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  • My 9 year old, very sporty boy, is a little underweight, any tips on healthy weight gain in a child this age?

    He's 4"2 and 59 pounds, plays heaps of sports and as a result is getting rather skinny even though he has a healthy appetite. I don't want to fill him with junk so I'm looking for fairly healthy options.

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is my 11 week old baby overweight?

    He was born 6pound, 14 oz. Now at 11 weeks he's 14 pound, I am not very big, which is why I tend to have fairly little babies but he's more than doubled his birthweight. He takes 5 bottles a day at 8oz. Problem is, he's starting to want more, he probably drinks around 6oz of water a day, about an ounce at a time throughout the day. I am thinking of offering a little rice cereal maybe in the afternoon, but waiting til next week to check with his doctor. I don't want my baby to go hungry but I am worried that he's starting to get a little fat. What do you think?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anyone tried the baby bumbo ?

    What age did you try it and did your little one enjoy it ?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Has anyone tried a formula thickener ?

    If so, did it work for you? I purchased a can of karicare formula thickener today. My 5 week old son is on karicare gold formula but is starting to throw up quite regularly. still feeding great and putting on lots of weight, a little too much weight to be honest. Another parent suggested that we tried this thickener as she has had great success in stopping all the spit up for her son. Has anyone else tried it? How did it go. I am going to try just one scoop in a bottle tonight, I thought that maybe f he digests his food a little slower he may drink a bit less. he is wanting far more than the recommended amounts and is putting on quite a bit of weight. What do you all think?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Has anyone tried a formula thickener ?

    If so, did it work for you? I purchased a can of karicare formula thickener today. My 5 week old son is on karicare gold formula but is starting to throw up quite regularly. still feeding great and putting on lots of weight, a little too much weight to be honest. Another parent suggested that we tried this thickener as she has had great success in stopping all the spit up for her son. Has anyone else tried it? How did it go. I am going to try just one scoop in a bottle tonight, I thought that maybe f he digests his food a little slower he may drink a bit less. he is wanting far more than the recommended amounts and is putting on quite a bit of weight. What do you all think?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 39 + 2 weeks, braxton hicks alllllllllllllll night, is real labour coming ?

    My braxton hicks are about 8-10 minutes apart, they have been for almost 12 hours! Unfortunately, they are not getting stronger, i have had no mucus plug or bloody show either. what is going on? Rang the hospital about 7 hours ago and they told me to try to rest and come in as soon as they start getting painful. They expected it to happen in a few hours. It's not getting painful! What can i do? Is it really pre-labour ? And how long can this stage last ? Anybody stay at this stage for this long ? this is my 3rd child with 2 previous cections and i am booked in for another on friday, at this rate i will make it til then too!!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 39 weeks today, lots of pelvic pressure, labour soon ?

    I know that everyone has had enough by this stage but I am in a really bad mood tonight! I have had pelvic pain and pressure all day, lots of braxton hicks this evening ( happens every evening though), also the last couple of days when I go to urinate, I feel like a small pop, like a bone clicking or something, it's weird, surprises me but not really painful and very quick. There is a little more lower back pain tonight but braxton hicks are not noticably stronger. Lol, I think that I am in a bad mood because I don't think that labour is gonna happen in the next day or two. No mucus plug or bloody show, not more frequent urination, baby is still moving alot. Anyone gone into labour suddenly at this stage without a lot of pre-labour symptoms ? Thanks.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What did you wear in hospital after delivery ?

    i hate getting around in night clothes with people everywhere, I am booked in for a c-section this friday at 39+5 weeks. I was hoping to go into natural labour early but so far, no dice. I haven't packed my hospital bag yet, am planning to do that today, I am thinking of packing tracksuits and shirts rather than pyjamas, I am not a fan of parading around in my nightwear in front of people and i expect to get a lot of visitors. Do you think that tracksuits would be comfy after a c-section? It's been 8 years since my last child and i forget! Any other tips on what to pack for hospital ? Thanks!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 38 + 4 weeks, lots of braxton hicks, is this the beginning ?

    I am having braxton hicks, about 6-8 minutes apart, uncomfortable but not painful, they also come with period like cramping but only in the front, nothing in the back. it's not painful enough to be real labour but could it be the start ? no bloody show either. Going for just over an hour. Thanks.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 38 weeks + 3 days, have been totally exhausted all day, is this a sign ?

    Like most pregnant women I am looking for any sign that labour is near, I am 38 weeks + 3 days with number 3 baby but never gone into natural labour before. I spent the entire day today in bed, the whole day, i was so tired. I have braxton hicks a lot but no show as yet and I haven't lost my mucus plug. I am so ready for this baby to be born, it is just not like me to laze about all day. Can anyone tell me their symptoms in the days/weeks leading up to labour, and how when did you know you were in labour, and how many weeks were you ? Also, I have put on less than a kilo in the last month, some sites say that weight gain slows down at the end ? Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 38 weeks, planned c-secton end of next week, what will they check if I go to L&D?

    I am 38+2weeks. I am getting a lot of braxton hicks tonight, not enough to worry yet. But, just curious, if they get worse and I go to L&D, as I have been told to do early due to planned c-section, what will they check to see if it's labour ? I am sure that these contractions would show up on a ctg as they are getting rather painful, but would they check me for dialation? Like I said, these are not hard enough yet for me to go in, I am very close to the hospital so nothing to fear.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How did your labour start? Did you know it was true labour right away?

    I am 38 weeks and just curious, i get alot of braxton hicks, but even when they get a bit painful, the pain is up high and I know from reading in here that labour is usually down low. Just wondering if labour starts softly for most people and progresses to real pain or what. I also read in a lot of answers that often the waters don't break until later. Just want to know some other womens experiences, thanks.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 38 weeks, will it never end?

    I shouldn't whinge, I have had a relatively trouble free pregnancy. I am just so tired. This is my second week off work and i am beginning to get bored, everything aches, movement is difficult and slow and i really want to go into labour. I am having a c-section on 24th, as I have had 2 previous and my doctor will not allow me to try naturally. I keep thinking though, that if I go into labour now, and it seems quick and simple that they may let me continue. This will be my last child and I would love to experience natural birth. I know that it's not terribly realistic but when i put it to my doctor, he said maybe, that labour would have to be going well for him to allow it. I just want this child here, lol. I have been walking heaps but can't eat curry because of heartburn, any other ideas to naturally bring labour on ?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 38 weeks pregnant, (warning maybe tmi) labour signs?

    I have woken up this morning and during the night have soaked a panty liner right through with what I am fairly sure is just discharge. I have been up for an hour and managed to soak another one. It still looks like discharge to me, it's got a creamy/whitish tinge although it is very watery. Would I be able to tell the difference if it was amniotic fluid ? It's my baby shower today so I am a little freaked out that i may go into labour, been having lots of braxton hicks for weeks but no bloody show, and no sign of it in todays leakage. I am booked in for a c-section 24th, and as I have had 2 previous c-sections I have to go to delivery straight away if it looks like I might go into labour. any hints on how to tell the difference between amniotic fluid and normal discharge? I have never gone into labour naturally. Thanks for your help.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 37+4 weeks, any chance that labour is near? What were your symptoms in the hours/ days before ?

    I have never gone into labour naturally, even though this is my 3rd child. Did you have any signs in the days or weeks leading up to labour ? My 2 ultrasounds (12 weeks and 19 weeks) put me a week further along than my due date, so I could possibly be 38 weeks + 4 days and hoping to go into spontaneous labour soon, just wondering if there are any signs that i could be looking for ? I have been having heaps of braxton hicks for weeks, and baby is engaged, any other signs ? It is also almost 6am here and I have been up since 1.30am for no real reason. Did anyone get sudden insomnia at the end of pregnancy ?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 37+3 days, having a c-section in 2 weeks, what can I do to possibly go into labour a little earlier?

    I would really like to have a vaginal birth, but after 2 previous c-sections my doctors won't let me, I am hoping that if I go into labour before my c-section date, then it might just be too quick to section me. My previous c-sections have been because my pelvis didn't open and my babies never dropped. My first was emergency because he was sstuck, the second they decided to do at 39+4 because they didn't think that he would fit through my closed pelvis. This pregnancy, my pelvis has opened some and this baby is 4/5 engaged as of a few days ago, but they still won't let me try because of the previous sections. My youngest son is 8 so I am not terribly worried about the scarring rupturing. Do you think that i could do anything to try and have a natural labour before they section me ? I am very healthy and fit (34years old) and have walked a lot during this pregnancy so I feel as if my body is up to it.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 37 weeks with 3rd baby and having very painful thigh cramps ?

    This is my 3rd pregnancy and I have never had these kind of cramps before. I am booked in for a c-section on 24th september as I am unable to risk a natural birth due to 2 previous emergency sections. Is this some indication of labour ? The cramps are very painful, stop me in my tracks, but very quick, they only last a few seconds.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Braxton Hicks, 4 to 5 minutes apart. Is it labour ?

    I haven't been able to sleep, I am getting pains very regularly but not really painful enough to be labour. I am only 37 weeks. I am booked in for a c-section on 24th september as I have had 2 previous sections my doctor does not want me to labour. I have been having braxton hicks for months, and these are not really any more painful than normal, just a lot more regular. How long should i leave it before i ring delivery, has been happening every few minutes for more than an hour.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 34 weeks, terrified that i am not going to carry to term,?

    I am booked in for a c-section at 39 weeks 4 days but I am terrified that I am not going to make it to that date before i go into labour. I had a very bad experience with my first son, almost lost him during labour and the doctors are unwilling to risk it again. I have been having bad braxton hicks contractions and a lot of discharge. Is this a sign of pre-term labour ??

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago