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37+3 days, having a c-section in 2 weeks, what can I do to possibly go into labour a little earlier?

I would really like to have a vaginal birth, but after 2 previous c-sections my doctors won't let me, I am hoping that if I go into labour before my c-section date, then it might just be too quick to section me. My previous c-sections have been because my pelvis didn't open and my babies never dropped. My first was emergency because he was sstuck, the second they decided to do at 39+4 because they didn't think that he would fit through my closed pelvis. This pregnancy, my pelvis has opened some and this baby is 4/5 engaged as of a few days ago, but they still won't let me try because of the previous sections. My youngest son is 8 so I am not terribly worried about the scarring rupturing. Do you think that i could do anything to try and have a natural labour before they section me ? I am very healthy and fit (34years old) and have walked a lot during this pregnancy so I feel as if my body is up to it.


I definately wouldn't try and labour at home!! Just that a midwife said to me a few weeks ago that maybe if I was progressing well enough in labour when I went in, then some doctors MIGHT let me try natural. This will be my last child and I would LOVE to have the experience of a natural birth, though I wouldn't if I thought it was too risky. I am in Australia, and VBAC is not overly encouraged.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately you can't force your body into labor. It's something your body has to do all on its own. If your doctors have advised against a vaginal birth it's probably not the best idea anyway. Even if you were to go into labor they would likely do an emergency C-section to avoid you birthing vaginally.

    I know how you feel, though. I'm hoping to have a VBAC this time around but have a C-section scheduled for next Thursday. I've been praying and hoping my body goes on its own as I've gotten the okay from both my doctors to birth vaginally but as of now I'm 39w4d and still nothing...

  • 1 decade ago

    you should not be trying to induce labor before 39 weeks or your baby may have trouble breathing. Just because you hit 37 weeks does not mean that the baby is ready to be born yet. My son was not ready to be born until after 39 weeks (I know this because they did an amnio at 38 weeks).

    At 39 weeks if you want to try sex, spicy food, nipple stimulation, pineapple, that's fine go for it otherwise let nature take it's course. But if you do go into labor naturally make sure you don't stay at home hoping to force a vaginal birth becuase it may end in an emergency situation again. Best to go to the hospital and tell them you want to attempt a vaginal and go for a c-section if needed.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can *try* all the old wives tales with the exception of Castor Oil - very dangerous - but unless and until your body is ready for labor nothing's going to work

    And I highly doubt they will allow you to continue with a natural labor after 2C's since you're already scheduled for one - if you start labor then they will just do the C as planned

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