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  • Are Australians the most arrogant sports nation?

    I honestly cant beleive how many times i have seen Australian hosted games where even on the loosing side it is always an Australian who recieves the award for player of the day. The biggest joke of all was Lockyer in a loosing World Cup final and the most recent being Nat Vanburto in a huge loss against the Magic. It's almost pathetic to watch and even the players themselves look embarrased to be receiving the honour they know they dont deserve.

    1 AnswerOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • Fantasy SciFi Opening Chapters?

    Im interested to hear your guys feedback.

    Alot of people swear black and blue, that starting your novel in the middle of or close to the action is the best way to go.

    I understand the need to grab your readers attention early.

    But when i read a book that has me thrown into the middle of a major action scene, with names and characters been thrown at me with little time to breath before the next one hits me, and then another one's being kidnapped or dying.

    I find it all a bit much and to be honest i couldnt care less about whats happening becoz i dont even know who it's happening to.

    Swishing swords and epic gun battles are meaningless if there is no attachment to anyone in the battle.

    My argument is that to get my attention, you need to feed me the character of the book and get me interested in the person i will be journeying with before the journey actually begins.

    Some people may think this equals boring, but i think its crucial groundwork to make that initial plot or action scene gripping.

    Imagine the Deathly Hallows opening action scene without knowing any of the characters with a reasonable depth in background. It would be a rather pointless waste of an epic scene.

    What do you think??

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Are the Kangaroos the new Chokers?

    Aussie like to give it to the Kiwi's about the All Blacks being chokers, i think its now fair to say the Kangaroos are choking on some Dog balls!

    Kiwi's have won 2 of the last 13 games the 1st was the World cup final, and the second was todays win in the Four Nations final!!!

    Knights11 how do you like the taste of Kiwi!!!!!

    11 AnswersRugby League1 decade ago
  • Do you think it's time Aus stop controlling International games?

    The way Aus get to basically decide the draw the venue's and the ref's for international games is a joke.

    Tony Archer was a blatant cheat on the weekend and i dont even like the Pom's.

    But it was obvious to me and the multiple others that watched the game together that he was clearly biast toward Aus, only squaring up the count when the game was in the bag.

    Aus may have a great side but they have had a piggy back for years now, just look at the percentage of games they play at home, compared to the Kiwi's.

    If the International game is ever going to improve things need to change, becoz Aus are only interested in keeping thier competition strong.

    10 AnswersRugby League1 decade ago
  • Is Kearney retarded for benching Luke?

    Is Stephen Kearney retarded for benching Isaac Luke for the England match and selecting Matalino over Sika Manu!!

    I think he is big time.

    9 AnswersRugby League1 decade ago
  • Resting Players good or bad?

    Graham Henry has got the right idea by hoping his All Blacks will get a break from rugby during the season next year. If inly a few weeks.

    What i dont agree with though, is how he treats his fringe players such as Cruden and Stanley. These guys basically trained for 2 or 3 months with minimal game time. Henry has a notion that being in the All Blacks camp is more beneficial than playing rugby. I disagree. Crudens first test start was doomed to fail, he is a guy that plays well when he plays rugby, Henry had him basically coming from 80 minutes of rugby in 2 months and expected him to perform.

    Some of the All Blacks will not have played a game for 7 weeks by Hong Kong i think that is too long a break and they should all play at least one game of ITM cup before then.

    2 AnswersRugby1 decade ago
  • How do you stop Sonnybill Williams having an impact?

    This guy is going to be a monster for Cantebury in the Super15 he just keeps on getting better with everygame, and it blows my mind how good he could be playing outside Dan Carter and inside Robbie Fruean. Will be a dangerous combination and i think it will be one most coaches in the Super15 will already be thinking about. Behind a Cantebury pack fulll of All Blacks i am very worried. Im a Chiefs man.

    Theres no doubt in my mind he will make the All Blacks, his game on the weekend just booked his ticket on the end of year tour.

    Nonu and Smith will be licking thier lips at the thought of getting gametime next to this beast, He will be the 1st man picked to cover 12 and 13 for the Ab's and will be a huge weapon for the World cup. I see him getting plenty of gametime inside Smith and outside Nonu, building up combinations for the big prize.

    4 AnswersRugby1 decade ago
  • Is the ARL guilty of bending rules to suit themselves?

    Neville Costigan has had a request to play for PNG in the Four Nations turned down by the ARU, topping up these minnow sides can only be good for the international game as it really is only a 3 horse race. Yet the ARL selected Akuila Uate to play in the Prime ministers team and have made him elligible for selection for NSW and Australia!!. It seems to me rules are re;axed when it suits them, Costigan did not qualify becoz of hi involvement in Origin yet Uate played for hi country of birth but is allowed now to play for NSW and Aus. What an absolute joke.

    4 AnswersRugby League1 decade ago
  • Whats the next big series?

    After success stories like. Lord of the rings, Star wars, Harry potter.

    What do you guys hope/think will be the next big storm to entertain us for years to come?

    Do you think it will be a Book series brought to the big screen?

    What would you like to see??

    I would love to see some new story with a mix of all three like an ultimate package combining the best of all of them, targeted more toward the Harry Potter fans more than the adult audience of LOTR but suitable for both, Possibly letting the target audience grow in age with the series.

    This does not have to be strictly a movie it can go to book first.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • My All Black Touring Squad. What you think?

    My All Black Touring Squad.

    30. Wyatt Crockett

    1. Tony Woodcock

    2. Ben franks

    3. Owen Franks

    4. John Afoa (cover for hooker)

    5. Kevin Mealamu

    6. Andrew Hore

    7. Brad Thorn

    8. Adam Whitelock

    9. Tom Donnelly

    10. Anthony Boric

    11. Richie McCaw

    12. Jerome Kaino

    13. Keiran Read

    14. Victor Vito

    15. Adam Thompson

    16. Piri Weepu

    17. Jimmy Cowan

    18. Aaron Cruden (emergency cover for halfback)

    19. Daniel Carter

    20. Colin Slade

    21. Ma'a Nonu

    22. Sonny Bill Williams

    23. Conrad Smith

    24. Robbie Fruean

    25. Rene Ranger

    26. Isreal Dagg

    27. Cory Jane

    28. Mills Mulliaina

    29. Sitivini Sivivatu/ Joe Rockocoko

    That is who i would like to see go on tour. Toeava can use next years Super15 to push for a spot if he has a blinder. Guys like SBW Fruean Slade Cruden Ranger need to have a real taste of international rugby, so they can go back to thier super teams next year with a good idea of the area's they need to improve and work on to push for World Cup spots. Guys like Messam Toeava McAlister have all shown what they can do it's time for the new guys to show there worth. If some fail then there is the cushion of experienced proven players to fall back on as a last resort.

    4 AnswersRugby1 decade ago
  • All Blacks. My opinion. What u think?

    I have seen enough of Cruden to know that he will not be the backup to Carter. Colin Slade has a much more developed game and has a great oppurtunity with Otago to push his claim further.

    I would love to see Cruden play halfback, his allround skills and running game can be well used at 9 where tactical kicking is not as crucial it would also give us a emergency 10 and free up another spot for fringe players to be given a go on tour. Fruean Savea SBW

    I am very angry with Henry for playing Dagg on the wing. I feel he will ruin his natural fullback instinct if he has to learn a new position. Ranger is a winger he should have started in that position.

    Corey Flynn should not be in the squad, Demalmunch has much more potential and strength around the paddock, but was left out for his throwing, which Flynn showed he cannot do well either.

    Hore and Mealamu should be the main hookers and Afoa should be backup as it will free up a spot on tour for a luxury like Fruean or Sonnybill Williams rather than a third specialist hooker who realisticly will only play cameos of 10 minutes max if at all.

    Guys like McAlister Donald Tialata should be put out of contention now and concentrate on the future. Id hate to see McAlister get a spot on tour in place of some1 like Slade SBW Fruean

    3 AnswersRugby1 decade ago
  • Aussie's who's your daddy?

    I think its time the Aussies of the Rugby world acknowledge that the All Blacks are your daddy.

    Everytime you get a win against somebody else, you cant help talking yourselves up all week, just to fail again, it gets on my nerves thats why i take so much pleasure in rubbing it in afterwards, becoz you deserve it.

    People say we cant win without Carter. Myth busted. We just beat the 2nd ranked team in the world at there home ground infront of 70,000 of there supporters, with 5 changes.

    I keep hearing the gap is closing , Aus are improving. Ive heard that after the last 6 or 7 matches but yet the tally stands at 10-0.

    And youve blown massive leads to loose 2 games in the last 3 weeks, and nearly a 3rd after being miles ahead. I fail to see any improvement when a team can jump out to such big leads and then be rolled over at the finish line.

    12 AnswersRugby1 decade ago
  • Who is the best team in the World?

    90.000 + Crowd

    Special moment in South African rugby playing in Soweto

    John Smits 100th test.

    And the Black train just keeps on rolling. Anyone hungry we just roasted us some Springbok.

    21 AnswersRugby1 decade ago
  • Do the South Africans ever get tired of making excuses?

    Its not cheating refs, or conspiracy's, or Richie McCaw cheating at the ruck, this time the Africans have come up with a new reason why the All Blacks beat them. This time according to Victor Matfield the All Blacks are cheating at the lineout, throwing the ball in too quickly and not waiting for South Africa to be ready.

    This is comical stuff the All Blacks have finally realised Matfields strength, he is brilliant at reading the body language of lifters and jumpers in the lineout, the Ab's have clicked onto this and are now throwing the ball much quicker giving Matfield less time to asses the situation, Hence why he was not as effective as he usually is. Sorry Victor but the game is leaving players like you behind. I think it will take some time for these guys to realise the ways of old are nolonger going to work, if they dont find improvement then they will struggle. De villiers sums it up best when he says i dont know how we lost, we still have the same skills as last year. Exactly PDV u do have the same skills as last year but the game has moved on. Its not Cheating its improving.

    6 AnswersRugby1 decade ago
  • How Pathetic was the South African Ref !!!?

    What a disgracefull showing from the reff, sending Drew mitchell off twice for 2 very soft offences.

    Sending Owen franks for a perfectly legal tackle.

    Then the touch judge and reff both want to send off whitelock for absolutely nothing! Luckily both never saw the number becoz that would have been a comical call.

    There was alot of moaning about the Irish reffs from the South African camp, only to have them send us a reff who is much much worse. Its a disgrace the SANZAR need to sort out these guys before they ruin our game. i am disgusted

    10 AnswersRugby1 decade ago
  • Are you sick of these game day spammers?

    I am getting sick of these spammers bombarding the site with questions of where to watch the live rugby, and then spamming there websites as answers. It happens all the time and is ruining the site. If you to are sick of these people then join me in reporting them and hopefully together we can rid this place of the filth. Go the All Blacks!!

    3 AnswersRugby1 decade ago
  • Has South Africa reached the stage of desperation?

    There coach and heads of rugby are going to launch an official complaint, that South africa has been cheated by reffs in a bid to boost NZ rugby ahead of the world cup. They believe there is a bias against South African players at the judiciary aswell.

    This to me is the a last resort of a desperate coach.

    The Penalty count on the weekend was 9-10, Russow attempted an eye gouge, dirty play that is not tolerated in todays professional game, maybe it is common place in South Africa to headbutt and eye gouge, but the rest of the world has moved on from these caveman tactics.

    Richie McCaw was lucky not to be yellow carded, but so was Devilliers and Kirchner, so please tell me where with facts on the table, in any of this has South Africa been cheated unfairly more than anyone else?

    Bakkies got nine weeks for thuggery and with his prior record that was a minimum sentence.

    De Villiers got the Average penalty for similar tackles that is handed out to anyone in the same boat.

    Its time for South Africans to wake up, if you continue to use dirty tactics in games becoz of a lack of discipline and self control you are going to continue to be penalised and scrutanised. This is nobody elses fault but your own.

    Blaming reffs and an international conspiracy is comical, it makes for a sad sight that such a talented nation and team have resorted to this, rather than facing up to the truth, that they are no longer the best team in the world. Truth hurts.

    7 AnswersRugby1 decade ago
  • Do you think Russows yellow card was justified?

    At first i thought it was a very soft card, having just watched a replay of the incident, it is clear to see that russow attemted to eye gouge Richie McCaw he reached down with his fingers curled and attempted to hook McCaw in the eye he just missed the eye and only got the brow, Watching it in slow motion there is absolutely no doubt about what he intended to do, this is why McCaw lashed out and then Dannie followed with a pathetic little stab with the knee.

    This is a typical trait of South African rugby and its no shock that its happening when they have a coach who condones these actions. Boks have nobody to blame for thier losses but thier lack of discipline.

    6 AnswersRugby1 decade ago
  • Your thoughts on Aussie vs Springboks this weekend.?

    I really think the All Blacks have done Australia a huge favour, Bakkies botha and Devilliers both out.

    The Boks will have thier pride dented and will be still recovering from two very high pace high intensity battles.

    They have not won in Brisbane for a long long time if ever and i think the Wallabies have had the blueprint layd out for them on how to beat the Boks.

    If aussie can hold thier own in the fowards which will be a big ask i think they have the backline to make dents into this Bok backline.

    Will be a very interesting game to watch and another loss for Africa could well be the end of thier chances this year. Go the Aussies from a Kiwi!!!!!!!!

    9 AnswersRugby1 decade ago
  • Robbie Deans are you serious!!?

    I have just read an article where Robbie deans has backed the new laws of the Super14 and said he thinks the refs have got the laws near perfect. Are you watching the same game Robbie??

    Then he goes on to say he is happy that refferees now realise they have the power to really influence the outcome of a match and that is good news to him becoz no longer Will the players and coaches push the agenda?? Robbie i think your stint in Australia may have made you a bit Retarded so i will forgive you for this ridiculous comment you have made about Referees dictating the outcome of games being good for the Super14. And a tip for your less than impressive Aussie side Maybe you shud try telling yourself and your players that you are actually meant to be the ones who go out there and win or loose the games. Just a hint!

    2 AnswersRugby1 decade ago