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Art students... Anyone ever felt like me?

Okay, before I get into this one thing: If you're not gonna help, click the button for the next question. I'm serious && don't really need the douchebaggery at the moment...


So basically, I've been going to school for Animation (3D) since '08, && I've been taking all the classes my advisor has recommended (drawing classes, computer classes, etc.) && it's really starting to hit me now, that while I enjoy it, I just can't figure out what I'm good at. I pass, but don't excell at any of it to be honest. I went into this wanting to be an animator (not FULLY knowing what went into that) && now I'm just...unsure. My problem is I just don't know what I want to do when I get out of here, && if I could even do it. It's starting to give me panic attacks. I'm not even sure the kinds of jobs I could get (however I JUST started a class for that so that shouldn't be a problem when this is over) or if I have enough experience or work to put in a portfolio so far. I realized now that I love drawing more than anything. But how will that benefit me when I am a 3D Animation major? && when I get this way I tend to think about Illustration, && minoring in that, because I don't want to quit animation completely, but I don't know if I should even bring that up to anyone because I don't know what goes into that.

I think I'm rambling at this point... I guess I'm just wondering has anyone ever felt as unsure as me? && if so, what did you do about it? Because at this point I'm kinda just going to school, doing what everyone tells me, but not really certain where I am going or if I have what it takes (for ANY field). I guess I'm just lacking one on one guidance && motivation.

If you want to go in depth about any of this, then message me, I could probably use it anyway.


4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well girlie...I've changed my major several times and I think the ultimate advice is KEEP GOING because YES!

    Everyone feels like you do at some point or another...The thing is, some get lost in thinking "is this for me yes or no?" The problem is not going to be finishing school for you, the problem is going to be settling in 'the real world.' The truth is, once you get a job...if you don't finish school you'll be underpaid and unhappy. If you finish school you'll be paid well and unhappy. If you finish school and decide to change to a career that you suddenly discover YOU LOVE, you'll be paid well and happy.

    My point? Finish school! Keep doing what you're doing! When it comes to getting a job, get the job YOU WANT! You're probably not going to figure out what it is you want to do until you're in the workforce so don't rush yourself.

    Enjoy school and FINISH it. There's countless of stories of people that got their degree in Visual Arts and ended up being CEO's. They didn't study for it, but their degree and their knowledge qualified them for the job.

    Source(s): Visual Arts Major...Started with Electronics switched to International Business Management then switched again to Radio, Television, big headed, quit school, was underpaid as a TV/Radio fed up quit my TV/Radio job and now here you have me doing VISUAL ARTS..
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Simply just don't give up Hope. Something made you want to be an artist. I decided on Intermedia Art. My reason is that I can get a good job doing computer art. Intermedia isn't just video or animation, it's everything mashed into one discipline. I have often felt like there was no point to it, but then I realize that there is an end result for me = A good job.

  • Daphne
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I felt like that when I was an art student. The thing is: no one knows the future. We have to go through it all: the easy, the hard, the pointless, and the meaningful - because very few of us know what we're meant to be doing.

    If you love drawing, you at least have one thing you can be passionate about. I think you should ask about illustration. Get an appointment - something like a portfolio review, with a teacher who has experience in both fields and talk about where you think your strengths are. Get advice. That is part of the job for your teachers and I think they would be more than happy to guide you.

    Take care.

  • 6 years ago

    I've changed my major before and found something I think I like better. Change is for the better sometime

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