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Is my 11 week old baby overweight?

He was born 6pound, 14 oz. Now at 11 weeks he's 14 pound, I am not very big, which is why I tend to have fairly little babies but he's more than doubled his birthweight. He takes 5 bottles a day at 8oz. Problem is, he's starting to want more, he probably drinks around 6oz of water a day, about an ounce at a time throughout the day. I am thinking of offering a little rice cereal maybe in the afternoon, but waiting til next week to check with his doctor. I don't want my baby to go hungry but I am worried that he's starting to get a little fat. What do you think?


His doctor suggested the water. I am in Australia, and we are advised to offer water (boiled of course) from 6 weeks. Maybe it's about the heat over here, every day is around 95 degrees at the moment. I am not sure why, but we are always told to offer our babies water.

10 Answers

  • Pippin
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Infants are never 'overweight' if they are fed appropriate foods when they are hungry.

    His formula intake is fine, and so is his weight gain but you shouldn't be offering water. Water can be harmful for young infants and is never necessary.

    His weight gain is a bit above average, but still well within the normal range. Some babies gain VERY fast in the early months, then slow down a lot later.

    I would definitely NOT offer rice cereal -- early solids, unlike formula/breastmilk are correlated with increased risk of obesity. Never mind the fact that he can't yet sit up and eat from a spoon, so you'd be forcefeeding it with a bottle -- which is NEVER a good idea.

    You'll start offering solids when he's about 6 months old.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Personally if you are feeding him when he is hungry than that's fine. My daughter is the opposite she doesn't gain weight well and is a very lazy eater. You could give her 20 oz a day if you were lucky. (she is 15 months now and a very picky eater) So count your blessings that he is a thriving and very healthy. I don't know why your doctor recommends water but it sounds pointless to me. He is not ready for cereal yet until 4-6 months. Good luck!

  • Ellen
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If you have not discussed this with your doctor, you should. Most infants don't need water, and this one is not even 3 months and you want to offer the empty calories of cereal? If you're worried about him getting fat, early cereal is not the way to go.

    Please discuss all this with the baby's doctor, especially the 6 oz. of water.

    Source(s): hospital IBCLC and mother's group leader 20+ years mother to 3
  • 1 decade ago

    my son was 10lb born and is 18lb at 14 weeks he is a very large baby and takes 7-9 oz 4 times a day x x

    My son is huge but once he starts to walk and stuff the weight will drop off as it did with my firdt don who was a big baby up until 11 months when he walked and since then he has only gained 5lb and is now 2.5 years and very tall !!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    He doesn't need water and he doesn't need cereal. Far too young for either of them. If babies are fed on demand they grow as nature intended. And right around 12 weeks is when a growth spurt happens, which is probably why he's "asking" for more. Feed on demand. My son was born at 7 lbs. and had doubled his birth weight right around 3 months too. He was healthy, he just grew rapidly. He's 2 1/2 now and still hovers around the 95th percentile.

  • 5 years ago

    My son replaced into 7 lbs 3 oz.. whilst he replaced into born. he's now 13 lbs oz.. he's interior the ninety% for weight and top, so my wellbeing care expert isn't in touch. i think of he replaced into approximately 24.5 inches. sounds like they are with regards to a similar length. he's 9 weeks. i could get a 2d opinion. At this age it is not any longer smart to cut back back her consumption. She's growing to be and desires all she gets! She's lovable, and looks healthful and properly proportioned.

  • RSJ
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    5 bottles at 8oz each? So, 40 oz in 24hrs? It's recommended not to go over 32oz in 24hrs. I would talk with your pediatrician. Hold off until 4 months before offering rice cereal. The APA actually recommends waiting 6 months. Our pediatrician said that 4 months is fine. Before that, your baby’s body is not ready.

  • 1 decade ago

    nahh hunn he aint overweight..its normal for them to eat alot like that! theres babies that eat way more than that and turn out to be skinny and have a good natural body when they get older

  • Davi S
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    ele tem que fazer um regime!

    14 quilos é muito!procure um nutricionista.

  • 1 decade ago


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