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Lv 757,743 points

Ovaltine Jenkins

Favorite Answers18%

I don't care who or what you are. I'm just here to help & converse, & I don't mind the occasional venter/ranter. We all need someone to talk to right? ;)

  • iPod question?

    So all of a sudden a lot of my songs on my iPod Touch now say "iten not available" & I can no longer play them. I can t even sync the things I just got. Also if it matters, all of these songs were bought so it d be really nice to be able to play them again. I m not that tech savvy. Any help would be appreciated thanks.

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players4 years ago
  • Can you bake already painted plaster wrap?

    It's a simple question really. I've made something consisting of wire & foil on the inside for structure & plaster wrap on the outside. I'm in the process of staining it with tea & after that I'm going to want to paint it with acrylic paints then go over that with a glossy coating. Is all of that possible to bake & if so at what setting & for how long? Or is that not possible? Not really used to using this kind of stuff & am learning as I go. Anything helps, thanks.

    2 AnswersSculpture6 years ago
  • Art students... Anyone ever felt like me?

    Okay, before I get into this one thing: If you're not gonna help, click the button for the next question. I'm serious && don't really need the douchebaggery at the moment...


    So basically, I've been going to school for Animation (3D) since '08, && I've been taking all the classes my advisor has recommended (drawing classes, computer classes, etc.) && it's really starting to hit me now, that while I enjoy it, I just can't figure out what I'm good at. I pass, but don't excell at any of it to be honest. I went into this wanting to be an animator (not FULLY knowing what went into that) && now I'm just...unsure. My problem is I just don't know what I want to do when I get out of here, && if I could even do it. It's starting to give me panic attacks. I'm not even sure the kinds of jobs I could get (however I JUST started a class for that so that shouldn't be a problem when this is over) or if I have enough experience or work to put in a portfolio so far. I realized now that I love drawing more than anything. But how will that benefit me when I am a 3D Animation major? && when I get this way I tend to think about Illustration, && minoring in that, because I don't want to quit animation completely, but I don't know if I should even bring that up to anyone because I don't know what goes into that.

    I think I'm rambling at this point... I guess I'm just wondering has anyone ever felt as unsure as me? && if so, what did you do about it? Because at this point I'm kinda just going to school, doing what everyone tells me, but not really certain where I am going or if I have what it takes (for ANY field). I guess I'm just lacking one on one guidance && motivation.

    If you want to go in depth about any of this, then message me, I could probably use it anyway.


    4 AnswersOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago
  • My technology's turn'd against me..? (Mac users?)?

    So I'm not THAT technology savvy && this may be slightly long wind'd, so bare with me....

    Anyway... Something's up with my Mac && I don't know how to fix the problems.

    First thing, the volume on my Mac won't work. The settings seem to be where I can only hear something if there are headphones in, but it won't let me turn the volume up, down, or off unless the headphones. I dunno how that could've happen'd but knowing me, I probably press'd/push'd something on accident. I tried fixing it in System Preferences but couldn't find out how. It's been this way for a while.

    Second thing, it can't read my camera or flash drive. The USB jack on the side just completely stopp'd working all of a sudden. Yesterday it was fine (had my drive in it) then it kept telling me I was taking it out without ejecting && then nothing.. It stopp'd working. I thought it was the flash drive but I put my camera in this morning && the icon didn't come up.

    So I'm asking, is there any way to fix these problems? Any advice would be great. && I own a MacBook if that helps. =/


    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Anyone happen to know what these symbols mean?

    Not the pentagram itself, but what's inside of it. Please && thank you. (:

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Care to help me out with this?

    Doesn't have much to do with LGBT, but I spend most of my time here so hey...

    I'm trying to write something, getting over my writer's block, but I need a little help

    So inspire me, please...

    What do the following genres make you think of?





    Any images, scenarios, words, or phrases will do, just be serious about it please. :)

    Thanks in advance.

  • Questions about my monroe piercing...?

    Sooo I got my monroe a few weeks ago, && it's kind of discolor'd around the labret. Like my skin is light brown but it's a darker brown around the labret. It doesn't hurt && I DO take care of it. But I feel like I'm not doing enough (or maybe too much).. So I want'd to know is there any way I could minimize the discoloration before it worsens && what are good ways to clean it && how often I should. I've just been washing my face with a plain Dove bar (the piercer recommend'd it) && using these swabs that have medicine in them, but to me it feels like that makes it worse. && then it gets dry && I pick at it, which I shouldn't, but I can't help it... So any recommendations? BESIDES taking it out, because I don't wanna have to resort to that yet, it's been about 6 or 7 weeks.

    Keep in mind, I have a longer one. The one you get when it's first done. I need to replace it soon with a shorter one. Could that be why it looks that way?

    Anyway, thanks in advance. :/

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Tell me what you think?

    I feel like I should add more, but I'm kind of out of words... The mood is sort of hopeless, as I wrote it when I was extremely bumm'd if that helps:

    "At This Particular Moment In Time"

    Don't try to find me

    I'm officially off your radar

    Orbiting 'round aimlessly

    In another solar system

    I'm [big] dipping into some other universe

    Until I collide with a love so cosmic

    At one point my heart fell like a supernova

    At this point it's burn'd out, a fizzl'd meteor

    && at one point she was the Milky Way galaxy

    But at this point she's like a black hole

    I, the satellite

    This, without a doubt, must make her the Moon

    Even astronauts come back with nothing

    && even rocket ships come back broken

    But one thing's for sure:

    If daydreaming is what got me here

    Imagine my destination when I am determin'd..

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Just for kicks!! Tell me what you think of me?

    [[Yes, I did steal this from someone because it seem'd interesting]]

    Be honest && as descriptive as you want I obviously have the time..

    What kind of person do you think I am?

    What race do I look to you?

    What do you think my sexual orientation is?

    What type of music/bands do you think I listen to?

    What stereotype would you put me in?

    Do you think I like animals?

    How do you think you'd feel when approaching me?

    How old do you think I am?

    Just your general impression basically.

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • I wanna sell some game consoles...?

    I want to sell my PS2, GameCube, && PlayStation, they all have controllers, at least 2 each. My questions are where can I sell them (&& don't say Ebay....), how much would they go for, && do you think someone will even take them? They're in super good condition, but they're old models, y'know?

    Thanks for any help.

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • A question about works by Titian and Bernini?

    Having a little trouble answering this one particular question: What symbolic meaning or message, if any, does Titian's "Meeting of Bacchus and Ariadne" and Bernini's "Apollo and Daphne" convey to the viewer?

    Any help would be appreciat'd, thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersPainting1 decade ago
  • What could my friend's dream mean...?

    Well.. My friend text'd me this morning about how she had yet ANOTHER dream about this guy she "dat'd". I say "dat'd" because they were a couple for about a week, then he mysteriously went M.I.A. && NEVER spoke to or saw her again. She still holds a grudge. Anyway, she has several dreams about him. In this one, she says he stood behind her the whole time. But she KNEW it was him. Then she went on to say they had sex behind her community college, but he was still behind her.

    I think it's insane. Maybe if she gets this all figur'd out she won't have so many dreams about the guy. So anyone wanna take a stab at interpreting her dream? Serious answers, please.

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Boys, what holds your interest?

    **Serious question requires a serious answer, I wanna know:**

    I'm just asking for the hell of it, but what kinds of topics DO boys like to talk about with girls?BESIDES anything sex relat'd lol.

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why torture yourself?

    Actually I'm planning on going straight to the source && getting my answer but seeing as she's not around right now:

    I have this friend && I've known her for a long time. She is openly gay, I am...well, I'm unlabel'd. O_o We've been through a lot. Fast forward, everything we've been through has only made our feelings for one another grow stronger. So yes, I love her, && I'm fine with that. She knows it. Vice versa. Fast forward again, she told me how she wants me really badly, knows she can have me, yet pushes me away. She's lik'd me for yeeears....

    So my question is, why the hell would you do that to yourself? Why deny yourself something you KNOW you want when you can have it? && why push someone you love away?

    Any idea why? && I actually want an answer to my question, so if you haven't a legit opinion, just skip it love.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why torture yourself?

    Actually I'm planning on going straight to the source && getting my answer but seeing as she's not around right now:

    I have this friend && I've known her for a long time. She is openly gay, I am...well, I'm unlabel'd. O_o We've been through a lot. Fast forward, everything we've been through has only made our feelings for one another grow stronger. So yes, I love her, && I'm fine with that. She knows it. Vice versa. Fast forward again, she told me how she wants me really badly, knows she can have me, yet pushes me away. She's lik'd me for yeeears....

    So my question is, why the hell would you do that to yourself? Why deny yourself something you KNOW you want when you can have it? && why push someone you love away?

    Any idea why? && I actually want an answer to my question, so if you haven't a legit opinion, just skip it love.

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Why do I keep dreaming of aliens..?

    Lol... This is my fourth time dreaming about aliens either destroying Earth or taking us (people in my family) away. The first 3 were kinda bad but this one was more comical.

    Anyone know what they could mean though?

    13 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Have you ever felt this way..?

    Have you ever crav'd the answer to a question where you weren't even sure what the question was?

    Or more basically, have you ever search'd for a solution to your problem when you weren't even clear what your problem was?

    I've felt like that ALL day, && on many other occasions. At least once a day I just want to explode. I need help but I'm not EXACTLY sure what I need help WITH. I'd post the whole situation for a better understanding but I'm not cool with telling the whole lot of you just so I can come up with little to no help or even possibly be judg'd.

    Y'wanna help me, then get to me directly. If not answer the above question && TELL ME HOW YOU FINALLY RESOLV'D IT! T_T

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • So I have this friend...?

    I have this friend. I love her. Very much. I don't want this to be long but you have to know some of the background.

    I met her a few years back. She's openly gay. She a little younger than me but I could tell immediately she was very intelligent. She develop'd a crush on me which result'd in us not talking for months (her doing). We never act'd on it but I miss'd her horribly, so I found her && got her to talk to me again. Idk if she still likes me or not really. But she talks like she does, then like she doesn't. Anyway, we were talking earlier on AIM about the kind of person she is && she sent this:

    "im just so ****** terribie, and when i really want someone i push em away or act like we aint ****...then i pull em back in and then push em away again.

    like how i do with you. no offense but its true. anyway...

    ima go ta sleep. night. im too confused."

    I guess my question is what the hell is her deal?? What is she getting at, why the abrupt leave. She didn't even let me respond. My question is just WHY? Usually I'm good at analyzing people && their actions, but her...? I guess I'm just too close to the picture.

    Sorry for the novel, thanks in advance for your opinions.

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How to take wav files from the net?

    I have a project due next Wednesday using After Effects. I need a wav file of someone giggling. My question is, when I find it, how do you take them off the net to use in After Effects? Cuz once they get to the screen where it plays, I don't know where to go from there.

    Honestly, I'm pretty new to this stuff, so try to dumb it down for me?

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago