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Kuruki asked in SportsRugby · 1 decade ago

Aussie's who's your daddy?

I think its time the Aussies of the Rugby world acknowledge that the All Blacks are your daddy.

Everytime you get a win against somebody else, you cant help talking yourselves up all week, just to fail again, it gets on my nerves thats why i take so much pleasure in rubbing it in afterwards, becoz you deserve it.

People say we cant win without Carter. Myth busted. We just beat the 2nd ranked team in the world at there home ground infront of 70,000 of there supporters, with 5 changes.

I keep hearing the gap is closing , Aus are improving. Ive heard that after the last 6 or 7 matches but yet the tally stands at 10-0.

And youve blown massive leads to loose 2 games in the last 3 weeks, and nearly a 3rd after being miles ahead. I fail to see any improvement when a team can jump out to such big leads and then be rolled over at the finish line.


Im not blind i understand what the future holds for this Aussie team. But i have been hearing since 2008 that the Aussies are just below the All Blacks, I have heard after most games that the Aussies are improving, well its now nearing the end of the 2010 season and this improving team has still failed to beat the All Blacks. This ever present lurking danger they are supposedly bringing has failed to show itself for years. The All Blacks played terrible for 60 minutes and i blame that on lack of gametime for most of them over the last month. Yet Aussie failed to win the game they were beaten by an All Black side that played 20 minutes of rugby, what could the score have been if we turned up for 80?? Yes Aussie has alot of injuries, but the question is do they stick with the young side supposedly going to turn out to be a great side, or do they go with the experience that will supposedly be enough to beat the All Blacks, altho they are the same blokes having previously failed.

Update 2:

Its all good and well claiming to have key players missing, but at the end of the day u will have to replace these supposed stars of the future to allow the experience to come back. You cant play them all so to be honest i dont think getting players is going to change much at all. The experienced guys have proven unable to win and the young guys have also proven the same, there is nothing new coming into the Aus game that Nz havent already disposed of. Now if you look at the Ab's Savea Fruean SBW Slade Ranger Whitelock Dagg the new talent coming thru is in my eyes more potent than the young Wallabies we are supposed to be fearing.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes , you are a spot on !, the last 3 games the Wallabies have played,during the 2nd half ,they have led, 21-7, 31-6, and 22-9. And only the 2nd game did they win (last min penalty), watching the Wallabies play they create enough opportunities to win the game,but they cannot keep up the pressure for a whole 80 mins.

    Still !, I am not going to write them off for next years tri-nations and world-cup, sometimes we AB fans do get carried away with there success prior to a world -cup (and we all know what happens at world cup games !).

    Lets enjoy the ABs success at the moment ( best side in the world this year ) and hope it carries on next year.

  • 1 decade ago

    So Taraboy you obviously didn't see McCaw break illegally from the scrum to score the Kiwi's first try? Neither did the ref. Should have been penalty to Australia and the ball down the other end of the field. Or the penalty to the Kiwis not long after while Australia was in possession for something he hadn't penalised all game, giving the ball to the Kiwi's in an attacking position from which they scored again? Not to mention the numerous other times McCaw is not penalised for infringements. The Kiwis were outplayed for most of the night and only some poor goal kicking and poor ref decisions late in the game enabled the Kiwis to win. Australia had also just recently returned from high altitude in SA which would have contributed to their tiredness. They also had experienced players missing through injury. Australia are definitely closing the gap but like anything in sport, need a bit a luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Australians did really well last night. Even as a New Zealander, I think they deserve some credit. It seems that we were evenly matched in that game. I mean, I'm glad we won, but I think if the Australians had won they would have been just as deserving.

    Still, you're right about the Carter myth being busted. Also, I suppose Aussie had more advantages than us, so we were lucky to win in many ways, but hey, it was only one point.

    I think Australians have a lot to be proud of. Give them a break. Also, I thought South Africa was second ranked and Aussie was third?? I'm not sure, but that's just was I've heard.

    Anyway, I still love that we have this sibling rivalry complex with Aus. We look upon them as equals though, and they are equals because they could have won that game.

    I say good on both teams.

  • Bill P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Had Giteau kicked half the goals he missed, this question wouldn't be on here. but then again this is two tests this winter we have lost due to his goalkicking. I don't think the Kiwi kickers missed a shot all night. If we are that bad, how come the ABs could only win by a point.

    Deans has to look at his selections. O'Connor gifted that try to McCaw and in the first half O'Connor went missing a couple of time when the AB backs broke out on his side of the field. A-C is a good fullback and a good bench player but he's not a test class 13. Yes, Deans is not out on the field but as coach it is role to motivate and coach the players. There is something wrong besides selections in a team giving up so many big leads.

    The better side won but it was only by a point.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    While i had a bit of a giggle about the question that would have to be the most frustrating game of rugby i have watched all year.

    The Saffa ref obviously had a bit of a chip on his shoulder because he was missing some obvious and seeing some non apparent mistakes all in Australia's gain. The high/low light would have to be the lead up to Ashley-Coopers try when he impeded play recognised his mistake, about to blow the whistle then pulled out (although the forward pass call that led to the scrum then try was just about as bad)

    Just a sign i believe of how good this All Black team is they can play utter rubbish for 60 minutes, not have the rub of the ref but still triumph.

    Hey Stagg here is the difference.

    1. Unlike yourself that will be all i will say about it, in 6 weeks time i will not be whining about the ref.

    2. Good teams deal with the cards they are given not make excuses. They get the W regardless.

    3 Champion players like Richie McCaw respond and perform at a higher level they drag their team mates with them. John Smit ? no. Matfield ? no. Spies ? ROFL

    On a side noe what happened to the supposed fortress "High Veldt". All tournament all we heard was "wait to you get to JoBurg, Pretoria, Bloemfontein". You won one game all Tri Nations i would be severely pissed off if that was my team.

    Sounds like another excuse Staggy. Brad Thorn is older than the pair of them yet his performance did not go down the toilet, also you failed to mention Pierre (TOUCH) Spies' age ?

    BTW NZ has a production line of talent mostly out of our winning Juniors team starting to emerge in the NPC that will make the AB's in 4 years time, just remember the name Julian Savea he will make a few Saffas look silly in the future.

    No Lel i did not see it did you ? That was a borderline call made by the ref. The others i have already stated were obvious as was Kaplans constant whining through the microphone. And by the way after we got pummelled in SA last year we played a test against some team on the way home and won, let me think that's right it was Australia do not give me that crap excuse for a lethargic last 20 deal with it.

    The fact that Aus did not win this test shows to me that they have made minimal progress. The AB's played their worst test in my memory since the French debacle. Line-out was average, handling poor, defence poor in other words they were there to be beaten. South Africa would have put 40-50 points on the AB's at Soweto if they had turned in that cabbage, Aus could only manage 20 lucky points.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hold yourself Kuruki. How old is that Aussie team? Average age is about 21 or 22 in the back line alone. That is a dangerous team being built. The ability to close comes with experience. And remember, the mighty always fall hard, like losing a World Cup at home.

    And what's that I see, Taraboy complaining about a referee dishing out unfair treatment? Oh the irony of it.

    @ Taraboy - That does not change the irony of it all.

    Here's the difference;

    John Smit - 32 years old, 102 Test Caps,

    Victor Matfield - 33 years old, 101 Test Caps

    Richie McCaw - 29 years old, 89 Test Caps.

    McCaw is in his physical prime, at his peak. Matfield & Smit are war-horses nearing the end, with about one season of international rugby left in them. And unfortunately for them and the team, they have not been afforded the rest they deserve and require.

  • 1 decade ago

    Australia is improving faster than NZ

    NZ lost the intensity last night. Trying to do too much with the new fellas against a smart Aussie side that strategically out played NZ for 80 minutes and forced us to bring the bench and return to percentage sets.

    Hats off to Ritchie and the back row for finally getting the job done, but let's face it, the new guys weren't really allowed to settle in and play the game the ABs wanted to play - Australia out played NZ last night in all but the last 20.

    Hopefully Deans will now hand goal kicking duties to Beal. Gits has been shithouse for too long, just can't fix his drift.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Kangaroo or Koala? KANGAROO Aussie regulations or Rugby League? AUSSIE Melbourne or Sydney? (careful with this one, trick question) i wager i don't recognize a lot...yet, i'm GONNA SAY SYDNEY Crocodile hunter or Crocodile Dundee? (for the Yanks) CROC HUNTER Bindi Irwin or Bindi Paxton? (you'll incredibly ought to study this one) PAXTON (with out THE study!) correct end or Tasmania for a visit? correct end Elle McPherson or Megan Gale? ELLE Kylie or Dannii? (Minogues for sure) KYLIE And for honest dinkum Australians, Holden or Ford? HOLDEN

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't speak too soon bro. Aussie's might be our daddy someday. Haha

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You stole that expression from the Americans.

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