cost more for two color non-natural hair dying?
I am deciding whether or not to dye my hair a very noticable virbrant two tone of a single color. What I mean is, there are two shades of it, one brighter one darker and I want it distinctly alternated in wide bands, probably like 2-3 bands of each color across my head. Anyhow, I wanted some info from more in tune people since I am a guy and know next to nothing.
1.does my natural hair make an impact on the choice? long will the color last, and how long before fading or discoloration becomes noticable.
3.Do different dyes color better than others?
4.How much might a job like this cost?(I know its hard to say, but is it more than something more normal?)
5.I live in the San-fransico bay area, I am willing to make a decent trip for it, if there are any places you know if you live nearby, I'd like to know, my color choice is very specific.
2 AnswersHair10 years agoare there any incompatibilities with this computer build?
I want to build my friend a computer, I can do that, but I am pretty unknowledgable with the minor details. Overall it seems sound, but I want someone with more experience to double check, or even give advice. I am buying from new egg, and I am trying to keep it under $800. The computer will be used for gaming, but not super high end gaming. Otherwise they will use it for simple things like MS word, and watching youtube videos, nothing intense outside gaming.
Item #: N82E16822148609 500GB 7200RPM HDD
Item #: N82E16813128444 gigabyte motherboard
Item #: N82E16814131374 radeon HD 6850 graphics card
Item #: N82E16817171036 600 Watt bronze rated power supply
Item #: N82E16820231314 rip jaw 2 channel 8 GB RAM
Item #: N82E16819103727 AMD 4 core Phenom II
Item #: N82E16811129042 antec mid size tower
Item #: N82E16832116986-windows 64 bit home edition
If you have any advice, leave it. They may need a screen, but I am not including that right now. Also, if you think it is at ALL possible, it would be cool to fit in an SSD for system boot up only. I don't expect that to happen, but it would be nice if it fits in the price. Thanks for any help.
2 AnswersDesktops10 years agoI just read "The power of now" By Eckhart Tolle...?
Why would people listen to this fool? he doesn't even tell you where he got his information. I had to look up stuff on my own to find out where he got it from.
Why are people so naive to think this is a spiritual help book? Its a self-help book that cites no psychology. Why WHY would anyone read it. Sure he gets close sometimes, but he falls short everytime and skips every beat.
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agocan a screen recorder like FRAPS record Consoles?
Is it possible to use a computer PC, a videogame console or cable box and a computer screen to record something from the console or cablebox? I would like to know because I want to do some recording with the xbox 360 or PS3, maybe even a TV episode that I miss. I have the ability to use HDMI on my computer screen, and my graphics card has 2 video inputs for a computer screen.
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agohow much is a misprinted foil magic the gathering card worth?
I have a foil card that is misprinted, the foil on it isn't right, I don't know how to explain it. The card is nothing special, just a "shelter", but I don't know if there is any value in a misprint of it like there is with currency coins.
2 AnswersCard Games1 decade agoIf it is all guessing/theories/belief, why argue?
Faith or no faith, ah the bitter argument. Does a deity exist, is God there? Or does science wisk away this belief?
It seems that because there is no physical proof that God exists, no one can say, hey, this is God. But at the same time there is no proof either that really debunks God because we know so little about things like quantum physics. Einstein believed in God, by Steven Hawking doesn't. Religious advisors say God is there, and others say that spirituality doesn't have to come by God. So why argue about it? Its good to understand the stances, to see what one person thinks, to ponder on it, act on any challenges made, and make your own decision. It seems that so many people don't listen to the other side. I personally have had both sides, and found that having God is better for my life and makes me feel better, to say it in a non-preechy way. But I advocate the idea that we should be skeptical and test everything until we find the truth for ourselves(which is how I approach religion and spirituality).
So, I came to think, people just want to be mean. Arguing with someone about God being real, or even arguing about which sect is better, is just un-godly behavior, and religion bashing is a foolish waste of time and unkind. Why argue? What is the purpose? Investigations are innocent and acceptable, but I think we lost that idea as a whole in society.
What do you argue(if you even do)?
Why do you think people argue?
What would you have people do, and why? emphasis on the why, be specific, or else I will ignore it.
Hello to all trolls, hello to all TL;DR people. GTFO flamers, no one cares. Okay I covered all bases.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoI have dick constipation. HELP!?
Well, ever since I got acne, it has gotten pretty bad. Now its gone down my pelvic area. Today I woke up with a zit in my dick hole. I can't piss, and I can't pop it(you try shoving a needle in your dick!) I don't have health insurance, what do I do? I have to pee but I can't. What do I do?
5 AnswersMen's Health1 decade agowhat size photo can I print knowing the pixels of the picture?
I have a picture a friend made that is 900x1360 px. Its supposed to be a poster, so I want to know, can I print it into a decently big poster? When I say big, I mean larger than a normal piece of paper.
I want to have it professionally printed on poster style paper so it looks legitimate. How big of a poster can I get in inches before I begin to lose quality?
3 AnswersPrinters1 decade agowhat will you do to in anticipation for December 21 2012?
Come up with the best, most clever answer and you win best answer.
Here is the question in full: What will you do in anticipation for December 21 2012, on the day, or its aftermath(assuming people were wrong and we live[which I personally expect us to do.])
So here is my guess, and please top it, it would be sad if no one could. Remember it has to be clever, not just crazy.
Mine is: I will take bets that the world will not end, once the day comes I either get my money, or I die and I don't have to pay out.(worked on 6/6/06)
8 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoHow much time would it take to watch every star trek episode from every series(including movies)...?
I just watched Star Trek First Contact. No wonder they made a whole walkthrough for the movie in the MGM in Las Vegas. Anyhow, I want to know how much pure time would it take to watch star trek from the very first season to the very most recent season and episode including movies. If someone can put it in chronological order of release dates, so if I ever tried to watch it all, I would do it in the right order. Thanks you, I expect some expertise responses. Look for additional comments incase you need me to add more detail to my question. Any trolls/spammers/pointless answers will be reported.
1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade ago